R | 28 January 2005 (USA)
Fascination Trailers

Young Scott Doherty (Adam Garcia) gets suspicious when his mother (Jacqueline Bisset) plans to wed Oliver Vance (Stuart Wilson) soon after her husband's untimely death. Scott investigates with Oliver's pretty daughter, Kelly (Alice Evans), who shared Scott's doubts about the upcoming nuptials. Along the way, he falls in love with Kelly, but a fatal explosion turns Scott's life upside down - and the evidence points to him as the murderer. Has he been framed?

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Armand Adam Garcia shirtless, Jacqueline Bisset and Stuart Wilson, a script which many holes, fragile links between scenes and beautiful landscape. love stories so confusing than is not easy to understand the purpose. and ambition to create a thriller. the best thing - the good idea who remains only the roots for the film . result - good intentions. and that could be enough in this case. the worst fact is the absence of an axis. the film seems be result of improvisation. no precise plot, not a coherent story. only crumbs of revenge who seems be remind about Hamlet, a confuse plan and the poor Alice Evans as cardinal. a film for the fans of genre.
shes_dead Fascination is a really poor quality predictable murder mystery that is very forced and contrived. There is no character development and both the script and acting are over the top college fodder. It gives the impression of being written by a rich boy who wants to be a film maker and uses all the clichés in a very unintelligent and uninteresting wayNo one in this film seems to have true feelings. It is like it is written by someone who doesn't have any feelings themselves. The characters are ill-defined and they chop and change from being nice, to nasty, to nice again for no reason other than to confuse the audience so we aren't supposed to know who the killer is (though it is still very easy to work out anyway). Dialogue and acting style is melodramatic, the characters are clichéd - a wicked step-father, an uncaring mother, the mandatory best friend who only appears when the writer needs and extra character for, say, grave robbing. The guy who plays this 'best friend' character is so bad at acting it's like he's not even in the same movie, his acting style as well as his costume and general demeanour is just completely out of kilter with the rest of the film.The screenplay is so poor that you realise the writer has no integrity at all. He just doesn't care! Bad structure, two dimensional characters, ill-fitting scenes. It had that whole 'first draft' kind of feel. For example, the main character, Scott, bumps in to a girl called Kelly in one scene. In the very next scene they are sitting in a restaurant with Scott's mother and her new boyfriend. It's only about half way through the scene that you realise Scott isn't introducing Kelly to the parents, but that the mother's new bloke is Kelly's father and they are announcing their marriage plans. So the two main characters have developed a relationship and none of it was shown to the audience. And by sheer chance Scott's new girlfriend happens to be the daughter of his mother's new boyfriend. It's scenes like this that make the film come across as a jumbled mess.Red herrings abound in this movie, particularly in respect of the mother who throughout most of the film comes across as an evil woman who may have killed her husband; she gets married soon after his death and shows no feeling or thought towards her son. Then in a random scene about three quarters of the way through she has a about-turn and delivers a monologue wherein she explains her deep love for her son and how she would die for him. This is not a deep and meaningful confession of love, but a lazy attempt to tell the audience that the mother has feelings. Unfortunately all it accomplishes is to reveal that she has been portrayed as evil up to this point in a very inept attempt to throw an audience off the trail.Whatever it is you are looking for in this film (suspense, romance, erotic thriller), you won't find it, believe me.
dougaronson I ready some of the comments - I know we are all entitled to our own opinion but some of these people take this reviewing pretty serious don't they? Basically I rented the DVD because my girlfriend likes Adam Garcia. After watching the movie, she is into him even more - watch it and I guess from a girls perspective you'll know why. I didn't love the music, it was a bit corny for my taste but the overall feel of the movie made sense and the story line flowed pretty well. Bottom line (in my opinion) the movie was good - nice location shots, nice body shots and at times was pretty suspenseful.People just need to relax and rent the movie.
andreadetournay I so admire Jacqueline Bisset that I've seen everything she's ever been in. She's a role model for me and did nothing to disappoint in this movie. She's so beautiful and elegant and always the professional. I know that as a 17 year old I should be more interested in Adam Garcia and don't get me wrong, he is really cute, but I just really love watching a seasoned actress do her thing. The setting was exotic and sexy and the love scene between Garcia and Alice Evans was hot and romantic at the same time. I could have done without seeing Evans and her dad kissing but I guess that just made it a little edgier. Bottom line, there was love and action which is appealing to both men and women so you could easily watch this with that special someone and both feel satisfied.
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