First Period
First Period
| 27 July 2013 (USA)
First Period Trailers

New girl Cassie and outcast Maggie are easily the most awkward girls in high school. Together, they decide the way to win the hearts of the cute boys and popular girls is to come in first at the school talent show. But rivals Heather, Other Heather, and their popular boyfriends Brett and Dirk will stop at nothing to keep our heroes the laughing stock of the school. It's going to take makeovers, courage, and maybe even a little rapping to beat them in true 80s style.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
moonmonday A friend recommended this one to me, and it sat in my list for a good long while. But I started to watch it on impulse and found myself laughing so much. There were a few jokes that didn't work, but the overwhelming majority of them were brilliant, and overall this was the kind of offbeat comedy that I would rank up with Heathers...which obviously it took one or two inspirations from!The performances are strong across the board, the dialogue is snappy and feels not only natural (which is amazing in such an almost surreal film at times), but also extremely clever. It's rare to find such a gem of a movie that is not only insightful and moving, but also hilarious and ridiculous. It never takes itself too seriously...just seriously enough to make you think, and then it's all fun again. But it does such an excellent job of everything that it's easy to love. You can easily forgive a couple of missed laughs when you end up laughing so much more, and even getting a little warm and fuzzy feeling. Not to mention hot guys all over the place!At the end of the day, this not only deals with serious issues, but does it well and in a hilarious way. It raises questions that should be raised, and it's a lot of fun. I think this is a film that everyone should watch, because honestly it has the right idea in every way. Bravo.
toodarkpark-08049 So to be honest, I was scared to watch this one (partly because I feel the descriptiveness of the previous reviews might lead me to believe they're fake). But since it was free on streaming Netflix I gave it a chance. I am very glad I did.This movie won't be for everyone, but for those like me that like their comedy a little silly, a little cynical, and extra random, it's perfect. Imagine if John Waters directed the high school portions of Romey and Michelle's High School Reunion on a shoestring budget. This movie is what you get. The innocence and campiness of Hairspray mixed with the irreverence of his earlier work, perfectly combines with the random silly comic sensibilities of the lead actors. I was laughing almost the entire film.True, there are a few jokes that fall flat. (Like a toilet scene that was predictable and just not well done.) But most of the jokes fly a million miles a second, and I'm already planning on watching it again to catch the jokes I missed. Sometimes a single strange side glance from one of the leads was enough to make me bust out laughing. Not to mention the actor playing Cassie could basically have a movie all about Cassie and I would watch it in a second.The thing that really struck me about this movie though was its treatment of all the characters. Most silly low budget films like this lose their way in the third act when they try to learn a lesson or become serious. It often comes off incredibly insincere. That isn't the case with First Period. During the third act we learn more about the characters and all of them become very relatable. I even was shocked to find myself smiling sympathetically during a very tense conversation with Maggie and the main antagonist. It was surprisingly well done. Even though the movie is often cynical, crude, and relishes making fun of its characters, it never loses its heart and understanding that these are real characters who have real emotions and feelings.I was shocked I loved this movie so much and will definitely be showing it to my boyfriend and friends for some late night laughs. Second Period anyone? "You're welcome."
Adam Bolduc My goodness, this movie sure is a treat - I don't even know where to begin! It's campy with incredibly smart dialogue, and the cast is amazing! I saw it twice in theaters during its run and will be buying the DVD when it's released this year. Be ready to be surprised by what you see and hear. This is not a conventional movie and there are times when you need to ask someone next to you if you really heard what you think you just heard. Yes, you did. It pays a wonderful homage to '80's flicks so there are special references you'd pick up if you are from that era but even the ones that go over your head, you still laugh at the humor because it's still new to YOU. So do yourself a favor. Have some friends over, pour some cocktails, and pop this DVD in. You'll thank me later. You're welcome. ;)
tchboarsheads "First Period" is an indie comedy film that was shot on a shoestring budget, and yet you will laugh far more often than you would at most big-budget Hollywood comedies. It's devilishly witty, dark comedy, and quite entertaining. When you're watching a movie like this, that's really the bottom line; it's not like one should go into this thinking that you're about to watch a Best Picture winner. You're entertained throughout, and that's a credit to director Charlie Vaughn, who aptly lists John Waters among his greatest influences. The male actors playing our heroines, Cassie and Maggie (Brandon Alexander III and Dudley Beene, respectively), are hilarious and have great timing, and the small cast of supporting players give good performances as well. It was also pretty cool to see some 1980's actors make appearances in the film, such as Judy Tenuta, Diane Salinger (Simone from "Pee-wee's Big Adventure), and "Elvira" herself, Cassandra Peterson. Indie favorite Jack Plotnick also appears.I didn't laugh at EVERY joke, but most of the comedy truly does hit the mark, and there are many moments where you will laugh really hard. I can see why this film did so well at various festivals across the country.