Fire Maidens of Outer Space
Fire Maidens of Outer Space
NR | 06 September 1956 (USA)
Fire Maidens of Outer Space Trailers

An astronaut and crew land on Jupiter's 13th moon and find a monster and women from Atlantis.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Lawbolisted Powerful
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Mark Burden That's all you need to know to add this to your hard drive or DVD collection - pandering to the easily satiated requirements of mid 1950s masturbation material - a film chocked full to the gunrails with delicicious hot totty with Rada accents and pussies so sweet you can almost smell them, decked out in tiny skirts and bust enhancing bras - dancing to Borodin's tune later bastardised into "Stranger In Paradise" Sydney Tafler and Harry Fowler are the least likely heroes one might encounter in outer space - or terrestrially for that matter Think of a 1956 edition of Men Only - implication rather than explication Good fun for all 7/10 Mark James Burden
Leofwine_draca FIRE MAIDENS FROM OUTER SPACE is a great title, isn't it? A title that a B-movie producer would kill for. A shame, then, that the film which accompanies is nothing like that title; instead this is a tepid, po-faced British slice of science fiction drama, with a ludicrous storyline and incredibly ordinary plot execution.The outer space scenes (accompanied by stock footage of a V2 rocket) are limited to the start of the movie as for much of the running time the action takes place on the 13th moon of Jupiter - a satellite that looks remarkably like Earth complete with lush vegetation and the like! A bunch of astronauts (including regular leading man Paul Carpenter and character actors Sydney Tafler and Harry Fowler) arrive on the moon and soon find themselves contending with a tribe of man-eating women who come to the place from Atlantis.It's as silly and cheesy as it sounds, and rather turgid with it. The staging of the action and the presence of a dodgy monster-man make this feel like one of those silly American sci-fi B-movies such as TARGET EARTH or ROBOT MONSTER. The way that the cast refuse to ever crack a smile or have much fun is laughable in itself. Still, the film does feature a number of nubile young actresses in form-fitting costumes, so there is something for the male viewer to enjoy; just not much.
bensonmum2 What a cheap, lazy, and completely dull movie. I didn't think it was possible to make a movie entirely out of padding, but Cy Roth seems to have given it the old college try with Fire Maidens from Outer Space. It's got more padding than Joan Crawford's shoulders. What few moments of plot that actually manage to peak through the filler involve a group of astronauts on their way to the 13th moon of Jupiter. Once there, they run into the last of the descendants of Atlantis (don't ask!), fall in love, and try to get off the planet. Will they succeed? It hardly matters as you most likely won't be awake to find out the answer.Early on, it's pretty easy to see just how miserable Fire Maidens from Outer Space is going to be. There are a lot of examples I could cite, but there's one moment that I'm particularly fond of (fond is probably too strong of a word when discussing anything related to this movie). The captain (And we know he's the captain because (a) he's the one controlling the two shifter things that fly the ship and (b) he's wearing the same old ratty captain's hat that seems to have been standard issue in movies from the 1940s and 1950s. A hat like that is fine if you're taking a group of scientists up the Nile in search of some strange creature, but it's out of place on an interplanetary journey.) lands the painfully unexciting set that doubles as the interior of the rocket and the crew celebrates this achievement by whipping out large quantities of cigarettes. Once this merry band of misfits has finished off a carton of butts, they're ready to make their way out of the ship to explore this new, unknown world. But the movie is far too cheap for anything that remotely looks like space gear. The 13th moon conveniently has an atmosphere similar to earth. Therefore, the only thing our group of explorers need do is remove their white cotton coveralls . . . errr spacesuits . . . to reveal freshly pressed khaki outfits complete with matching holsters. Yes, that's right, the only equipment our "scientists" see fit to take with them (and the only equipment this low-rent movie could afford) on their explorations are five, rather large, revolvers. At this point I actually had to stop the movie and laugh for a few seconds at the absurdity of what I'd just witnessed. Call me crazy but I just can't envision Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin touching down on the moon and firing up a few Chesterfield's while strapping on their six-shooters.From here on out, things only get worse. The rest of Fire Maidens from Outer Space is made up of smoking, standing around, mind-numbingly dull interpretive dances, and more smoking. Like I said – it's cheap, lazy, and completely dull.
JohnHowardReid Despite inept dialogue, cramped sets, second-string acting, penny-pinching special effects, and time-wasting "B"-picture shuffling, this low-budget, sci-fi yarn is not all that unentertaining. Decided assets include: (1) The plot, neatly combining the Atlantis legend with Theseus and the Minotaur; (2) a bit of effective Minotaur make-up by Roy Ashton; (3) a few flashes of directorial skill by Mr Roth; and (4) not least, a bevy of really beautiful fire maidens led by the very charming Susan Shaw (one of my favorites, I must admit) and the agreeably villainous Maya Koumani.Camp followers will also enjoy the zippy music score comprising a few snatches of Khachaturian's "Saber Dance" with generous excerpts from Borodin's "Polovetsian Dances". If you close your eyes, you can almost imagine yourself listening to the soundtrack of M-G-M's Kismet.True, Dexter makes a wet hero, and Carpenter is even more soppy, but who cares?