Flirty Birdy
Flirty Birdy
NR | 22 September 1945 (USA)
Flirty Birdy Trailers

Tom is all set to eat Jerry when a hawk swoops down and grabs Jerry. To get Jerry back, Tom poses as a female hawk and quickly finds his new lover to be more than he bargained for.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Horst in Translation ( "Flirty Birdy" is a Hanna Barbera cartoon from 1945, the last year of WWII, so this one is already over 70 years old and of course it stars the world's most famous cat and mouse duo. And even if it is not one of the Oscar-nominated ones, it is still among the more known Tom and Jerry cartoons today. Like in so many others, they add one major character to the story for a breeze of fresh wind and this time it is no dog, no stray cat and also none of Jerry's friends or relatives. It is a bird, a hungry hawk willing to devour Jerry at least as much as Tom does. And Tom learns quickly that his lack in physical attributes renders him clearly inferior here, not just because he cannot fly. So he needs to find a way to trick Jerry out of the hawk's dinner plans. And he goes for the most simple bird costume out there, probably intended for comedy reasons. And believe it or not, the bird really falls for that "female bird" (Tom in costume) while Jerry sees through it right away. Oh well. I personally think this is one of the weaker T&J cartoons sadly. I found it underwhelming and while it was full with action and events, it was never remotely funny sadly. Bird may be the word, but he clearly doesn't cut the cake here. And how com Tom always catches Jerry so easily when he is about to lose him afterward (frequently to a competitor), but then again on other occasions has no chance to get him at all. Other than the animation which is as good as always, there is nothing recommendable to this cartoon. My suggestion is to skip it.
BA_Harrison Tom is about to tuck into a delicious Jerry sandwich when a huge bird of prey swoops down and flies off with his snack. Not at all happy with having his sarnie stolen right from under his nose, Tom takes off in hot pursuit, determined to retrieve his mousy morsel.As much as I love Tom and Jerry, I have got to say that this one is a bit of a stinker: the story is rather mundane; it introduces a badly conceived peripheral character that lacks charm; and it flogs the old 'dress the cartoon character up as a woman' gag to death.In my opinion, 'Flirty Birdy' rivals 'Fraidy Cat' and 'Mouse in Manhattan' for the title of weakest Tom and Jerry caper thus far.
Shawn Watson Tom has caught Jerry and is about to make a sandwich out of him when a buzzard swoops down out of the sky and snatches the sandwich from his hands, just as he is about to take a bite. Not taking kindly to such acts of heinous theft, Tom goes after his sandwich, but the buzzard isn't going to give it up so easily.Cue many gags and schemes in which Tom tries to get Jerry back. Not to rescue him of course. Tom finds that the best scheme is to dress up as a weird-looking female buzzard. Of course the bird falls in love at first sight and makes it harder for Tom to escape than he ever imagined.Not the best T&J cartoon but loads of funny visual gags.
movieman_kev Tom the cat has to contend with a buzzard for the right to eat Jerry the mouse at first, then the vulture falls in love with him for some reason. Whenever a third character is in a Tom and Jerry short it can be hit or miss with me. Spike the dog is good, The black maid is good, the duckling is good sometimes. But this one, co-starring a love-stricken vulture as Tom's main foil is not one of the lesser Tom and Jerry shorts. While there are some laughs to be had, it just didn't seem to have that special something to make it one of the keepers. This cartoon can be found on disc one of the Spotlight collection DVD of "Tom & Jerry" My Grade: C