For All Time
For All Time
| 18 October 2000 (USA)
For All Time Trailers

A man facing middle-age and a failing marriage finds a time slip that can take him back to the end of the nineteenth century.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
tehachapistan Much has been said about this beautiful story. Several have asked where to buy a DVD. I found an online streaming version of it on Lifetime, but locating a source for purchasing it was a challenge. As it turns out, the DVD is available at Amazon. I receive no compensation for posting this message.
Hotwok2013 This made-for-television movie was based on the Twilight Zone episode "A Stop At Willoughby" which creator Rod Serling has admitted was his favourite. It stars Mark Harmon & Mary McDonnell as the two central characters, both of whom are excellent. Charles Lattimer (Harmon) is unhappy with both his job & his marriage and dreams of something better whilst travelling on board the train home from work. After finding an old pocket watch he gets transported back to a small town in 1896 where he meets Laura Brown (McDonnell). An independent newspaper printer by trade, she is a gentle & charming woman whom he soon falls in love with. What follows is utterly captivating & more entertaining, in my opinion, than the original. As other people commenting on this have said, (to whom it may concern), PLEASE MAKE IT AVAILABLE ON DVD!!!.
scivierfrank This made-for-television movie is based on the excellent Twilight Zone episode "A Stop At Willoughby". TZ's creator Rod Serling has stated publicly that it was his favourite episode of the entire series. The remake "For All Time", also written by Rod Serling, stars Mark Harmon & Mary McDonnell both of whom are excellent. Charles Lattimer (Harmon), who has marriage problems & is under stress at work, dreams whilst travelling on a train of a town in the late 19th century. Here is free from worries & meets Laura Brown (McDonnell). She is a gentle & charming woman & Mr. Lattimer soon finds himself falling in love with her. After returning to his own time the situation with his wife (Catherine Hicks) worsens to the point where he is desperate to return to his new love Laura. His pocket-watch, which was his time portal, breaks down complicating his wish to go back in time to be her for good. This is a very entertaining & utterly charming love story & I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it. If anything, it is better than the original TZ episode & unlike its predecessor has a happy ending. Why is it not yet available on DVD?.
lisagirl117 I stayed up into the early hours of the morning to watch this last night and it was well worth it. Fine performances abound: Mark Harmon does a nice job and always looks good but I thought, not surprisingly, that Mary McDonnell stole the show. She was simply marvelous in the female lead, effectively portraying a quiet woman with enormous inner strength.Beyond the acting I think this was the kind of film that hit a nerve with most people. The possibility of getting a second chance, as well as the idea of vacating the frenetic pace of our era for a simpler time is one many of us have have entertained.I was hoping this movie would be available on VHS but it apparently is not. The next time I see it coming up I will be taping it.