Elf Bowling: The Movie – The Great North Pole Elf Strike
Elf Bowling: The Movie – The Great North Pole Elf Strike
PG | 02 October 2007 (USA)
Elf Bowling: The Movie – The Great North Pole Elf Strike Trailers

When Santa's half wit brother kidnaps the elves, Santa and super-elf Lex team up to save the day! Based on the enormously popular game, this beautiful, computer-graphics-animated movie is full of pirates, penguins and legendary heroes in a magical adventure perfect for the whole family.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Michael Ledo Santa and his brother Dingle are Irish pirates who steal toys. Through a series of events they get rescued by elves who also have penguins. (Penguins at the North Pole!) Santa gives up his evil ways while Dingle tries to hijack Christmas. The film is off beat. There are some themes for adults that kids might not understand such as "tequila body shots." There is also a scene where Dingle is playing cards with the penguins and he is in his undershirt (strip poker?).Elf Bowling is not as exciting as dwarf tossing. Never bet of elf bowling as it is a sport that can be easily rigged.
David Brailsford I remember being a teen and someone emailing my dad this game around the end of the 90's, it wasn't terrible, it was a tad addictive back when better games still required fairly good video cards... that said jump ahead 10 years almost, yeah there's a gba version I'm ashamed to admit occasionally I'll play but for the most part like the rest of the world I'd forgotten the game. Jump ahead about 7 years now I discover someone made it into a movie around the gba games time frame... I'm left wondering "Why?"uTo put whats wrong with this movie I ask you, Do you remember telephone? The game that was often played in kindergarten where a teacher whispers something in one ear for the message to be in turn whispered into another kids ear to the last kid finally reads out the message. This in turn almost always leads to something major lost in the transmission of the message.This seems to be the case of the Santa Clause Mythos in this movie. Santa Clause is inexplicably a pirate who steals toys, so that he can secretly throw them overboard hoping they will somehow end up in the hands of orphans. He has a brother who is also a pirate who seems to have an addiction to cheating worse then Dick Dastardly back in the wacky races.Santa bowls his crew over gold coins for some reason and wins but the parrot reveals that there's been cheating been going on so him and his brother get tossed into the water where they freeze, somehow the end up at the north pole where an elf uses his magic ball to revive them. They then reveal Santa is the chosen one, white beard. Eva then falls in love with an eva gabor look alike when she makes him strudel which he apparently really likes. Then him and his brother get in some real stupid argument drop the magic ball knocking over 12 elves revealing they enjoy being knocked over like pins. Santa starts delivering toys since they enjoy making toys and for 14 hundred years this goes on, finally santa marries ms. clause and asks his brother to move out who in turn goes to rule over the penguins and plot against his brother... I could go on but i think I made my point at how ridiculous this adaption is.My biggest gripe with this movie is at about 80 minutes, bowling only makes up possibly an 8th of the film if that much and the bowling scenes are all pretty much the same, Santa bowls, Dingle Bowls, Dingle is revealed to have cheated after he wins. The victory is awarded to santa. Thinking about the plot actually can hurt your head so I wouldn't recommend it.
D_Burke "Elf Bowling" is probably one of the worst Christmas specials ever made. It lacks the charm it is supposed to have, the animation is terrible, and it is not funny at all. All this added to the fact that it was post-produced to tie in to a popular downloadable video game.In fact, all bowling elements of the film made no sense to me. Sure, the video game is fun. I know because I've played it. However, how can you have Santa use elves as bowling pins and make both the Christmas special endearing and Santa not look like a masochist? This movie's answer to that question is apparently by making the elves actually LIKE being knocked down by a heavy bowling ball. As long as Santa is rolling that ball, it's a compliment, I guess.The way you can tell that "Elf Bowling" and all bowling elements were added to the film at the last minute is just by looking at the title: "Elf Bowling: The Movie- The Great North Pole Elf Strike". If you take anything related to bowling out of this movie, you still get a story that's predictable, and characters whose actions fly in the face of logic. Adding bowling to the plot is just clearly contrived.Apparently, in one of the stupidest Santa origin stories ever, Santa Claus (voiced by Joe Alaskey, who also does the voice for Grandpa Lou in TV's "Rugrats") starts out as a pirate (yes, a pirate!) whose fellow shipmates make it their duty to steal toys from orphans. When Santa has a falling out with his brother, Dingle Kringle (voiced by Tom Kenny, the voice of Spongebob Squarepants), they end up both accidentally walking off the plank. Because they happen to fall off the ship in the North Pole, they end up frozen and floating off to a land inhabited by toy-making elves.While the brothers initially plan to steal the toys the elves made, Santa warms up to the elves. Dingle, however, does not. Santa goes on to take over the workshop, while Dingle, in plain sight of Santa, wants to take over the toy making operation. First he wants to keep the toys for himself. Later, he wants to deliver the toys to all the children in the world with invoices attached so he can profit. INVOICES! As if kids would actually pay them.Do you see any room for bowling in this story? Somehow, they manage to wedge it in, and it sticks out like a sore thumb. Also, Dingle, being the bad guy, cheats in the first game, then is caught by the elves. They have a rematch, and Dingle cheats again, unbeknownst to those same elves. Talk about "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"! For plot convenience's sake, the elves never seem to comprehend Dingle's evil schemes, even when he flies them to Fiji. The elves are not supposed to be stupid, but their lines like "What the cranberry sauce are you doing?" make you wonder.Despite the veteran, talented voice actors they recruited for this special, this is just a very cheap way to promote a video game that did not need this movie to promote it. It had already been downloaded 100 million times (literally) before this movie came out.Everything about this movie felt cheap: the writing, the animation, and even the sole black elf who spoke intelligence-insulting jive talk. I did not enjoy it, and I doubt kids will either. However, it may be best used as an actual bowling pin so you can through a bowling ball at it.
T So you think you know the real story behind Santa Claus? So starts "Elf Bowling the Movie: The Great North Pole Elf Strike" and it takes you on a laugh filled journey from pirate filled oceans to the North Pole to Fiji. There are several toe tapping musical numbers along the way including Wrapplestiltskin rapping and Dingle, the evil brother, crooning. Oh and let's not forget the "Elf Bowling". I'm not familiar with the video game but it sure is funny seeing how the game is fit into the film. The elves signature reaction of joy cracked me up. First rate writing, brilliant voice work by Joe Alaskey and Tom Kenney (of Spongebob fame), and superb animation will make this a holiday treat that everyone will enjoy.