Elite Squad
Elite Squad
R | 19 September 2008 (USA)
Elite Squad Trailers

In 1997, before the visit of the pope to Rio de Janeiro, Captain Nascimento from BOPE (Special Police Operations Battalion) is assigned to eliminate the risks of the drug dealers in a dangerous slum nearby where the pope intends to be lodged.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
eagandersongil 2286/5000 "Tropa de Elite", the purest and crude record of Brazilian society, hypocrisy, profit, partiality and innocence, where policemen mistreat "innocents" to arrest bandits, and rich people finance crime and indirectly kill police with a pacifist speech. A script that talks about traffic, crime and favela by a different angle, the angle of the police, more specifically the BOPE, a special regiment of the military police, who tells us the story is Captain Nascimento, who mixes with the story of Mathias and Neto, young honest police officers who seek to fight organized crime, the elite troop script is accurate, but not perfect, it has many parallel plots that end up not being deepened, but it has a great construction of characters besides being brutally honest , even sometimes abusing scenes and phrases of effect - which eventually made the movie explode on its release. The morale of "Elite Troop" is that we are all wrong, there is no cure or a solution, no matter the side, any action taken ends up being harmful to someone, and often, to someone you want to help, before exploding the fashion of polarization in Brazil, the Padilha film already discussed concepts that are now completely disturbed, José Padilha directs using techniques of Martin Scorsese, sometimes even better than the American director himself, with scenes of incredible shootings and absurdly verisimilitude, German of a camera use without tripe magnifico, not to mention the great narrations in off that serve as a perfect support for the script, not to mention the precise and striking soundtrack, which reflects in an accurate way what is the long. The film is also very well acted, with main highlights for Wagner Moura and Fernanda Machado, besides the sober and mature performance of Andre Ramiro. Tropa de Elite is the movie that opens Jose Padilha to the world, the good and competent director is released to the Holywoodian market, where he ends up not doing well, but ends up finding his talent again when directing series for netflix. "Tropa De Elite" is not perfect, but it is a film that exposes much of Brazilian culture to the world, not only negatively, precisely because of this, "Tropa De Elite" is difficult to be seen by foreigners because the film is very, very Brazilian.
templar77099 "Elite Squad" is one of my favourite movies of all time. I saw it for the first time a couple of years ago and yesterday I rewatched it. And I back then I liked it a lot, this time, I loved it. Its a rough and realist depiction of the inner Rio de Janeiro, where cops and drug dealers take part on a never-ending war for the favela's dominance. Within the law enforcers side we are presented to three major characters - Captain Nascimento (played by Wagner Moura, the best Brazilian actor from my point of view), and the both aspirants to be cops Neto and Matias. Nascimento is the main character of the two movies and he couldn't be played by a better actor. Moura delivers a performance of a troubled anti-hero, who wants to retire from BOPE (Brazil's special law enforcers) to spend more time with his wife and his future son. Moura is so believable and real that we all tend to love him, despite some of the dubious actions he performs throughout the story. He's a conflicted man, who just leaves when he feels his duty is fulfilled. "A given mission, is an accomplished one". Neto (played by Caio Junqueira) and Matias (played by André Ramiro) are also deeply explored on the plot, with the first being a younger version of Nascimento, reckless and motivated by his sense of justice and duty, while Matias is a young man split between two worlds - the one of the law enforcers and the one of the drug dealers. The directing of José Padilha really leveled the movie up. The sense of tension and pressure is present in the way he shoots the scenes, with the use of over the shoulder angles and a bit of shaky cam on some chases. The firefights are perfectly shot and Rio is showed at its best and worst. The film was produced by the Weinstein brothers which solely gives it distinction amongst other productions.A must-watch.
Steven Anthoni This movie told about elite squads of police officers, BOPE as like as SWAT in America perhaps. BOPE are the police officers who can not be bribed by the criminals or drug dealers. They are police officers who frighten criminals or drug dealers . In this movie, we can see the "real life" of criminals in Brazil, who can bring guns anywhere and anytime. Many police officers can be bribed easily by drug dealers. Nascimento hated criminals and he wanted to eliminate them by joining BOPE. But he must resign from BOPE because "big trouble" in his family so he must choose his successor between Neto or Matias. This movie is very interesting. it's worthy to watch this movie
Bene Cumb I have never been to south for the Equator and the Portuguese language is unfamiliar to me as well - thus, I have no reliable personal knowledge of the life in the Rio de Janeiro metropolis. However, large cities with fast growth are prone to crime and violence, and police forces are under-financed in "calmer" countries and well. So it is no wonder that greed, poverty and considering authorities as brutal and oppressing (sometimes rightfully) create an atmosphere as depicted in the Tropa de Elite, which won the Best Movie award of the Berlin International Film Festival, the Golden Bear.All the events, fates and scenes are well depicted, but the flickering camera work, unvaried surrounding (slums) and no signs of hope/improvement make the movie cloddish to follow. The cast is even and strong, without any distinct performances, and it is easy to mix up the characters within the dark, occasional lights, and shootings and arrests. The tensions come and go, and the ending is too sudden... I am hesitant is deciding whether to watch the sequel - although I consider myself as a curios person :) 7/10 from me at present, my hopes were a bit higher.