Free Ride
Free Ride
R | 10 October 2013 (USA)
Free Ride Trailers

A single mom in the 1970s raises her two daughters and becomes involved in illegal drug trade to make a better life.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
SnoopyStyle It's 1977. Christina Willand (Anna Paquin) escapes her abusive partner taking her daughters MJ (Liana Liberato) and Shell (Ava Acres) from Barberton, Ohio to Sandy (Drea de Matteo) in Florida. Christina gets a job cleaning mansions. Sandy gets her involved dealing with Ray (Cam Gigandet) and the Bossman. They are soon transporting large amounts of drugs. The family is given a house to live in while the Bossman stores drugs in the barn.I think this movie is set up for something better. Instead, the story just lays there without sustained drama. It's a bit random and disjointed. Christina as a character doesn't change enough to be compelling. This may be better off as a movie about MJ and her relationship with her mother. Her character changes much more from telling her little sister to come clean about stealing gum to dealing with her drug transporting mom to falling into troubled herself. She's traveling a more compelling journey. I also don't understand why they wouldn't dramatize the climatic crash with Sandy instead of the new character Rain. This is supposedly director/writer Shana Betz's real life as the character Shell and maybe she didn't fictionalize the story enough. She needs to rewrite this with an eye towards making a compelling story.
Tony Heck "We should have never left Ohio." Christina (Paquin) is a single mother looking to start a new and better life for her two daughters MJ (Liberato) and Shell. They move to Florida and meet up with Sandy who introduces Christina to the world of drug trafficking. What starts off as a way to make some quick money on the side for her kids soon spirals out of control and changes the lives of all involved. I will start by saying that this isn't an original idea but the fact that this one is based on a true story makes it seem fresh. The acting is very good in this and there are just enough different story lines going on to keep you interested and make the movie tense. The mom trying to avoid the law, the tension between the mom and the oldest daughter, and the love interest lines keep you watching and wondering what will happen next. We see Christina go from a great mom to an absentee mom fairly quickly and the same arc for MJ really made me like the movie more then I expected too. Overall, there really isn't much else to say about this, pretty cookie cutter and predictable but it is a true story so that fact alone makes it more interesting. I give it a B.
blueknowser While not a perfect film I thought it was none the less very good. Great performances by all of the cast and really took me back to the 70's style wise. I liked the music as well but mostly I liked Anna Paquin. She plays a mom that is pretty strong and and loves her girls but knows she has to take risks to take care of them. There could have been a bit more character development and perhaps more interaction at school for the girls but keeping it from being too long won out in the end I believe. For a true story I think it deserves a watch and feel confident that it is at least worth a 7 out of 10. Few will be disappointed .... Cheers
cherylcoveduck I thought it was a great movie, considering those who watch it will not know what scenes were cut out completely. The Sarasota, FL bar scene and all in it, cut out...Aay Mate...The Sarasota school scene, where are the girls? Cut out.. That is a disappointment for all that participated and waited 2 years to see. The movie needed to last 1/2 hr. longer. But all in all, it was a great production True Story. I like the mix you put in it. It was a pleasure and FL Boy enjoyed participation. Cast was wonderful. Wish I could have kept some photos........but rules are rules, right Mr. Moyer....Good job Annie and everyone else.FL MOM