Face of Terror
Face of Terror
R | 22 March 2005 (USA)
Face of Terror Trailers

A police officer searching for his missing sister in Spain uncovers a terrorist cell.

Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
n8717 As someone already said the plot is quite predictable and the characters are not too realistic. The acting is fine. The kind of movie you enjoy on TV and easily forget. That sounds like a 5, so, why did I give it a 7?Because of something that is extremely hard to see in a movie directed by an American director. Something we, spaniards, appreciate. It's as simple as the title says: Spain looks quite like Spain. When you're used to see Spain in movies as some sort of mix between Mexico, Spain in the 50's and random stuff* it's nice to see a movie where, even if some of the character and scenes are not too credible, Spain does not look like a grotesque parody of itself.*By random stuff I mean like when in Mission Impossible (don't remember which one (2?)) they mixed at random different traditions from different parts of Spain. (Quite as if the movie said "Los Angeles", and you had the Statue of Liberty, the Chicago Bulls, New Orleans Mardi Gras, the Bellagio casino and the Grand Canyon all at the same time.So, the movie itself is more like a 5-6, but it had a +1-2 for that.
dbborroughs Rick Schroeder gives the worst performance I've seen him give as a cop chasing after his sister who disappeared in Spain. The trail leads him toward a terrorist group, while the movie leads the audience into blahdom.The film has by the numbers action, obvious twists and turns and this looks like little more than a foreign TV movie with an American star in the lead. Schroeder is just awful and one wonders how he had any sort of career based on this performance. The rest of the cast is better but since the movie rests on Schroeder's shoulders the film kind of collapses on itself as a result.I'd take a pass unless you're a big Schroeder fan.
Jesus Andres what a bad movie, it has a typical Hollywood-style, the characteristic cop of the E.U. fighting against a blacks mans (like ever), this, I supposed is for demonstrate the common ability of the policeman of Hollywood. however the acting of the "hero", friends, and no friends are terrible (excepting the terrorist), are over acted, and forced. But the worst thing i found in this movie was, overcoat,the weak plot, that not has nothing of complexity, the scarcity effects that doesn't complement the poor story and the comic mustache of Nick Harper makes of this movie something to see before to the bed, or if you are so tired.
qljsystems This movie trots out its throw-away story with all the cache of a very bad example of a TV movie. All the elements prove it: a predictable plot; a formulaic screenplay; cardboard cutout characters; hackneyed dialogue often delivered with the conviction of someone reading from a cue-card; clichéd situations; neat "just add water and stir" fight scenes; caricature archetypes. The baddies are just a little too cool to be real and Nick Schroder's rebellious good guy role is so predictable that you can almost see the painted footstep positions in every scene. I didn't bother to watch it through, because the outcome's fairly obvious from seeing just the first 20 minutes.