English Vinglish
English Vinglish
PG | 21 September 2012 (USA)
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In the United States for the first time, an Indian housewife with a limited command of English turns Manhattan into her personal language school.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Manish Saini This movie is one of my another favourite one. I love this movie, the way it stars- Sri Devi being being portrayed in simple Saree and preparing breakfast for the sleeping family members. But she proved that being a housewife doesn't mean that she cant be ever modern. A woman if given a chance to prove herself, she can hit the victory at her first attempt and may be Men may lose the chance. I liked that scene where she attempts to give the speech of her own and silence everyone who used to laugh at her poor English. Marvellous actress she is. Its hard to believe a housewife like attempts to go on her own to a foreign state, learns English and become modern just because she dared to do this.
Semsung This film pressed my buttons and made me MAD!!!! If the equivalent were made about a modern day black man who is demoted to a life of doing menial tasks because of lack of education; who then goes on a mission to win respect of those who are belittling him, the whole world would be up in arms at the racist implication. However, in this case, when such things are taken for granted, very few people can see the offence in it!On the surface this film seems harmless enough but remove the cultural veneer and you will see that it is completely insulting to women. The main character is a spineless and timid housewife who cooks and cleans, runs the house and does a bit of freelance cooking on the side which her partner does not approve of. She is dominated by an overbearing husband who wants to keep her in her place, and bullied by a bratty, arrogant daughter who joins her father in his fun making of her mother due to her not being able to understand English. Then out of the blue, the opportunity to learn English is presented to her after going to the USA to attend a wedding. There she makes friends, is wooed by a French student and opens her mind to people all walks of life. Once the rest of her family arrive, she has to continue her English lessons in secret because her first and foremost duty is cooking, cleaning and attending to her husband and children and putting them before all else. The movie continually re-enforces that this is what Indian women are supposed to do and should be the sum total of the meaning of their lives.I think the most insulting line of all in the entire film is said by a couple of fellow Indian students from the English class after the French student Laurent declares his undying love to Sridevi: "All women not French, this is Indian woman - show respect" – the implication being that, French and other women do not need to be shown respect because they are sexually promiscuous and can be easily won over by anyone who's interested, whereas all Indian women are in some way pure and unsullied and cannot be brought to the tarnished depths of Western culture. Really, that type of script is verging on racism surely!The climax of this advertisement for Indian purity happens at the wedding where the housewife (who was tempted but did not stray…of course), delivers a moving speech in broken English about respect simultaneously shaming her daughter and opening her self-centred husbands eyes to the idea that his wife is more than just a rice cooking baby machine.The final scene shows that she is still his obedient wife because she gives him 'two Ladoos' thus proving that even though he treated her like a servant, she still maintains perfect loyalty because he is the 'man' of the house and her 'husband'.Honestly, I cannot express my disappointment at what a heap of tripe the content of this film presents; it is insulting, patronising and perpetuates an outdated dogma that should have been over a long time ago. Please Gauri Shinde, do not insult Indian film-making with this flaccid offering of backward garbage; there are so many brilliant Indian movies out there that are real, gritty and do justice to the industry. If you have the facility and the ability, do something life-changing with it rather than this utter nonsense!
Babulu P.George The performance of Mehdi Nebbou in English Vinglish was awesome. His expressions were very subtle, but conveyed a lot. An actor is the one who can generates emotions in another person without less speech. He is a winner in that sense. Truly amazing actor who fitted the role very well. Looking forward to see him more in big screen in wonderful roles.The movie was very inspiring. The subject is presented very well. It proved that language is not a barrier for interaction of human minds. A person who has self respect always respect the feelings of other person in his life. The movie conveyed a great lesson to make life beautiful.
Swapnilagarwal She is back...yes SRI is back!! That too with a bang on performance, muttering certain English-Vinglish!! Moreover, as the film progresses, you stop searching for the Sri Hawa Hawai Devi in the Shashi Godbole she plays so naturally!! So remarkably she portrays and lives the vulnerability of a woman, that you are compelled to see beyond the star she has been. Again not delving too much into each and every detail of the movie I will share my picks:1. Barring the strange plastic nose, even today, Sri can give many contemporary actresses run for their money. It was the role which demanded her to be draped in the 9 mtr cloth throughout, otherwise the figure she maintains can still create enough oomph!! Those big oceanic eyes can still drown many!2. Most importantly, as against the title, the movie is not about learning a certain firangi language. Rather, it is about the journey of a woman from a dark gloomy world of low self-esteem to a confident and self-loving persona. Practically speaking, it is not a story of only some fictional Shashi, but of many Indian housewives who encounter googlies of Anglicised world around them daily. Shashi can definitely inspire some of them to break their mental shackles and discover the woman inside them who is comfortable being herself and who has the ability to walk with the world herself.3. Yes, many characters esp. in her English class seem too type-casted and borrowed from comedies like 'Zabaan sambhaal ke' (based on 'Mind your Language'). They are still able to tickle your funny bone.4. The director has also handled the French love angle quite sensitively. Sri makes it very clear why she is not reciprocating; respect is what she wants, not love. Best part is, there is no unnecessary melodrama on this topic.5. Cinematography is more about skyscrapers of Manhattan with a full song dedicated to the US city. Music is peppy, not catchy though.6. Rest of the characters are good in their own places. Sujata Kumar with her endearing smile mesmerizes. Nice to see veteran Sulabha Deshpande after long. However, there could have been some more Marathi actors to give more desi and authentic flavour to the Marathi family flick. Not to forget Big B in a small cameo. He definitely adds some more cheer to the scenes.In all, EV is as sweet as Shashi's ladoos (yummy they look on screen!!), as suave as Shashi's looks and as focused as Shashi's will power. Those looking for G (glamour) quotient should give it a miss. Recommended for rest. Another addition to the league of nice small budget movies we are getting this year!
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