Forever 16
Forever 16
| 23 August 2013 (USA)
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Sixteen-year old Raven Highgate is not your average teenager, she is a vampire and this is her umpteenth time attending a new high school to keep her identity hidden. But when a local cop reveals she knows Raven's secret and offers to introduce Raven to others of her kind in exchange for help catching a murderer loose in the school, Raven has no choice but to accept. . .but at what cost?

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
A_Different_Drummer Oh my. Oh my. Watching this film, I was astonished to realize that I have scribbled almost 400 contributions to the IMDb database so far, yet never actually launched into my favourite topic -- the paradox, the oxymoron, that is Canadian film-making.Because to understand why this film rates only a 6.0 (yes, the IMDb members pretty much nailed it) you need to understand what passes for craftsmanship and artistic triumph in the frozen north.In the 1970s there was no Canadian film industry. Seriously. Look it up. Lots of great documentaries and hockey games. Period. End of story. Then about 1972 the government commissioned a White Paper on film, wondering if perhaps messing with the Tax Code could generate a real industry..? The report was favourable, and by the mid-80s dozens of "major productions" were green-lighted in Canada, sponsored by investors who believed that glamour of the biz combined with a nice tax break was worth the risk.It wasn't. You, kind reader, have likely never heard of the first 50 or 75 films produced at the dawn of the Canadian film revolution -- and for this you should be grateful. Produced by lawyers and accountants, crewed by whatever talent was available to hold the cameras and bash out product, scripts often written in crayon, and starring the leftovers of the Canadian TV industry, with accents so thick you lose an ocean liner in them -- these films were universally wretched. (With a few exceptions, like MEATBALLS).But even sad stories can have happy endings, and what happened was the Hollywood producers, fed up beyond measure with paying union rates, realized that the cheaper Canadian dollar could be "parlayed" into a cheaper production cost. Wisely, they brought as much mobile talent with them as the Canadian law allowed (ie, both in front and behind the lens) and used 100% Canadian talent very sparingly.Thusly did the Canadian industry, now suddenly a "bedroom community" of the Hollywood players in spite of itself, mature anyway until, by the end of the first decade in the 21st century, it was possible (BUT NOT ALWAYS LIKELY) to produce films in Canada which could pass for American.Well, this ain't one of them.Astonishingly uneven, with clever ideas that never actually go anywhere, this lack of control over the creative end of the film is itself a hallmark of the Canuck industry. The other reviewers were quite right: all dressed up, and nowhere to go. Great opening, great concept, but by the second hour the energy and the budget seemed used up, and the production quality (acting, editing, direction, writing) all start to look and feel like a bad after-school special.BTW, Tiera Skovbye's bio is very emphatic about her natural beauty and tremendous potential, but there are far too many scenes where her uncertainty about her character and awkward delivery are painfully obvious. Worse, pairing her against Andrea Roth (the "known" name) was a huge error, because even though Roth is twice Tiera's age (give or take?), and is not consciously trying to steal scenes, Roth's natural charisma is so much higher than the younger actress' that the eye naturally follows her anyway.Passable entertainment, but, oh my, it could have been so much better.
SnoopyStyle Raven (Tiera Skovbye) is a vampire who will always be 16. She has superpowers and she can really fight. Police detective Mac Roth (Andrea Roth) comes knocking with an offer. There was a mysterious death at a snobby private high school and Mac wants her to go investigate undercover. In exchange, Mac is willing to introduce her to others of her kind.I like the concept of this Lifetime TV movie. It's more of a TV pilot wannabe. I can see the potential TV series. However there are a couple of things that need to improve before that happens. Tiera Skovbye is certainly beautiful, fights convincingly, and plays moody teenager well. She doesn't necessarily have a big acting range. There are some real good young actors playing the other students. I wonder if Siobhan Williams would actually be better as the lead. Tyler Johnston, and Richard Harmon are both very special actors. The acting is almost there. The style is another matter. It is strictly low rank TV production. It has no style. And the writing lacks a certain snap. The dialog needs some help. The special effects can also use more money. There are a few too many weak points.
michaelcollins10-1 As far as this movie standing on it's own, It was OK and a nice bit of diversion for a boring rainy Saturday afternoon. unfortunately there are many holes and missing points to the story such as the romance that Raven finds her self in seem to come out of nowhere as there is little to support it. In the beginning Roth confronts Raven about being a Vampire and blocks her from leaving by slapping her hand away as Raven tries to grab Roth's wrist, it just didn't seem authentic. Then there is the fight in the warehouse with the drug dealer where Raven is pushed into a pile of boxes, where's her Vampire strength. the relationship between the 2 leading ladies seems to get better with no explanation as to how it happens and there is the fact that Raven is almost 92 and treated like a teen with being threatened with being grounded, it just wasn't explained properly. These and the other missing pieces make it pretty obvious that some one wanted this to be a series and had several episode of scripts but had to condense them to a movie instead. There could be others to follow this but I doubt it.Suitable for young girls at a slumber party, they will appreciate this movie more than there brothers.
Ryu_2 'Forever 16' follows the adventures of Raven, a teenage vampire recruited by a policewoman named Mac. I liked this film overall, but a few things seemed underdeveloped. I'll just discuss the highs and lows of what appear to be the four key story lines.I. The Raven/Mac Relationship Surprisingly, this story line left a bit to be desired. This is the core relationship of the film, right? Two women who are alone in life -- with a few things in common -- begin forming an unlikely mother/daughter bond. I enjoyed what I saw, but I was expecting much more.However, I liked how Mac gradually warmed up to Raven as the film progressed, embracing the idea of being there for her. These two had some nice moments of humor as well. There's also a revelation about Mac's past, which makes this relationship all the more intriguing.II. The School Mystery When two high school kids die under mysterious circumstances, Raven is sent in to pose as a student. Overall, the mystery doesn't exactly draw you in. Maybe the protagonists could've asked more questions and encountered more obstacles to spice things up.There's certainly a good amount of time dedicated to the mystery, though, so I applaud the writers for making a decent effort in that regard. The resolution was fun to watch.III. Raven's Detective Skills I know that she's lived for a while, but Raven seemed like too much of a natural at all of the investigative stuff. Going back to my first point, perhaps the writers could've shown Mac training her more, along with some bonding moments.Still, it was nice to watch Raven using her brain to put all the pieces together. And it's especially fun when her supernatural vampire abilities come into play.IV. The Raven/Connor Relationship The film's attempt at a romance. It appears that some of this story line was edited out, because it didn't make much sense to me when Raven began falling for Connor. A true romance involves more than a few jokes and pleasantries here and there.These characters do have few nice moments, though, and the actors handle things well enough.Overall, I count myself as a fan of this film. I'm fond of Raven and Mac's world, so I definitely hope to see a follow-up.