Freezer Burn
Freezer Burn
| 01 January 2007 (USA)
Freezer Burn Trailers

A brilliant scientist falls for his wife's 14-year-old art student and, using the technology from his research, he figures out a way for them to be together.

Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
undercover_at_the_movies Freezer Burn directed by Charles Hood sounds like a good movie. A scientist falls for a younger girl and he decides to freeze himself so that he can wake up and be with her in the future. This was an interesting enough synopsis for me to place this in my Netflix Instant Queue. I would come to immediately regret this decision.This movie is beyond indie; it walks the delicate line between an indie film and guerrilla-style shooting. In general, this is not something that I mind; I welcome indie films wholeheartedly. However, adding this camera-work to terrible acting and an inane script made this movie unbearable to watch.It opens on Virgil and Rex, two scientists working on a way to preserve things in ice so that they might wake up later fully functional and just as they were before. After many unimportant plot points and absurd dialogue, Virgil eventually meets a 14-year-old student of his wife's and immediately falls into pedophilic love with her. He decides erratically that he will test his new scientific theories by freezing himself in order to wait for her to be the same age as he is. As you might have guessed, this plays out as the stupidest romantic ploy in the history of film. Once Virgil is awoken in the future, this movie really takes a turn for the worst. Nonetheless, I will not ruin the end for you as you may want to torture yourself by watching this later.I was slightly reminded of another cinematic pedophile, Lester Burnham from American Beauty. Kevin Spacey played that role beautifully, to where you were almost rooting for this poor man to hook up with the high school girl. It was to the point that you hardly even noticed it was a pedophilic crush. This was certainly not the case with Virgil. Throughout the whole film, all you can think about is how creepy and disturbing his immediate love for this ninth grader is. As well, Virgil took it much further than Lester did by freezing himself and forfeiting fifteen years of his life to attempt to be with (legally) a girl he has only met twice.There was literally nothing redeeming about this film. The acting was awful; the script was full of plot twists that made no sense and sad attempts at quippy dialogue; and the camera-work was just appalling, appearing to not have any control over lighting whatsoever. I have sat here and endeavored to think of anything positive I could say about the film; all I could come up with is that I am thankful no one in this movie has yet to do another project. Another encouraging note is that this movie gave me hope. If these people can make a horrible movie as such and get it onto DVD and even to Netflix, then maybe I, too, can one day shoot a movie worthy of Netflix.If you are an indie filmmaker yourself, then you may be able to watch this and identify with someone's first try at film. Or you may, like me, watch it and become mortified that this script was able to get any recognition, let alone money to endorse turning it into a movie.
movieman_kev Not to be confused with the utterly awful horror/comedy "Freezer Burn: The Invasion of Laxdale", this film has Virgil Stamp, a scientist experimenting with cryogenics, deciding to test it on himself after his marriage turns sour and he develops an affection for his wife's 14 year old student, Emma, after growing enamored with her paintings. (his wife understandable throws a fit and destroys his previous research when she finds out). His plan is to thaw himself back out after Emma gets to be the age he was before freezing himself. Needless to say, things don't go as planned.The acting in the film is a tad sub-par. That and the numerous badly done 'winks' to other films made me not like it as much as I could have. The film also feels like it could've been edited down a bit more as it drags in parts. The plot itself was interesting (hence why i Netflix-ed this) but the execution left me wanting.My Grade: D+DVD Extras: 23 minute short film: Final defrostification of Virgil Stamp (an extremely edited cut of the film which actually plays better); gag reel; posters; trailer for this movie; and trailers for "He's on my Mind" &"the GARTH Method""
sanborneo i watched this under a friend's recommendation, & my only problem was, given the title, the obviously low budget, & the fact it involved scientists working in a cheapo lab, i naturally assumed it was going to morph into some sort of sci-fi (that's right, we still spell it that way, SyFy!!) horror film--the Rampage of the Hideous Freezer Demon, or something. but once i got past that, & settled into the film's rhythms, i was pleasantly surprised. i won't bother w/a plot synopsis, but suffice-to-say, it's a very original product, a light but dark anti-romantic comedy. sure, you can laugh that the petri dishes they use in their "lab" are in fact tin-foil take-out containers, but as a veteran of many even LOWER budget productions than this, i can tell you that the level of direction, writing, acting & the consistency of tone they achieve is extremely difficult under those circumstances, & all the more impressive for it. keep your mind open, look past the obvious short-comings, & you'll have a good time most Hollywood dreck can't provide...
therefdotcom i watched this movie yesterday because i saw that it had a rating of over 8 points here on IMDb and because it was categorized as comedy/romance/sci fi. both factors combined is usually a mixture that can not fail my taste. my mistake though was that i did not notice that only 34 people rated it so far, but i just noticed that today before i started writing this review.OK, let's sedate this without revealing too my surprise this started off as a low-cost movie in a rather amateurish lab environment. the acting did not start off as bad as i expected, but the main protagonists felt somewhat hateable from the very beginning. anyway, i didn't want to fall into judgement too soon and watched it through the end before making my mind up.the story of a guy who finds the formula for successful cryogenics in a lab that has like $65 dollars of equipment in it, who gets oppressed by his tyrannic wife, riduculed by his wheelchaired and completely soul-less assistant, and falls in love with a 14 year old girl he barely knows and thereby decides to freeze himself in a fridge until she's his age, can only described as "odd".there are some alight ideas in there, which could have worked as an alright movie if done with a much better script. the final product does not really qualify as a comedy and even less as a scifi/romantic comedy. there is really nothing funny about it. also there is nothing in it that would even remotely pass as romantic. the characters are just sad, very sad. every single one of them and the whole plot line is just tragic. you don't manage to get any feelings for the characters, neither good or bad. it is more like observing the movie than feeling some kind of connection to the protagonist.since the storyline is so out-of-this world they should have used this material and make 90% of all scenes completely over-the-top to give it the needed comedic spin, that this movie is so clearly missing.this wasn't a terribly agonizing experience, since it didn't offend me in any way, but it was extremely boring and very misleading. i was expecting to get some good laughs out of it, or at least some chuckles, but as already stated, this is not a comedy.