Everything Before Us
Everything Before Us
| 03 June 2015 (USA)
Everything Before Us Trailers

The Department of Emotional Integrity (DEI) documents all relationship activity. A 'relationship score' is given to keep people accountable for their choices. The score is public for all to see, and affects various aspects of daily life. Two couples, teenagers and early 30s, face different but intersecting challenges in their relationships within the rules of the DEI.

ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
T. Go I won't spoil nothing that Netflix summary wouldn't already give away.I thought the concept of a public Agency meddling in our affairs and overstepping boundaries in this word was kinda original and interesting, but it could've been better executed maybe. I mean..dude. Gattaca..now that was blockbuster ya know. rating ppl based on their DNA (valids and invalids)I did see a lot of familiar faces. I don't even know what or who "WF" is, as one altruistic industry reviewer refers to, but even I noticed some biased casting here. Don't we hear so much gripe about Hollywood being bias and stuff, this is blatantly bias. The couples had no Chemistry shown. moments, were just bleh and awkward looking. -- high school play? Ben was believable... he seemed into her (i almost thought he was Leonardo Nam from the Perfect score all grown up but hmm...IMDb proved me wrong). I watched it to the very end, so it was OK.
changsung I have no problem with Wongfu Productions, its not personal. Just your movie sucked and you don't know how to take criticism. It's set in the future where couples are required to register with D.E.I. where you're are assigned a score based on your past relationships. I don't understand whats to stop couples from registering. There are many other plot holes as well. I could have gotten over it the plot holes if the acting wasn't terrible. Attention Wongfu Production fans: If the movie sucks don't be afraid to say so. They want to be film makers and if you don't tell them because your afraid that it will hurt their feelings, then you're robbing people like me of MY money. I rented the movie based off you guys reviews. I get that a majority of you guys are Asian and want to see more Asian faces in movies. But the fact of the matter is that you WONT see more Asian faces, if you don't give them criticism. Phillip Wang said to his "Critics" that "We don't need fans like that". The fact is if they cannot take criticism from people, they have no business making movies AT ALL. Like I said I hated it. It was a waste of money. I had to skip over the long, draggy scenes
dee dee mow This movie was bad. I mean real bad. The problem is simple. Wong Fu's often corny love videos work well in 5 minute bursts on youtube. But to make an entire full length movie without stepping outside their comfort zone of cheesy, hire my friends, similar plot line videos won't work. It's a shame for wong fu supporters but it's reality. If they keep on this same old track there will never be a second film that makes any real splash in the entertainment industry.Also I'm all for Asian pride but when you only feature Asians in your videos then immediately other races of people are going to think "Well these films clearly aren't intended for me." This will only lead to a limited audience. It's time to step outside your comfort zone wong fu. You're at a crossroads. Make the best of it.
Jack Zhong I have been a big supporter of Wong Fu Productions and to be able to witness their growth from the Youtube medium to film is inspiring. They have mentioned in their Q&A that they had intended for this film to be viewed from home on a computer, so I tried to be as lenient as possible when each scene seemed to be a short of their own. Despite this precondition, Wong Fu only proves that they have fallen prey to their Youtube success of milking empty moments, cheap pauses and vague dialogue.I enjoyed the immediate parallels of emotions and intentions of each individual, and the classic sense of humor found in their Youtube shorts. Wong Fu still has a lot to learn on creating stories built on substantive context, because good stories provide context. I was left so many questions about how the DEI score determined, what kind of institution it is (DEI appears to be a bank, but is ultimately unidentifiable throughout the movie) and backgrounds of the characters and why they ended up making the decisions they did. I cringed when they started the movie the same way they started their trailer.I'm not a professional critic, but I've laid out my concerns in hopes to see more of Wong Fu and Asian Americans in films. There just isn't much point to spending two hours with the optional Youtube star cameo without a good story. I will go out to say that lazy writing is the sole detriment to this film, if I had to choose.
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