NR | 02 February 2016 (USA)

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When a Priest discovers his wife is deathly ill, he decides to go against his faith and use his knowledge of exorcisms to possess her in order to save her life.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Reno Rangan I don't know why I'm writing this review. Usually I avoid watching this kind of films. For the last ten or so years, I've been successful at that, but now it happened with a mistake. I thought it was the one with Don Sutherland in it. I did not realise that I'm in a wrong film until I saw someone who was possessed by a demon doing the yoga poses.I'd already started, so decided to finish it off, but that was a bad decision to regret. Knowing it would be a worst film, sit for it through is what real patience a film fanatic need. But surely I won't suggest any of you to do that, because it is totally a waste of time. Instead, you can re-watch any film you thought is very bad before this one.For me, this is like an almost worst film ever, though I've seen even worse than this, so it will be one among them that I disliked badly. Honestly, I laughed better during watching it than those real comedies from the recent time. I know there will be people who find it at least a decent, but definitely majority would find it difficult keep watching, so 10-15 minutes would be a great achievement. Recommended to skip it from the miles.1/10
voje-31274 I watched this film because I love horror flicks, and I hoped for a good one, boy was I disappointed.The effects was decent, I was scared a couple of times, and the acting of the main character wasn't too bad, but that was it.The script is so limited, that it's hard to grasp what is really going on here, and it boils down to a demon possession thing where no one understands what is happening.Truly a dark story with decent visual effects, but it was boring to watch.All in all it's a decent horror flick, but lacking a good story behind it.
Josef Roesler (madwand6) I feel sorry for anyone who thought this drivel was any good at all. The dialogue sounded like it was written by grade schoolers, the acting is amateurish, and there is absolutely no plot. Typical of crappy movies, most of it was filmed in the dark to hide the glaring deficits of this disaster of a movie. The story is so terrible that most of the dialogue makes no sense at all and I have absolutely no idea what the main character was doing at the end. The entire time I had this on I wanted to turn it off but I kept thinking there's no way a movie can be as bad as I thought it was, so I kept waiting for some redeeming value, but it never came. Just regret. This was a terrible mistake.
theelby-17728 Yes there are things wrong with this exocicim horror flick Looks a bit low budget,but the main actor does the best With what he has to go with, The film delivers the genuine scares but it also is a Little in cohesive at times jumping from one thing to another. But maybe if you like these exorcism movies its probably worth you having a look for yourself,its not going to be a waste of you time to sit through Forsaken. 6 out of 10 a solid effort there is nothing that we ain't seen before Except this little film does have scary moments. So forgive the bad moments and enjoy the scary ones. I liked this movie because the possessed people were really out of control and well they certainly pass the possessed test with flying colours,there are so many of these films today its getting harder to choose the good from the bad but this one thou not a gem it is a great piece of costume.