Forever Young, Forever Free
Forever Young, Forever Free
| 24 March 1975 (USA)
Forever Young, Forever Free Trailers

"e’Lollipop" is the extraordinary story of two inseparable South African children, Tsepo and his orphaned friend Jannie. Jannie is sent to a missionary station in Tsepo’s village where they become best friends as Jannie finds his place in his new home. Life is full of childhood fun and antics until tragedy strikes: Jannie, now 10 years old, is seriously injured. In the face of much adversity, Tsepo and his community pull together so that Jannie can get specialised medical treatment. A daunting challenge lies ahead... At what cost will Jannie survive? Tsepo and Jannie’s inspirational story unfolds against the breathtaking backdrops of a dramatic African landscape and New York City in the mid-1970s. "e’Lollipop" is a life-changing story that reminds us of the true value of friendship, community, sacrifice and family - despite our color or creed.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
dknytodd I saw this at the Boys and Girls club in 1978. I was only 5 yrs old. This movie has stayed in my brain more than any other. I just recently watched it again on DVD and that one scene (if you've seen know the one i mean) was just as horrifying to me now as it was back in '78. I went for a long time describing this movie to folks who had no idea what I was talking about. Thank god for Google. can't remember what I finally typed in to get a hit but it brought me here and after reading these comments and finding out the title of this film I tracked it down. So glad I did. It was weird seeing something again after 30 years. Definitely a good film. Keep in mind it is very sentimental but only in the very BEST way. I gave it a 10 because of it's resonance. I think this may have been the first full feature I ever watched with a projector.
SCarroll_76 A very heart-warming story and I would love to see it again. I saw this movie about 20 years ago and its one of the few I never forgot.(having only seen it once). It tells the story of two children who become best of friends and get up to all kinds of mischief, some we can probably relate to ourselves. My memories of the adult actors are vague but I always remember the two youngsters who had me engrossed as an 8 year old.It teaches us about the true value of friendship and this is highlighted especially in a certain moment in the movie.A great movie for kids and adults alike.
AdrianOfSheffield Like an earlier poster, I was 13 years old and caught up in all the Star Wars hype. It was raining, and my mum dragged me into the cinema to see this. I did not want to see it. But the ending has remained with me ever since. (Yes, I did cry and so did my mum). I have no idea how it would seem now, but I would love to see it again.Update 2009. I finally got hold of a copy on DVD and watched it with my daughter who is the same age now that I was when I last watched it.The film seems a bit dated now, but the story still held my daughter's attention. That final scene still hits you like an emotional sledgehammer though, and I can report tears.
richard.fuller1 I saw this film about fifteen years ago and was overwhelmed by the enchanting fairytale story of a young child abandoned to the nuns and is raised by them in South Africa. He befriends a native child and they become inseparable. Add a fluffy puppy called Snowball and just allow yourself to watch. The film doesn't watch like a Disney film, the children are never precocious, when the adventures get serious, they aren't far-fetched. You see yourself doing those stupid things as a kid.One accident brings the white child to America, and the native child journeys to visit him. The disastrous results of his arrival are spell-binding to watch unfold, as well as his rescue. Then New York is all theirs.The film is so subtle, you don't realize it is Jose Ferrer and Karen Valentine in the movie. Even Bernadette Peter's song is gentle. Definitely watch this film if you are in a depressed mood. It will cheer you up. I would love to see it again, but believe it or not, I recorded Peter's song off on an audio cassette and still have it. What a charmer this film was.