Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove
Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove
| 04 October 2005 (USA)
Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove Trailers

Near an isolated beach on California's coast, a sinister plan is underway in a laboratory of horror. Three renegade scientists have resurrected the Frankenstein Monster. . . legendary indestructible dead man come to life. . . and they have also created a biogentically engineered half-man, half fish abomination. . . to use as secret weapons in the fight against terrorists worldwide. However, disaster strikes when the terrifying monsters chemical brainwashing fails and the entire plan goes to hell! Instead of stopping terror, these invincible monsters spread terror! The first victims. . . young people on a glamour photo shoot are attacked by the amphibious beast of evil! Rescued and held hostage by the scientists, the survivors must find a way to escape the madmen and the monsters!

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
trashgang If you like the old school horrors were we don't have blood in it and monsters are walking around, by which I mean, people in a suit than this flick is surely one for you. If you look closely to the title then you could guessed it already. Now I'm not into horrors from the 50's and 60's but I do like the older ones. The story is roughly based on Frankenstein but they did add the monster from The Creature From The Black Lagoon to it. And I must say that I enjoyed it. Maybe it is a bit too long clocking in at 9à minutes. The could have gone for 70 minutes like the old ones. It's shot in black and white but it all happens nowadays. As I have said, there isn't any gore or almost no red stuff in it but I was surprised that they added some gratuitous nudity in it were one was a strip scene. It's weird that the producers dared to make such a old school one in a time were gore is hot. I liked it but I can understand that some won't.Gore 0/5 Nudity 3/5 Effects 0/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
doctor13 I have one positive thing to say about this film: the black-and-white cinematography was excellent! Too bad that's the only good thing I can say about the film. Dumb plot, wild over-acting, offensive gay character, rubbery monsters, and that's just the beginning. The movie doesn't know what it wants to be: horror film or camp comedy. It succeeds at neither and fails at both.Which is unfortunate. The enthusiasm seems to be there, but while it is a slick-looking film, it's Grade-Z roots scream louder than the stereotypical gay character (why is he even there?).Also, since it seems to be playing on the concept of the Universal monsters, this might lure small children into watching, and it is definitely an R-rated flick, with lots of topless women posing and touching themselves in the water, which seems to be the real reason for this film's existence. And the ending is just dumb. Why make the ghost of the doctor more powerful than the ghosts of the monsters? Is the director in love with that character? I'm a fan of the old Universal classics, and this is not an homage, it's an insult.
Saldana3N5472 While perhaps not entirely the homage that the advance publicity advertised (honestly, what movie ever lives up entirely to its advance billing?), this picture is definitely fun and clearly made with love and respect for the classic Hammer and AIP horror films. Director/producer/writer William Winckler wonderfully captures the look and feel of those vintage features, while at the same time updating the plot with flashes of gore, T&A, and, believe it or not, a storyline that loosely ties in to modern-day terrorism. Perhaps that's why the 2006 World Horror Convention awarded the adventure with "Best Feature Film" honors. It's not a perfect picture, but most classic horror film fans should find it appropriately spooky and entertaining. Recommended!
Chad Byers I really enjoyed Frankenstein vs. the Creature From Blood Cove! It was just what I wanted it to be, a very fun, good natured ride.I grew up watching the Universal Horror classics as well as the great AIP and Hammer flicks...along with a huge amount of Grade Z films and I could tell watching this film that the makers had just as much affection and love for those films as I did. Unlike Lost Skeleton of Cavdavera (which I did like, though IMO it kind of wore it's one joke out pretty early) "Frankenstein..." isn't meant to be a comedy parody of the old classic horror films. Nor is it strictly an homage. I mean, you just can't make a movie like that anymore. What it is, is just a good time, with grave digging, werewolves (Butch Patrick!) mad scientists (including a lovely blond one with a British don't get better than that,) the Frankenstein monster, ghosts and a Creature from the Black Lagoon-ish monster. And it's all handled in such a fun way that I couldn't help but be entertained. And hey, I'm an adult, and I've got no problem with the R-rated take on the film. To me, it just adds to the fun and enjoyment. The nudity, etc is handled in the same fun/good natured way as the rest of the film. It comes across as anything but sleazy.So if you're looking for a fun movie with monsters, silliness, beautiful girls and some of their beautiful assets, and you'd always thought it would be kinda cool if the Frankenstein Monster and the Gillman could've been in the same movie together, I think you'll have a good time with this film. Don't go into it expecting "Lost Skeleton" or a die-hard facsimile of one of Universal's monster-mash films cause it is definitely not that. But it is a blast.