Fort Bowie
Fort Bowie
NR | 01 February 1958 (USA)
Fort Bowie Trailers

Fort Bowie commander Colonel Garrett, suspecting that his wife Alison is having an affair with good-looking Captain Thompson, sends him on a dangerous mission to try to persuade renegade Indian leader Victorio to cease his attacks against white settlers and soldiers.

NipPierce Wow, this is a REALLY bad movie!
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Oslo Jargo (Bartok Kinski) *** This review may contain spoilers *** *Plot and ending analyzed*Fort Bowie (1958) is a horrible Western, and there are many reasons that being the case. The most notable is a diluted script, bad acting, and a baseless portrayal of the Apache Indians war tactics. Ben Johnson is ineffective as the lead man, for he's as stiff as a bucket of heavy lead. You don't know if he sympathizes with the Apaches or wants them all killed, since he alternates throughout. I don't think it matters much since he comes off as some arrogant jerk.The Apaches themselves are played as half-grunting oafs. The plot is the standard U.S. Cavalry versus the much-hated Apaches. One officer wants to use mild tactics, while another wants to kill them outright.In the film, the Apaches attack a large fort head-on in one of the most ridiculous scenes of a Western. In reality, two Apaches could have sneaked in and burnt the fort during the night. But the Apaches were intelligent and always avoided large groups of soldiers or forts. They also threw in a paltry love interest side-story that is so stupid that it defies any intelligence. The only reason to watch this film is because of the stuntmen who perform some good horse riding and battles scenes, that's about it. Ben Johnson was a good character actor, but not a reliable lead. This film falls short of being average at that.
matchettja When a ruthless and bloodthirsty major slaughters a band of Apaches who have come with a white flag looking to surrender, the U.S. army finds itself in an all out war with Apaches under Victorio, who has left the reservation. The commander of Fort Bowie, Col. Garrett, finds his job to contain the hostiles complicated after his wife, unhappy in her situation, makes false allegations of improper advances against Captain Thompson. The colonel then decides to send the captain on a suicide mission, to find and order Victorio back to the reservation.Very much a "B" western, with script and acting to match, it features the always entertaining Ben Johnson in a rare leading role. His horsemanship is very much on display, at one point jumping his horse over the walls of Fort Bowie to get at the Apaches, who have overrun the fort. Beautiful Jana Davi also graces the screen as the half Mexican, half Apache Chanzana, one of Victorio's former wives. She has her heart set on landing Captain Thompson, but he is distracted by Alison Garrett, thinking her an ideal army wife.Though "Fort Bowie" will never be mistaken for one of John Ford's western classics, there is plenty of action to satisfy most fans of the genre.
browser-4 not a review on the movie but I wonder if anyone could give more information on Jana Davi/Maureen Hingert? I am a large fan of movies from the 30's, 40's and 50's and liked this lady. It seems a shame she was in so few pictures and would like to know more about her. .... Just an old man's interest. Any input would be appreciated.Probably not a large number of people can fill in any information for a minor actress but I would like to have any information available.There HAS to be someone out there that has some information on her. Thank you for any help.I just saw her in GUN FEVER and fell in love with her all over again. Don't ask me why, I just did.
alexandre michel liberman (tmwest) This film is a surprise, it turns out to be much better than expected, considering few people ever heard about it. Ben Johnson as Capt. Thompson proves that he should had more leading roles. The two women, the beautiful Jana Davi (born in Ceylon) and Jan Harrison are responsible for making this a better than average B western. Harrison is Allison, the unfaithful wife of Col. James Garret. Jana Davi is Chanzana one of the wives of Victorio, who leaves the reservation and declares war. This reaction was caused by Major Wharton's bloody and unjustified massacre of Santo and his men who wanted to make peace. Both women fall in love with Thompson, who tries to resist because of the consequences. Good cinematography and the music is by Les Baxter.