Forever's End
Forever's End
PG-13 | 07 June 2013 (USA)
Forever's End Trailers

Six years after an apocalyptic event killed her family and seemingly everyone else on earth, a lone girl on the verge of insanity is forced to question everything she has ever known when a strange man suddenly appears at her door. The last girl on earth... is not alone.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
dermasse The synopsis of this movie was intriguing. I always enjoy a good apocalyptic movie... good being the operative word. Forever's End was neither apocalyptic nor good. Every time I thought something interesting was taking place, it fizzled into nothingness. Eventually the entire movie did just that... it fizzled into nothingness. I'm hesitant to comment on the acting, because the actors had nothing with which to work. A few have commented favorably on the cinematography, and I will admit, rightly so. That's about the only thing this movie has going for it.
hutsonhouse Horrible acting and a terrible plot. Be careful of the smoke and mirror reviews. Beautiful photography is always used to cover up a very bad plot. If you make a stocker movie and advertise it as such who is going to watch it?? Probably not the same person who thinks it's an apocalyptic one! The wardrobe is awful just an other indication that someone is getting abused here. Skinny girls always cover up because they are always running cold. Women wear real clothes at home, comfy cute stuff! Not hooker attire. When will males directors ever get that???I would not recommend this badly acted flick.
Jay Reed Whatever else you may think of Forever's End, it is an undeniably beautiful movie, due both to the excellent cinematography and the gorgeous environment and tone established by the filmmaker. This lends to a rather unsettling feeling when combined with a story that is anything but beautiful and gorgeous. The lead actress does an admirable job of carrying the weight of the world (and the entire movie) on her shoulders, and the other characters work well with her to create a very eerie vibe that is a staple of this story. This was certainly not the movie I was expecting going in, but the twist ending definitely gives you something to think about several days later.
Other View This movie reminded me of when my Jack Russell first saw himself in a mirror.The first thing he did was lunge at the reflected Jack, loudly bonking his nose on the cold glass. He stepped back, shook his head and then decided to see if he could get to the trespassing dog from behind the mirror. Rushing around the back of the thing (several times) he was completely stumped by the fact that there was nothing behind it.This movie is the same thing. It starts with an interesting "whodunit"which grabs your attention. However, as you "walk around the mirror" it dawns on you that there is absolutely nothing there. In fact, it takes quite a bit of time for any characterization to develop at all. When it finally does, you realize they are boring, unlikeable and unimpressive characters. The movie itself wanders from scene to scene with little cohesiveness and little or no suspense.They would like you to think that once you get to the end, all is known and everything will fit neatly and cleverly in place. Unfortunately, by the end of the movie you couldn't care less about it, the characters or the lame plot. It's too bad because the actors and cinematography weren't horrid and if applied to writing with an actual plot, might have made a nifty little suspense movie.I'm always amused by the so-called "critics" with their effusive praise for movies like this. Most of the time, their bubbly praise is indicative of an association with the film itself (e.g. somebody's brother, brother-in-law, sister, investor, girlfriend, dog walker, etc). These are easy to spot due to the constant name dropping of the director, the actors and even a grip or two.A good movie doesn't require any froofy prose from a self-impressed reviewer to convey its value. Just a straightforward description of style, plot, characterization, production values and any exceptional features. When the reviewer starts babbling about esoteric schmaltz it's a fair bet you'll be asleep in under 20 minutes! Regards, The Other View