R | 01 March 2007 (USA)
Forfeit Trailers

An armored car guard's elaborate plan for revenge is threatened by his relationship with an old friend -- a brilliant and unpredictable television preacher.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
TinsHeadline Touches You
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
dbborroughs Depending on your mood this will either be a good little film or a complete time waster. The plot has a security guard planning a robbery and revenge against old friends and having everything complicated by his religious beliefs and his obsession with a televangelist. Okay small scale film probably wouldn't have shown up anywhere except Wayne Knight is in the cast in a small role as a boss at the armored car company. The twists, when they come, are good. The performances are fine. The trouble is that there seems not to be a translation of the passion the filmmakers felt that made them want to make the film. Its kind of dull and uninvolving, which is odd because the cast clearly cares. Try it depending on your mood.
Pierre_Kirby Forfeit is one of those interesting/uninteresting/Psychological/Religious/Heist themed Crime Thriller's that usually come every year in some distant, intergalactic planet of Starfleet Delta 3132. In other words, this is a unique movie, and for that, I give it mad props. Too bad the first and second half of the movie is horribly paced and uninteresting; almost too horrible. While the movie attacks Christian's (mainly the Evangelists), it is done in a tasteful way that doesn't come off as preachy or redundant. Well, maybe a little bit of the latter. The movie begins with one of those 'the end starts at the beginning' gimmicks that unravels as the movie progresses. Billy Burke stars in this one as Frank, a quiet religious nut who plans a clever Heist, using his job as a security guard, and his ex-girlfriend (played by Sherry Stringfield). Frank, being the religious nut he is, constantly fights with a TV Evangelist (effectively rendered by Gregory Itzin) due to the lack of saneness in his mind. The script is interesting enough, whilst the acting good for the most part. Nice clean cinematography, and effective (albeit minimalist) musical score.In order to truly enjoy this one, you must be patient, because the third half of the movie is really, really interesting and enjoyable. Nevertheless, Wayne Knight is in this, so there are some other things going for it besides a "complicated" plot. I can see what the makers behind this wanted to do, and well, they nearly pulled it off. Maybe next time fellas.4.9/10
Ryan Hunter This is one of those rare "B" movies which has a complicated yet solid storyline accompanied by excellent acting. The filming looks like something you would see on daytime TV yet the storyline and acting is something you would expect from a well-known director and a much better funded production.Forfeit is not an action film nor a thriller it is a complicated psychological thriller about a white, devout Christian hell-bent (seriously hell-bent as he acknowledges the evil of his actions) on carrying out his vengeance for an decade old crime against him.The only complaint I have is that the storyline is based around the stereotype that devout Christian men are violent, irrational and delusional. While atheist/agnostics and non-practicing, pseudo Christians are the victims of their misguided passion. However that being said the film does not portray all Christian men as violent and delusional just the only one in the film.
moviemanchild I saw this film at South by Southwest. It gets off to a slow start, but then I got swept up in this complicated story about a security guard and his old high school girlfriend, played by Sherry Stringfield. It's a serious drama, but there's a lot of humor. Wayne Knight, of Seinfeld fame, is great as the second-in-command of a corrupt Los Angeles armored car company. Billy Burke plays the leading role and is intense and riveting. This is an enjoyable low-budget indie with a gritty, L.A. feel. But you need to pay attention. The plot is complex, as it should be in a heist movie. All in all one of my favorite films at this year's South By Southwest.