Elite Squad: The Enemy Within
Elite Squad: The Enemy Within
| 08 October 2010 (USA)
Elite Squad: The Enemy Within Trailers

After a bloody invasion of the BOPE in the High-Security Penitentiary Bangu 1 in Rio de Janeiro to control a rebellion of interns, the Lieutenant-Colonel Roberto Nascimento and the second in command Captain André Matias are accused by the Human Right Aids member Diogo Fraga of execution of prisoners. Matias is transferred to the corrupted Military Police and Nascimento is exonerated from the BOPE by the Governor.

Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Leroy Wells I don't know where all the praise is coming from for this movie, this is literally one of the worst written movies I have ever seen and trust me the only reason I'm writing this review is because iv never been more fooled of time in my life. Literally a time wasting movie that I thought would at least have a good ending.Lets get one thing straight, this movie takes a whole 1 hour and 30 minutes building up to pretty much nothing. It just keeps building up momentum leading absolutely nowhere.SPOILERS ALERT! The end result is the last 20 minutes being your finale of revenge. You can say it wasn't much of a revenge and it was such a terrible revenge at that. How much the story was building up with those corrupt police officers ruining the system killing everyone while the good guys did nothing and killed no one. The script is bad, that's all there is to say. I found zero enjoyment and zero entertainment. Even Hollywood blockbusters are more entertaining, these reviews are absolutely garbage.
Joao Guilherme Araujo Schimidt Elite Squad is a movie about mafia and cops, but not just about it, the movie pass the good versus bad, is a sophisticate analysis of Brazilian society. Made with a strong social sense about politics and realistic habits, the history shows how compress is solve the corruption in Brazil. The main point is about two opposite men, Coronel Nascimento and congressman Diogo Fraga, Nascimento is head of elite squad BOPE, a no limit group of cops, and Fraga is human rights teacher. They are opposite in methodology, but achieve the same goal, destroy a systematic corruption of money and power. The movies exposure the corruption of police, NGO, Congress and everyone, the best point the movies shows is about how complex the system of corruption and power is, and how the status quo protect the bad guys from justice. Padilha, the director made a movie to show the obvious, but it is exactly why this is one of the best Brazilian movies about society.
blinxce This movie is awesome especially if you understand Portuguese, and know how Brazil operates. This movie is action packed and a great watch all together. I was introduced to this movie by finding it on IMDb's Top 250 chart, and was instantly hooked. I went to check the chart today and noticed this movie is no longer on there, well I think that was a huge mistake because this movie really is that good. Watch it and see for yourself, and for whoever is the person controlling that top 250 chart do people a favor and put this movie back on there. I see so many movies on that list that are questionable, this should not be one of them.
WalterSoprano But before watching this you have to watch the first even though the stories aren't really too connected. In my book this is tied with city of god for best foreign crime film. And for crime films of all time for me this film also takes a spot in my top 15 best crime films of all time.This film takes the same aspects from the first films and does that and then some I rated the first film as a 9 but is close to a 10 but I find this film more superior as far as story and complexity and even tragedy giving this film an easy 10/10. But when it comes to overall stories of corruption of cops and politicians this film takes the number one place.Pretty much anybody could enjoy this film as long as you aren't to squeamish with violence. But the film has believable characters and a story that seems real but isn't. Anybody who does read this review I highly recommend this film for a watch but of course only if you have seen the first.