| 01 August 2014 (USA)
Faraway Trailers

Audrey, a determined young American woman, arrives in the Philippines with a mysterious mission, little money, and no chance of success. But when she enlists the help of two friendly locals, Hazel and Rey, and an extremely unfriendly American expatriate, Nick, suddenly the possibility of success comes into view. All they have to do is cross 300 miles of roads, jungles, and ocean, ward off the attacks of a vicious local motorcycle gang, and keep themselves from killing each other. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Leofwine_draca FARAWAY is a backpacking indie drama that was shot in the Philippines. There's a little local flavour to enjoy here but that's all you'll be getting from it. The film favours a quirky approach that tries very hard to be humorous with middling results. It is fast paced and it does have snappy editing, which makes it a little more bearable than most, but there's very little of interest in the plot overall.
Michael A. Martinez As former film student, I really hate trashing student / hobbyist filmmaker adventure films as it's all too memorable the sheer effort of logistics that it takes to put something like this together, especially when it involves shooting overseas. However this one just got under my skin.Easily the best / most interesting thing about this very low budgeted film is the location work in the Philippines. Throughout the film we catch glimpses of both rural and city life as well as some refreshing revisiting of that same jungle seen in so many action and war movies of the 70's and 80's. Now with the heyday of International/Filipino co- productions and cheap exploitation movies far behind us, the next generation of filmmakers is stepping in. Of course the sensibilities of these filmmakers, using their youthful enthusiasm to create "artistic" pieces, are quite different from the old ones who did copycat remake action classics such as FIREBACK, COP GAME, and COMMANDER. Unfortunately though, this film makes it quite evident that attempted artistry and originality doesn't positively impact watchability, especially if done on the cheap.At first glimpse one would think this was a kids movie, not one necessarily made FOR children, but BY children as it's just so sloppy and loopy. The main group of characters consist of teenagers and a gung-ho couple 20-somethings on some vague quest to find some... thing (?)... in the Filipino jungles while avoiding a kidnapper/biker gang who just happen to assume that they're after some money. That's about all I could piece together. It sounds and feels innocent and lighthearted enough to earn a PG-rating until it suddenly delves into drug/alcohol abuse, a nasty attempted rape/murder scene, and then later a certain character shot bloodily & blindingly albeit non-fatally in the head and then having to continue about her business.The story (which veers into scifi late in the film) and tone manage to somehow stay beyond incomprehensible, yet childishly inconsistent and inane at the same time. None of the main characters are likable or fleshed out in the slightest and the shoehorned-in romance between two of the tag-along local teens is just embarrassingly awkward. Some performances (especially those done by the locals in their native language) are quite believable but a lot from the inexperienced leads we spend the most time with are either flat or overly theatrical. The action scenes are killed by the hesitance of the filmmakers to actually show us any "money" shots. While at least they attempt ambitious stunts including a car chase / fight with bikers climbing onto a bus, it's maddening that so much of the fighting, injuries (several people are supposedly crushed by a roof caving in an obviously empty house) and bike crashes are merely implied off-screen for obviously budgetary reasons.What's most curious to me about film is how much the barely-there plot parallels Ruggero Deodato's much more entertaining RAIDERS OF ATLANTIS only with most everything of interest stripped away. The film follows a group of disparate individuals on a quest to a lost island, avoiding violent bikers, and even culminates similarly with a hypnotic encounter with some lost / alien civilization. Personally I wish they'd just gone to the effort and found a print of RAIDERS and given it an official DVD release instead of producing this film. It would have saved us the addition of one more underfunded half-baked indie trashterpiece on the evergrowing pile. The makers could certainly make a much better living as location scouts for future Filipino action classics, should the genre ever happen to miraculously resuscitate itself.
ASouthernHorrorFan "Faraway" is an adventure film from director Randal Kamradt that follows a young girl's journey through the Philippine countryside to find the truth behind the Diwata legend, a group of mythical nymphs that govern the lives of man by writing fated stories of man's lives. "Faraway" stars Dana Jamison, Nick Medina, Genelyka Castin, Leonard Olaer, Vivencio E. Mataganas, Gabriel Enriquez, Maria Olsen, Rachel Appelbaum and Guillermo Jorge. In the film both the myth of the Diwata and the journey of the characters are mirrored and feel much like a Shakespearian play. blending fairytale with real world misadventure. "Faraway" creates a mid-grade drama with some dark edgier moments mixed with lighter, comedic moments. Often the story seems to force the the Diwata aspects into the groups story in a way that doesn't flow naturally but for the most part "Faraway" offers an entertaining and heartfelt tale of self discovery and adventure.The acting is about 50/50 with no character seeming to shine perfectly on screen and the discrepancy is very random. Some characters seem a bit more committed to their part while others come off more over-rehearsed. It doesn't make the film hard to watch since no one actor fails completely and all offer convincing enough characters. The dialog and dramatic interaction at times feels contrived but for Indie cinema, especially as a blended nationality-foreign film set-up, this doesn't really make much difference as to make the story difficult to enjoy. Overall the performances and atmosphere is acceptable and there are some moments that really shine. The soundtrack and effects are more dramatically developed with mild, light action accompanied by standard instrumental sounds. The music flows well with the acting and story which draws you into the character driven drama as well as the more intense active moments. Some of the stunts and action do seem a bit exercised cautiously with little flare much like a family adventure film on a low budget scale. This doesn't hurt nor help the entertainment value, I only mention it so that no one planning to watch "Faraway" expects big budget dramatics and feels let down. The film gives a nice, lighthearted, fun experience that is somewhat family friendly in a PG-13(?) sort of way. Plus the scenery, due to the exotic locations is a visual bonus to the film.
Nandini Bapat Faraway, the story of a young woman searching for a mysterious people, was actually a pretty great film. When I first started watching it, I was put off by the choppy sound and sometimes odd close-ups that were far grainier than the usually stunning quality of most of the cinematography. But the story kept me going and moved with a relatively fast pace, which ensured that I stuck around for a bit. I was very quickly endeared to the main characters and I wanted to know the resolution to their story,Once the characters were out amongst the Philippine countryside, my eyes were blown away. They really took advantage of this amazing location and the film gets at least two stars for so beautifully capturing the beautiful landscapes and local villages. I really loved the beauty of it all. The music score went along perfectly with this film. It added a great dimension of suspense, intrigue, mystery, light hearted fun and adventure to the film. There were times that the music flowed so naturally and beautifully that I was swept away with the film. The acting was pretty decent, although it was a bit obvious who the actors were and who weren't. While some scenes were choppy, I really liked some of the scenes between Nick and Audrey. They were very human and truthful, but also had some great humor at the same time. As someone who has lived abroad for a while, I loved their conversation about missing 'American' food. :) I liked the overall plot, although I felt that it stretched on a bit in the middle and could have been cut down, although I wouldn't want to lose some of those countryside scenes. Still, it moved quickly and there was enough action to keep me interested. I liked the tie in with the local legends and how the film also incorporated philosophical questions about fate and what to do with your life. The film was deep and certainly was not a waste of time or energy. I highly recommend that people watch it if they are looking for something fun, but slightly existential, and are looking to learn more about the Philippines. I definitely want to go there on a vacation, just so I can see that gorgeous scenery for myself. :)