Few Options
Few Options
| 01 July 2011 (USA)
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When a convicted drug smuggler leaves prison after 22 years for one youthful mistake, he just wants to start over and obey the law. But, unable to find work, he's forced to take a supposedly legitimate job with his old crime partners. And they have big plans for their newest employee. Written by George A. Pappy Jr.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
rioplaydrum I grabbed this movie off the shelves of my local library without much thought, because they were closing in a few minutes and I didn't have time to make a proper selection.When I got home and looked more closely at the cover, I thought, 'Oh, great. This can't be much good.'Surprise, surprise.The plot is far from a new one: convicted felon gets out of prison and must grapple with the real world. Old associates make themselves known, and have no good in store.'Frank' played by Kenny Johnson, is our ex-con. Frank is perennially confused and even a tad bumbling. He quickly learns of the new complexities of the world he's been absent from for the last 22 years, and is quick to give up any notion he's ever going to have a normal life again.Enter his old gang and boss, the only family willing to take him back, but at a terrible price. Frank is then made an offer that he cannot refuse, or he will die. While the low-budget production makes itself glaringly obvious from the start, as well as a few bad-acting hic-cups here and there, the story rapidly develops into something intriguing and resourceful. What will our protagonist do? What will his solution be? How will he get out of this?The movie is a delight, and the soundtrack is excellent.
punishmentpark Quite cliché essentially, but gets away with it, mostly due to the sympathetic atmosphere of the whole. The protagonist is a helpless ex-con who is confronted with a new (and old, in another way) world, after about 25 years of incarceration. The plot has a slow pacing and takes careful steps towards a few inevitable confrontations... it pretty much worked for me.The acting of Kenny Johnson is decent, although he isn't the most charismatic actor. There are quite a few other (bigger or smaller) roles played by some familiar names, of which Erin Daniels was my favorite. Brad Dourif, Rainn Wilson, Laura San Giacomo (tiny role) and Michael Sheen (tiny role) are worth mentioning also.Nice twist at the end, but I'm not sure how much I liked him 'just' walking away (from his mother and Helen)... but I'll take it. P.s. June 25th, 2014: terrible new title.
screenwritingbook "Few Options," a film by emerging writer/director George Pappy, is one of those movie gems that can pop up unexpectedly from time to time - all the more affecting because audiences get to discover it for themselves without being force-fed by the Big Time film distribution system. This passion project from a movie artist currently outside the mainstream was made with no budget but lots of guts and touching human insight. Clearly, Pappy just said "Damn the torpedoes!" and shot his honest, fulfilling movie on credit cards. But cheap here does NOT mean unsophisticated. This is smart Film-Noir going back to its roots to tell an intense story from the point of view of an ex-con who lives in a murky world of moral ambiguity, no easy answers, and no way out. Pretty much the human condition as we find it today. Bravo, Mr. Pappy. We eagerly await your next.
Riley Rose McKesson Loved the script and the directing. Strong cast, strong story. The story deals with confronting issues of character that many wish to sweep under the rug or are unwilling to toil with. One is forced to look within and question what their own choices might be given the rescue of a family member betrayed. Where does the fault lie? Cornered and out or resources, you would often not reconcile such a choice unless confronting with making one as is the case here. The acting is very believable and the cast is well chosen. I never left the story, felt fully entrenched within it. Definitely a ride worth taking and worth recommending. A testament of the talent of an ensemble cast and crew.