Four Sided Triangle
Four Sided Triangle
| 15 June 1953 (USA)
Four Sided Triangle Trailers

A young man, in love with a woman who can never be his, discovers a way to fulfil his dreams. In their childhood the three were the best of friends, the perfect triangle. But years later when Lena returns to her sleepy home the tone of the relationship changes and it is Robin she loves. Bill has discovered a method of duplication and decides to make an exact replica of the woman he cannot have... .with disastrous consequences for them all.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Hitchcoc The premise is, of course, a couple of boyhood friends who have always been rivals for a cute girl, Lena. Robin is the one that always seems to ace out the other guy. But their friendship continues as they both seek out careers as scientists. When the threesome come together, the boys have been putting together quite the machine in an old barn where they used to put on plays (Mickey Rooney, are you listening). Anyway, they have made a great discovery. By boiling water in big flasks and using an oscilloscope, they have mastered duplicating any object they wish. Both of them continue to lust after Lena. After selling out to the government which will probably use it to mass produce atomic bombs, Robin announces he and the girl are going to get married. Of course, his rival is devastated. So what do you do when can't get the girl. You talk her into being duplicated. Anyway, the morality of such a move is certainly questionable, but the practicality of it is beyond belief. The one question to ask is "If the two women, one original and the other a clone, are exact duplicate, well.....think about it. Hammer films made this early flick and it's worth a look, but don't think too much.
lloyd150 I viewed this as I was looking at titles with James Payton in them. This is a little gem that has a good story-line which leaves you wanting more. The basic premise is good and not too complicated. The main actors are strong and likable. You feel for the scientist as he tries to replicate the woman of his dreams.Do not expect scares more a complex situation. There are no great special effects it is more the dialogue than the actions which make this a great film.This is one of Hammer's better films.Barbara Payton is great in one of her final roles. There does seem to be chemistry between the actors and they grab your sympathy.
martin-fennell This old black and white movie is a very boring, and very solemn piece of science fiction about a scientist who when his best friend gets the girl he loves decides to build a life size replica of her. it might have been more tolerant as a comedy. That's all i have to say on the movie. God, this is really annoying having to write 10 lines about a movie, when I don't have that much too say about it, particularly when it's over 30 years (probaby) since i saw the thing. Do you really think i have nothing better to do with my time than write long reviews about movies. This is really annoying me. I'm reminded of episodes in buffy about some nerds who built a robot replica of buffy. That was much better than this.
John W Chance This is the first movie about cloning a person. It is adapted from William F. Temple's novel of 1949, which itself was an expansion of his short story 'The Four Sided Triangle' published in 1939! In this version, Dr. Bill Leggat, with the assistance of his childhood friends Robin and Lena, builds a 'reproducer,' a matter duplicator. Bill, however, has always been running second to Robin in Lena's affections, and when she marries Robin, he becomes distraught, and decides to 'reproduce' her. She finally agrees, since he promises her that the reproduced Lena will be wiped clean of any memories, and will start life anew. He then runs off with the cloned Lena, whom he calls Helen. Unfortunately for Bill, she does retain at least some of her original memories and love for Robin.The critical dramatic theme, of course, is how the new Lena, Helen, deals with the fact of her existence. More of the movie should have been spent on this. The problems emerging from the self-awareness of the clone have been treated not only in Temple's story and novel, but also in John Varley's short story 'The Barbie Murders' (1978), Stanislaw Lem's amazing descriptions in his novel 'Fiasco' (1987), and Natalya Banderchuk's poignant performance as the constantly being recreated Hari in Tarkovsky's deviant but brilliant movie version of 'Solyaris' (1972) -- also written by Stanislaw Lem. Here the dramatic burden falls on Barbara Payton as Lena/Helen, also to be seen in the split identity themed 'Bride of the Gorilla' (1951). She does a fair job of expressing her mixed feelings of being re-created, finally opting for an aborted suicide. An all consuming fire in Bill's barn / laboratory dooms Bill and Helen, though in the short story the reader is left puzzling whether it is Lena or Helen who survives.This film is like a too long episode of 'The Outer Limits,' which would have neatly telescoped this 81 minutes into a fast moving 52, the way that the episode 'Specimen: Unknown' (1964) is a condensed version of 'Day of the Triffids' (1963); or 'The Man Who Was Never Born' (1963) shortens a multi-themed two hour movie into a quick one hour; or Harlan Ellison's episode 'Soldier' (1964) gives us 'The Terminator' (1984). Here the laboratory sequences of perfecting organic matter re-creation go on too long; the entire development of the 'reproducer' could have been shortened, although all of the lab scenes tell us this is really a science fiction movie with a strong character focus like the best of 'The Outer Limits.' I'll give it a 5.