Eva Braun
Eva Braun
| 09 February 2015 (USA)
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Eva Braun takes inspiration from the actual sex scandals in the Italian Parliament and the 120 Days of Sodoma by Marquis De Sade. This mix create a grotesque journey through power, sex and will of people who does everything to be successful. Pier is a powerful and important Mogul who keeps the power in his country. Elegant, ironical and well educated, he has a bizarre sexual instinct which is satisfied by her mistress, Romy, who collect people, men and women (musicians, directors, writers and businessmen) which agree to satisfy his weird fantasies for getting his help to the way to success. Like a Decameron, a group of people in a house meet their pride and greed for power and sex.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Harockerce What a beautiful movie!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
sol- Not the biopic of Hitler's mistress that one might suspect from the title, this unusual film is rather set in contemporary Italy with the focus being an Italian millionaire who hires five youths to act out his sexual fantasies. While they are all paid, it is gradually revealed that each person has other reasons for agreeing to essentially be a sex slave; one is an aspiring filmmaker looking for funding, another hopes to be introduced to his contacts, and the list goes on. In this regard, the film seeks to be a study of how much people can be persuaded to degrade themselves with the promise of something worthwhile, and while the film has garnered comparisons to Pier Paolo Pasolini's 'Saló', the subjects of 'Eva Braun' are willing participants, even if they are physically repulsed by it all. It is clearly the filmmakers' intention to draw parallels to Pasolini though; the millionaire is called Pier after all, and -- like a movie director -- he often sits back in a chair, shouting instructions at those he hired - occasionally even demonstrating how to act. Curious as all this may sound, the film is let down by a nasty sense of humour that tends to trivialise the degradation; a virgin is deflowered through misuse of modern technology, the reason for the title turns out to be an unfunny joke before the end credits roll, and so on. The film also has a - perhaps unavoidable - sense of repetitiveness as everything gradually devolves into one act of depravity after another. It is a daringly different movie to say the least though, and Andrea Riva's take on a man with the spirit of Pasolini is arguably worth watching for alone.
Luca-Aversa I was vexed by this film simply because it reaffirms a reality too close to me. Nepotism, something that Italians do unashamedly very well.I should know, I come from a family that left Italy because of the difficulty this poses to everyday people who are not affiliated with anyone in 'Power'. I myself am reluctant to return to Italy because of this cancer which has been bringing the country down for centuries.NOTHING is done on merit, its all about who you know and what you're willing to trade.This movie exposes the underbelly of Italian nepotism and it possibly shows us how desperate people have become in their need for survival, and a social heed to progress or remain a 'nobody' forever.Probably anyone who is not Italian will find this movie 'Funny' or even 'Aritistic' but for anyone who was born in Italy or has lived there for a few year, this film is brilliantly sad as it unmasks the 'Bel Paese'.
John Curtz This movie is about Italy, but it goes deeper than any documentary could do.However it's not a pessimistic movie: it's full of gags and humour, symbol of a Country that is impossible to portrait in a serious way.Pier, the leading character, is a sort of Silvio Berlusconi, former Italian prime minister, but he's more human, but not less tragic.He is obsessed by sex and by stealing each other's souls and bodies, and he is just a man with an empire in decline.Erotic scenes fading in humouristic ones, tragic mixed with grotesque, brilliant dialogues and extreme sequences: this movie is quite unique.The actors are all good. The most talented one is the girl who plays Bea (Adele Raes), really moving.
Reginald Curtiz It's a strange movie. I thought it was an erotic one, but it's a sort of comedy. It's about Italy and scandals, but it's quite a cruel portrait of people searching quick ways to fame and success.Many sequences are visually charming (like the orgy's one), and the dialogues are always funny.The leading actor, who plays the character of Pier, is a sort of Pasolini mixed with Madds Mikkelsen, and he's really good. The actress are quite good looking, and they are all perfect in their roles.Usually I don't like Italian movies, but this one seems like a German one, or a Korean one.