Fire Serpent
Fire Serpent
R | 24 February 2007 (USA)
Fire Serpent Trailers

Alien creatures emerge from the sun and attack Earth.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Leofwine_draca FIRE SERPENT is your usual science fiction-themed slice of low budget nonsense that comes courtesy of the Sci Fi Channel. This one was written by William Shatner, of all people, but other than the outer space premise it has nothing to distinguish it from all the rest. The titular fire serpents originate from the Sun and arrive on Earth, seeking power to build their strength and also occupying human bodies as required.The film features the usual bunch of clichéd characters with renegade heroes on the run from sinister government forces. Nicholas Brendon, formerly of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER fame, seems to have put a ton of weight on since those days and simply isn't good. Some of the other actors are even worse, particularly the blonde reporter who delivers perhaps the most grating turn I've ever seen from a Sci Fi Channel movie. The CGI fire effects really aren't up to scratch either, making this a chore all round.
Neil Welch The colours were nice and bright.The special effects were mostly adequate, occasionally good, sometimes poor.The colours were nice and bright.The story was drivel. The script was poor.The colours were nice and bright.Nicholas Brendon was a regular in a popular TV series once.The colours were nice and bright.Randolph Mantooth was a regular in a popular TV series once.The colours were nice and bright.Robert Beltran was a regular in a popular TV series once.The colours were nice and bright.Oh, did I mention that the colours were nice and bright?
kymeera This was absolutely awful but unfortunately I've seen worse. At least the production value is good (It doesn't look like someone shooting their first film with a camcorder). The basic story had possibilities but it went nowhere. It was just cheesy and a waste of time but considering that William Shatner wrote and produced this what do you expect but cheese. The major test of this is that I walked out of the room when it was playing and didn't care if I missed any of it. The only good thing about this was seeing Randolph Mantooth in something other than a soap but even he couldn't save this turkey. All I've seen Robert Beltran and Nicholas Brendon in since their series have ended has been really bad TV or straight to video movies. I should have known this would be bad but I keep hoping for something decent.
pchic Well, Sci-Fi Channel did it again!! No wonder I keep watching re-runs of CSI and even Survivor!! I can't believe Nicholas Brendon, Robert Beltran and Randolph Mantooth would have ever considered doing this "movie"...that is unless since the cancellations of each of their own series', they "couldn't find work?" For Godsakes some cheesy commercials like maybe Geiko or something and I would have more respect for the each of you than I do right now!!Before this "so-called movie" even aired, it was given a 7.something rating. What's up with that?? Color me stupid, but I was under the impression that in order to rate a movie, IT HAD TO BE WATCHED FIRST!! Or maybe given the cast line-up, IMDb members were taking for granted that this would be an excellent movie. I guess they never heard of the old saying, "Don't count your chickens BEFORE they hatch!!!!", cause instead of getting chickens, you just might get a clutch of mutant "what-evers" {sic}!! I have to admit though, the actor's performances were OK; but, I honestly believe that the Director(s) should be bitch-slapped for releasing such a lousy movie!!!I am just glad it is over so I now have the chance to watch some really bad TV, at least "BY MY OWN choosing"!!Remember, opinions are like ***holes; everyones got one... some stink more than others!