The Returning
The Returning
| 01 January 1983 (USA)
The Returning Trailers

Two different men are possessed by spirits of Native Americans after they separately wander into a sacred burial ground. When John and Sybil come home with their son after a trip to the Mojave Desert, they bring an unusual stone back as a memento of the trip. The stone seems to cause strange noises and other horrible inexplicable phenomena.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
gardeenah IN regards to viewers who may have seen THE RETURNING movie permit me to say that the version that has been peddled on the internet is not the real print or the final product that my company produced back in 1983. There has been a copy-right infringement of this film. Given the parasitic impulse and nature of some individuals- this perhaps is not surprising or unusual. Somehow, somewhere some character(s) or entity got hold of a tape of the film THE RETURNING and began to illegally peddle it. Also other characters out there- in order to hide and cover-up their illegal activity re-titled THE RETURNING:-- WITCH DOCTOR - being one of their cover-ups. We at Willow Productions will in the very near future submit the proper and legal version of the film THE RETURNING. Sincere apologies to all who may have- with good intentions- paid a fee to see such an illegal and inferior product. Gabriel Walsh : President : Willow Productions. Co. Ltd.
Coventry Some of my mates and I deliberately seek out obscure, weird and bad horror movies; particularly from the 1980's. Yes, we're totally nuts, but that's beside the point. Needless to say we've seen some crazy stuff over the years already. We've seen films that vary from cheap and bizarre but imaginative towards cheap, bad and too utterly demented for words. "The Returning" simply has got to be one of the most inexplicably nonsensical things we've ever laid our hands on. The film is a strange kind of amalgamation of themes & tones, like drama vs. horror and psychology vs. revenge. I'm almost tempted to claim director Joel Bender and writer Patrick Nash attempted to accomplish something experimental and artistic, but sadly it just got categorized as tacky "Indian Curse" horror from the early 80's, like there are dozens of them. The plot introduces the Ophir family from Utah. Father John and son Billy are obsessed with collecting ancient Indian relics, so each year the family heads out to the Mojave Desert to find new rocks, arrow heads and whatever they can find. During the last holiday, Billy brought back a unique pair of stones that occasionally "glow". A few weeks later, however, Billy tragically dies when a trucker hits his bike. Heavily struggling with grief, his father becomes "possessed" with the power of the stones. He starts to behave like his 12-year-old son and does all sort of macabre stuff, like digging up the corpse, speaking long-dead Native Indian languages and attacking school teachers. He also tracks down his son's killer, even though this man – a former alcoholic – is heartbroken over the accident as well. The stones eventually turn out to home the spirits of two competitive Indian warriors that never had a chance to settle their vendetta. Admittedly the plot description of "The Returning" sounds like very interesting and compelling, and it basically is, but the elaboration is incredibly amateurish and incoherent. Any given random sequence in this film lasts approximately 10 seconds and then the action cuts to something entirely different and often irrelevant. Even though some of the characters deserve it (like the mother), you simply can't grow compassionate for them because their sentiments remain underdeveloped. The editing and narrative structure of this production is horrible and it doesn't allow you to contemplate about the suppressed themes, like Indian mythology and reincarnation. Strictly speaking as a fanatic 80's horror buff, "The Returning" certainly isn't worth tracking down, neither. There are some remotely unsettling images (the sight of a grown man on a swing creeps me out, for some reason) and a decent moody atmosphere throughout, but there aren't any moments of true "horror" to be found in this film. Soap-opera elements really don't mix with horror, so don't expect nasty murders or eerie demons.
EyeAskance A couple lose their son in a freak accident. Two stones the boy had collected from an Indian Reservation keep his spirit "alive", along with those of two ancient Native American warriors.As stated in previous comments here, there is a great deal of befuddling intricacy in this film which may be a monogram of somewhat avant-gard directorial flair, or quite possibly just messy editing(I also got the feeling that it may have passed through a few too many junctions in post-production). Still, I found THE RETURNING to be a curiously haunting film which made me recall Peter Weir's THE LAST WAVE. While that film, though vastly superior, presents an Aboriginal mythos, the supernatural elements of THE RETURNING are of Native American lore. Both films, different as they are on many levels, present a similar incorporeal eeriness and unresolved metaphysical/spiritual mystery, despite remaining largely bloodless and actionless throughout. Good performances all around from the leads, especially Strasberg and Warrick.Opinions will be scattered regarding this film, but if you enjoy a brooding, more cerebral type of horror, give it a shot. Clearly there are many who don't like it, but I personally feel it is unjustly maligned and worth a look.5/10
Sean Richard McCarthy The acting might be good, but what good is that when the story is so twisted that you can not make heads or tails of it! It is like a dream unedited->(total confusion)! Man and women's son is killed by a truck driver and after that your guess is as good as mine. Visions of an indian and the rocks make no connection to the man and women themselves!