Firebird 2015 A.D.
Firebird 2015 A.D.
| 18 September 1981 (USA)
Firebird 2015 A.D. Trailers

In one of many unpopular and unsupported policy decisions, the US government of the near future outlaws vehicle petrol in an effort to curb the overuse of limited natural resources - except, of course, for official purposes. There are many renegades who oppose the authorities, and will stop at nothing to allow themselves the freedom of burning around the countryside.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
morten-76962 I am not someone who usually puts in bad reviews unless something is so bad that a bad review is really needed, and this is one of those cases.Especially when it had so much potential to be a good movie, it literally had every possible chance to be an awesome post-apocalyptic Mad Max style movie, but it just failed all of that in every possible way that it is possible to fail in.Let me explain....So the story is that the US government has outlawed gasoline burning vehicles , and "Rebels" (Called Burners) are still driving gasoline powered cars in the desert, so the government has deployed a police force that uses gasoline powered motorcycles to chase hunt these Rebels.See what I mean, sounds like something with great potential, right?Well, lets go over what the movie actually is...First of all, it is categorised as a SCI-Fi Action movie....and it is not..period.Other than taking place in the "Future" of 2015, there's nothing remotely scifi about this movie. the whole movie takes place in a desert with 80s motorbikes chasing 70s / 80s cars, even the weapons used in the movie are all regular M16s and other standard weapons for the early 80s. Anyway, but then there's the actual storyline in the movie....the "Burners" seem to drive illegally all to deliver a carburetor....yeah seriously...but okay, fair enough in this set gasoline car parts might scarce and can have a significant value to the right buyer, so we will let this one go.But on top of this they also seem to bet each other to drive around in the patrolled desert where they are getting shot at by the "Special police force" deployed to hunt them down...all which seem to be just for fun...But then there's this "Special police force"....their police station is a tent, and for some reason there's one of them whos a native American guy who does all sorts of weird stuff almost like he is on drugs, and there's even one scene where one of them shoots at the other ones head while that person is approaching on a motorcycle ....all just for picture two police officers shooting at each other with live rounds "Just for fun"?...Okay and then there's this "Love story" between the son of one of the Burners and some burner chick.yeah, it's all just one big mess...and it just feels like everything is fun and jokes to them, none of them seems to be serious about their what's going on.And then there's the acting, it's all most like none of the actors even understands their own roles or the story of the movie, it's kind of hard to describe if you haven't seen the movie. But every dialogue between the actors sounds scripted and they it's almost like they are being told what to do as they are being filmed, so you see a lot of scenes where they have a look in their face like they don't even know what the next scene will be, I am not even exaggerating on this.But even the action in the movie, are so poorly done and all looks so staged. There's one scene where the native American police officer guy; shoots at a crashed mustang with a grenade launcher, and the guy taking cover behind the car doesn't really seem to be bothered by the grenades exploding right next to him, on top of this the native American officer is standing upright and yelling in the complete open while being shot at being shot at by the guy hiding behind the car, all of this really just makes the whole scene feel like it's just a bunch of random scenes they cut and pasted together.And it's the same in other scenes where the they are trying to block the road and shooting at the cars trying to get by.All of which makes the action scenes really confusing to watch.Again, it's literally everything they had the chance to do right, they did wrong.Honestly, don't even bother watching this movie, it is not even entertaining or even so bad that it is "Fun to watch"...there's literally nothing going for this movie at all. it just leaves you with the feeling of just being annoyed that you even bothered to watch it in the first place.It really should never have been made.
Coventry I never heard about this obscure piece of apocalyptic Sci-Fi trash before, until I watched a few clips and fragments in a documentary called "The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made", and it instantly looked like something worth checking out. Well, just to safe you a lot of time and trouble: "Firebird 2015" is definitely NOT something that is worth checking out! Quite the contrary, it's a terrible film. Not so much because it says so in the aforementioned documentary but merely because it doesn't make a lick of sense and everything about it just plain stupid. In the year 2015, it's prohibited by order of the US Government to drive around in any type of oil-consuming vehicle. To supervise whether or not all citizens obey this unpopular law, the government founded the Department of Vehicular Control, who naturally cruise around on oil-consuming motorcycles. Their job is to hunt down the so-called "Burners", which is a common term for elderly guys living in the desert and racing around in Firebirds that use up copious gallons of gasoline. See, this could have been the plot of a potentially fantastic post- apocalyptic adventure in the vein of "Mad Max", but instead it became a really tedious, incoherent, unmemorable and extremely pointless Canadian exploitation effort. The film is a big fat piece of nothing, with chases that are lame and car stunts that are embarrassing. It even becomes worse when the script fully begins to focus on the developing love-story between the Burners' son and daughter instead of on the rebellion against the system. The portrayal of the year 2015 is weak and cheap- looking. If you seek thrills and exhilarating vehicle action, you better stick to the original road movie "Mad Max" or one of the numerous wacky (Italian) rip-offs, like "The Atlantis Interceptors", "The New Barbarians" and "Survival Zone".
darrylb500 I really hate sci-fi movies that are supposed to go where no one has gone before--to coin a phrase--but this one's still waiting for clearance to take off from the launching pad. And it never does take off.Oh, I guess it DOES take off, in a way, because it's about cars, or rather, as the intro shows, the president of the United States has shut down all the gas pumps in the land (and the bland music playing is a clue as to how the movie's going to be). And you thought it was bad when your car is being repaired for just a day!Of course, some idiots drive their vehicles anyway, known as "burners", which is what the filmmakers should have done with this movie. But instead of doing something useful with their cars--like maybe running over the person who wrote this garbage--all they do is race each other, and then complain how they don't get any "freedom", yet they're treating their autos even worse than The Dukes of Hazzard ever did. (And this is where the sci-fi premise ends, losing it's promise of being a cross between The Road Warrior and the tv movie The Day After, as it sounded in the Tv Guide description when I saw it.)**** POSSIBLE SPOILERS, but chances are you'll never see this movie anyway, or you SHOULDN'T, so why should you care? ****Just when you thought the most nerve-wracking thing in the world is having a cop follow you, the law here, known as the DVC, shoot at the burners, and yet they never hit anyone. Oh wait, in one scene they DID shatter someone's windshield, but then in the next second the windshield had only one bullet hole in it. Duh.This is one of the several dumb parts in the movie--not to mention the dialog--and the fact that the scenery never changes, EVER. At least in something like Psycho, the house is cool, but after seeing desert for even twenty minutes is enough to drive anyone crazy. Oh, I'm sorry, that's a bad pun ("DRIVE anyone crazy"), but at least that pun is better than the film, except for the car mechanic Jill, who's real cute.Another dumb part is when the DVC is shooting at one person, but he keeps on driving around in circles, and then he has the nerve to get on his cb for help, saying "these guys are crazy!" But YOU'RE the one who's driving in circles, making yourself easier to shoot at! Oh wait, there IS a difference between "crazy" and then being just downright "stupid".So, is there ANYTHING cool at all with this blah film, besides it ending eventually? Yes: the owner of the firebird stores it in a pretty neat barn that opens up, sort of like the Batcave. However, this detracted from the movie too, because during the ho-hum race scenes, I kept on expecting Batman himself to drive by, flipping everyone the finger."We have ourselves a legal weapon" is a really inspiring line, which I hope, after reading this, inspires you to go rent one of the Lethal Weapon movies instead, which are a million times better than this (probably, which I haven't seen them all, but I doubt I'm wrong). Trust me.The cars aren't even much to look at, either, so go for a drive instead and/or test watch something better. (In other words, don't be a "burner".)
Patsy-9 Mind you, it does sport some fine Alberta Badlands scenery. Still, I wonder why the creators of this film overlooked a shining opportunity for an approximation of wit. In the fascist America of 14 years hence, private use of petroleum is not allowed. Who enforces this? Why, the DVC, the Department of Vehicle Control, represented by the surly chief, a plainly psychotic lackey, the woman who's secretly sympathetic to the rebels and a couple of other nondescript guys. Did nobody think that instead of the DVC, it should be have been... the DMV?Ponder that, if you're ever bored enough to watch this.