Evil Angel
Evil Angel
| 05 February 2009 (USA)
Evil Angel Trailers

Set in present day Chicago, the ancient avenging demon Lilith, attempts to destroy a young paramedic's life while destroying anyone who interferes with her plan.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain I had no idea what to expect from this film. The opening credits consisted of a woman writhing around naked. As the credits came up on screen one of them stated "You're not even reading this". This is something that wouldn't be out of place in a spoof. It was a nice chuckle, but gave a false idea of what to expect. The film succeeds in actually trying to squeeze out some drama and internal conflicts between it's protagonists. On top of that you have a demon possession, mass murder plot going down. It's all fairly entertaining, if predictable. The cast are solid, but not always convincing. All I can say for sure, is that I quite liked it.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I was expecting more from the movie, as it looked so promising. Now, don't get me wrong, this is not a bad movie. Quite the contrary. The movie is quite good, and got some nice effects.The movie suffered from a lack of thrills or scares. There were some fairly cool-looking scenes, but there were no building up to scares. You could pretty much see everything coming a mile away. And the ending? Well, it was amazingly predictable.But still, the movie was not a waste of time. It has a good story, that keeps going at a good pace. You are never bored throughout the movie. And there are some really nice gory scenes and effects as well.For me, what really made it worth it was Ving Rhames, as usual he did a good job.If you got nothing better to do for an evening and want to watch a fairly straight forward "by the Hollywood book" horror movie, sit down and watch "Evil Angel".
ticketstubber I usually don't like horror movies. They're generally stupid: people getting tortured or girls being chased around and killed by guys in masks. This one ACTUALLY HAS A STORY! You actually have to pay attention to what's going on and what's being said. In a way, I think they ought to call it a horror/mystery because you don't really put all the pieces together until the very end. When you do, the whole thing makes sense and you want to watch the movie again. Which I did. And I liked it more the second time.I also liked that it wasn't just a straight horror movie. There was mystery and kind of a "film noir" feel to it with the Ving Rhames guy trying to figure it all out. All in all, a really good movie. Good acting, GREAT music and photography. Some fun lines and a few really great set pieces. The mayhem in the crack house was a BLAST. And there was no shortage of blood and skin.I give it a nine out of ten. It was more fun than scary. If they make a sequel, I'm definitely going to see it.
mike_brunton This movie has been done before a zillion times, at least it feels like it. Alien/Demon/monster/IQ form/ghost, takes over a helpless human body and wreaks havoc on all concerned. That being said, the budget was clearly above $1 million which always helps, the lead actors had some charisma (note to directors, this helps), and the dialogue was passable.The directing felt stable, but again lacking in that oomph...feeling. My only concern was the lack of originality of the main plot, to be honest, I think it would have worked better setting the whole movie in a small claustrophobic village rather than a big city, where random deaths just don't have the same impact, on the viewer in life or in a movie. I wanted to like this movie, and I am a huge fan of the horror genre so I gave this a five rating, if you are not a horror fan deduct points accordingly.