| 18 September 2014 (USA)
Felt Trailers

A woman creates an alter ego in hopes of overcoming the trauma inflicted by men in her life.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
misscath-02668 Too many questions left unanswered in this film. I felt for Amy, she is clearly a very disturbed girl who never got over her past sexual trauma. It was clear from the beginning she was on a downward spiral but what was ever done to help her? Her friends tried, but it seemed she was destined for depravity.I'm not sure why this young guy did not run the other way when he realized how disturbed she was. That might sound cruel, but did he not have any inkling to how disturbed she really was? Did he think he could save her? Did she snap because she thought he was cheating or would she have done so anyway? I think either way she was doomed.Where was her family? There was no mention of getting her psychiatric treatment, it was as if she was just viewed as eccentric and infantile. I think this was an important topic to address, but for me, as a woman, this was just too horrible for me to watch. This is the most vile and depressing film I have ever seen. I hope I never see anything this disturbing again.
gadajevic This movie is one of the most truly disturbing movies I have ever watched. The psychological and psychical torture involved leaves you feeling so uncomfortable and sick but mostly frightened as to how realistic it could be.It is very unlike most psychological thrillers I have seen. Amy the main character leaves you so uncomfortable and scared of her busy messed up mind. It is a strong representation of what sexual abuse can do to one, it changes your perspective completely and you really can bathe in her pain while watching the film. Amy ends up like your younger psychotic sister, a ticking time bomb with the most wacky ideas. You joke along side her but she means what she says. It took me by surprise, probably wont watch it again not because its bad, its very good but because its so heavy to watch.
moore-jeffery I like weird movies. I'm pro women. I like the idea of a movie exploring this topic.It seems the point was just to be weird and shocking. The message intended was not received by me. All I saw was a girl who should probably be institutionalized be treated as a mentally healthy person for the whole movie. She clearly is not, and for me, that's the only message that comes across. I already was on the side of women, but if I had not been, this movie would have certainly done absolutely nothing to sway me. Some movies seem to have absolutely no merits, and this is one of them.
chuck-526 Yep, the girl we see could be termed "self-loathing" or "mad". And yep she sometimes behaves in strange ways that irritate both her on-screen friends and us viewers.What we never see is what she was like _before_ "the trauma". What we see is that "the trauma" has permanently scarred her, so that all her attempts at rehabilitation are self-destructive, and her friends attempts at healing uniformly eventually fail.The skewed behavior we see is definitely _not_ what's recommended. If there's an (implied) "feminist message", it's something like "our sexist culture results in some individuals that are permanently so screwed up they not only can't help the culture, they can't even help themselves very much, like this one".What we see is the disaster resulting from "the trauma". Reading what we see as some sort of "recommendation" fundamentally misses the whole point.Watching a thoroughly screwed up person may be "educational", but it tends to not be all that much fun. So what else does this movie deliver? The first "what else" is that quite a few little bits are very funny, for example showing up to a porn shoot wearing a tongue-in-cheek skin-colored outfit (rather than a "birthday suit" as intended) and seducing the other model into playing along with the joke.And the second "what else" is quite a bit of truly interesting art. It's unconventional, and a lot of it is vaguely disturbing. Yet at the same time it's undeniably beautiful.This film is squarely in the "mumblecore" tradition: low production values, tiny crew, amateur actors, about the concerns of thirty-somethings, little or no music, and very naturalistic dialog. (I personally am not a big fan of "mumblecore" in general, and my rating reflects my generic dislike more than it does anything about this film specifically.)