For the Bible Tells Me So
For the Bible Tells Me So
| 05 October 2007 (USA)
For the Bible Tells Me So Trailers

An exploration of the intersection between religion and homosexuality in the U.S. and how the religious right has used its interpretation of the Bible to stigmatize the gay community.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Irishchatter Seeing this film made me feel like America should pursue in solving homophobia more. The problem is that it is bigger country then the rest of the world so there are varieties of religions that puts hatred into people's throats and thats when family relationships fall apart if their loved ones gay. Anna's mum was very well spoken on how the Catholic Church treated her with regards to her daughter being gay but unfortunately, the extremely saddest part was Anna couldn't handle being unloved as a gay person anymore and hanged herself. It makes feel like that society needs to wake up and understand the realistic of being a gay person. Lets see, you were that same person yesterday but what about today? You are still you and that will not change. Why can't anyone question this, it takes a minute to realize the right answer. They say if we all looked the same, it would be boring right? Well it ain't true, our personalities are different but there is one thing that we all need = respect. In the film, I felt very heartbroken that Jake and his parents were arrested because they were just awesome the way they wanted to bring peace and love to the ones that needs a nudge to reality. I think the law everywhere should look it homophobia more because again it has gotten out of control. I want to say well done to everyone involved in the film and I hope that more love will blossom on this troubled earth.
emmuh88 As a teenager that has grown up not only in a Catholic family but also in a society that portrays the issue of homosexuality as controversial, I found this movie extremely eye opening and interesting. Within the first few minutes of the movie, there was a quote that really stuck out to me: "This country is doing everything it can to make it seem like it is okay to be gay, and it's not." When I heard this I was shocked. How could someone say something so harsh and horrible? Throughout the movie, there were several families with a homosexual son or daughter. Most of the parents mentioned that when their child came out, they referred to the Bible. Leviticus 20:13 states, "If a man also lie with man and a woman also lie with woman, both of them are committing an abomination. They shall be put to death, their blood is upon them." Despite the fact that I am apart of the Catholic community, I had never once before heard of this verse. I feel as though the church portrays homosexuality as a sin that should be punished with death. I find this ridiculous. Overall, I thought this movie was intriguing and gave a new perspective on homosexuality (interviews of Christian parents of homosexuals) that I had never seen before.
piper_lovegood13 I was born into the church. The same church my mother and her parents were born into. I didn't know that 'God hates gay people'. When my BFF said that she didn't believe in God she said that was one of the reasons. I had problems believing that. My God loved everyone. My God wouldn't condemn a good person to hell because they fell in love with someone of the same sex. I didn't understand it but I thought that it was the old testament where they still had to kill animals for their sins. As time went on I started to see how the church hates the LBGT community and not God. My church that I was raised in was included in the haters. It was scary hearing this.I was also in deep denial about my sexuality. When all my peers were swooning over the Backstreet Boys, Nysync ext. I didn't get it, I understood that they were attractive but I just didn't get why they were crushing. Looking back now it's so bluntly obvious that I'm gay. Why I always wanted to spend time with my best friend why when playing house I liked making out with her. Why there are only about 5 guys in my life that I have had a serious crush on but girls who I just wanted to be their friend because they were pretty, this being as young as six. I am gay but I didn't even think that was an opition until Jr. high, high school. When I came to except this I felt like I was loosing my religion, I wanted to still feel the love I felt when I was going to church often but the same church I was raised in says bluntly that God hates us. I have tried to find a church that excepts me but I haven't been able to.This movie isn't one sided, which is what I love. I love that I can see my own family in serval of these people. This movie ultimately gave me the courage to come out to my mother, the rest of my family still won't listen to reason and will just tell me I'm going to hell. This movie gave me hope that I can find a balance between my God and sexually.
darthmalvor This documentary was pointed out to me on you tube, and as always I went into it holding no bias; but to see if maybe it could teach me something. Instead I found stories about homosexuals that really have no place and did not teach anything, let alone tell the whole truth. Then they attempt to show how scripture is misinterpreted by placing their own interpretation of the scripture that is completely false. When referring to the scripture of Sodom and Gomorrah they make the claim that the men wanted to lay with the angels to dominate them, not for pleasure, in other words, God did not destroy them because they are Gay. Yet clearly that is wrong and you can tell this by Lot's reaction to the query of the men, Gen 19:8 "Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes:" Lot offered his daughters which was not a good thing, but he was obviously trying to do the lesser of two evils. Why offer the daughters if it was only for domination? But it was for the purpose of pleasure, they were homosexuals, you can also find a verse against Homosexuals, Rom 1:27 "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet." I could continue to pick it apart like animation of them talking to the Christian, he is against science or expresses a dislike of it, yet I as a Christian love science and see how it proves God's existence. Not to mention the animation tried to explain away Homosexuals natural birth in a illegitimate way. Not all families have multiple children and yet they have a homosexual child, not to mention they ignored lesbians and attempted to use animals. I am sorry but if you are going to go with the bible then you have to be accepting of God which means we are divine above animals as Gen 1:28 says. If an animal kills is it murder? If an animal mates with multiple females is it cheating? Is an animals life equal to yours? I hope you did not say yes to any of these. Anyhow I could not go on with the stacks of discrepancies, but I found this video a waste of time and just Homosexual propaganda attempting to conform to the bible as an attempt to get the Christian and God's accountability off their back. Stick to the method of denouncing God, not attempting to use the Christians grounds for approval. I understand its hard to find acceptance, but its because your lifestyle is crude and wrong. And really for the sake of argument that it is not a choice, we can go outside of the bible. Such as how evolution would not condone the Homosexual because it would not purposefully produce a gene that could not reproduce with mate of choice, therefore making the Homosexual a defection in the human genome or a choice. The truth is you cannot your behavior is not accepted in anyway and really you are trying to go the right way by looking toward God, but do not try to defile him, instead understand his righteousness and join it. Let go of your wicked ways, live for God.