PG-13 | 14 April 2013 (USA)
Fractured Trailers

The film follows "Dylan White" who works as a cook in Baton Rouge. He is also in a solid relationship with his girlfriend "Brandy". Things are great until strange events prompt him to seek out the truth about himself -- following clues, Dylan discovers a dark past in New Orleans. Can he right his past wrongs and find redemption for his sins?

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
anneliesestauff The cinematography was decent but the writing and/or directing was weak. The plot devices felt obvious and predictable. The situations in the story seemed contrived and I had a hard time believing that the characters had motivation to warrant their actions/reactions to events - giving many of the dramatic scenes an unintended comic effect. I almost never stop watching a movie I've invested more than 30 minutes in, so I watched until the end yet I felt my time could have been better spent.Why does the movie poster feature a relatively minor character? Is it because the lead actor is not as well known? The actor featured in the ad is somewhat recognizable even though he has a relatively small part. That seems misleading and unfair. I was actually quite impressed with the lead's performance - especially considering that some of his dialogue was, in my opinion, very poorly written, and probably a challenge to deliver. Other performances in the movie were unremarkable.
janicevirant Darren Aronofsky meets David Lynch! I love twisted, yet smart psychological thrillers and Fractured satisfies! Adam Gierasch directs his talented cast adeptly thru the mire of horrific, intriguing, and shockingly raw scenes. The cast plays each scene with an emotional and artistic freedom that truly impresses. There are many so called "shock value" scenes, but I believe, given the movie's subject matter, this gritty reality jolts the viewer into an emotional response. I also loved the cinematography, no airbrushing or heavy make-up...real people! Beautiful people not afraid to be uninhibited. In my opinion, this is the mark of a well made movie!
trashgang This isn't an easy movie to watch for a few reasons. It do offer gore in it's extremest way and it offers a story that you will have some questions to be answered after wards. The strangeness of the script reminded me a bit of Lost Highway (1997), maybe the score used in Fractured add to that feeling?When a guy wakes up from a coma he just doesn't know who he is. Therefor he has to search into his mind and past to see who and what he was. It isn't going to be a funny ride. As I wrote earlier it do involves a few extreme gory shots, let's say the scalping is the hardest to take. And when I say that Fred Vogel was responsible for the effects then you know enough, Fred is know for the Mordum Underground flicks. There's also a lot of nudity to catch even as it isn't that gratuitous as we thought. it's done by Ashlynn Yennie who we knew from the Human Centipede part 1 & 2. She goes all the way full frontal. Vinnie Jones is also to catch and as always he's playing the tough guy.I do like film noire or flicks you can't understand and I surely would file this under that genre but with a gory aftertaste. Can't say it's straight horror, some parts are, and it surely isn't going to be for everyone but it's worth picking up.Gore 3/5 Nudity 2/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
temrok9 I discovered this gem of a movie at the Horrorant Festival in Greece;it's a pity that horror movie means these days paranormal activities and other catastrophes.Schism gives horror cinema back its dignity.An otherwise usual plot, of amnesia after coma, is carefully narrated and directed to turn into a dreamy universe that reminds of the poetic horror cinema of 60s and 70s, with a little bit of gore.The movie avoids clichés, and is full of nightmarish sequences that do not end with the final solution.I read somewhere that it can be considered as a neo-noir, something one can definitely say following the way the film unfolds, as an investigation in noir tones, both in music and image.At the end you feel you have been immersed in a hallucinatory world, of shadows and whispers.And that is what horror movies must be like!