Eddie Presley
Eddie Presley
| 08 December 1992 (USA)
Eddie Presley Trailers

An Elvis impersonator with a wounded psyche, unflinching in his quest to keep the King's spirit alive bets it all on one night of glory, a headlining spot at dingy Tinseltown dive.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Michael Ledo The story centers around Eddie Presley and the low income inhabitants of his street life in Hollywood. Eddie is a contractor security guard who lives in his van. He wants to be an Elvis impersonator. Finally he gets a gig.The movie consists of many stereotypical Hollywood type people, including the vulture agent with a bad hair piece and plaid jacket named Sid. It was unusually well done for a Tempe film. The acting was better than any Tempe film. It ranks 8 stars on the Tempe scale, about a 4 star movie otherwise.F-bomb. Brief sex and nudity.
newwaveknight1 At the beginning of the info page for this movie on IMDb, it said that there was no plot synopsis for this movie. I honestly thought that it was a review of the movie, and whole-heartedly agreed with it. If VH1 and Blender magazine were to follow up their list of the most awesomely bad songs ever with an identical list for movies, this would top at number one. The movie was like a bad party. It was boring, dull, and when the last guest arrives (in this case, what little plot there was), everyone had already left. In normal movies about performers, we find out about the main character's dark past BEFORE The END OF THE MOVIE!!!! The dialogue is like having to make awkward chit-chat with a friend of a friend of a friend while everyone you know is in the restroom. Then, it's as if the entire plot that should have been happening in the rest of the movie all occurs in a monologue that seems to last 12 hours. Hey, here's a little information. No real performers stop their show when a technical difficulty hits AND TELL THEIR FREAKIN" ENTIRE LIFE STORY!!! There is a quick scene with some woman sucking on another woman's nipple while the monologue is going on. i suppose that this serves as a cup of coffee for this long road trip of a monologue that nobody cares about. I suppose the job of a movie is to show us what it's like as certain characters, and what better way to put you in the heads of these bored nightclub customers than to have a monologue drag on like that. I am a huge Bruce Campbell fan, and when a movie drags so long that i can't even find him in the film, it must suck. I would buy this movie only so I can play Mystery Science Theatre 3000 with my friends while watching it.
Randy199 I'd never previously heard of this 1992 film before literally stumbling across it recently on Amazon.com, while doing a search for a different movie title, and based on what I read about it, I decided to take a chance and ordered it on DVD. Well, what a pleasant surprise, as I found "Eddie Presley" to be an absolutely wonderful film! This has got to be one of the most powerful, and realistic films I've ever seen about the "harsh realities" of trying to make it in the entertainment business,(music in particular), or really life in general, and I was completely taken aback by the power of it, though I'll admit it was quite depressing in many ways as well. The emotional feelings I got from it actually reminded me a lot of how I felt watching "Raging Bull",which happens to be one of my all time favorite films, and I can't recommend "Eddie Presley" highly enough!! 10 out of 10.
hoodcsa Usually the presence of an Elvis impersonator guarantees a movie is a piece of crap. "Eddie Presley" is an exception. There are plenty of rough edges, but the fine moments more than make up forthem. Duane Whitaker is good as Eddie, the broken down, would-be faux king of rockand roll. Whitaker wrote the play the film is based on and it's obviously a very personal project. His Eddie is memorable. Director Jeff Burr delivers a fine looking movie and as is his usual strength, gets some fine performances out of the supporting cast. The underrated Glu Gulager, Roscoe Lee Brown and Daniel Roebuck are exceptional. "Eddie Presley" has some very funny moments, but the humor is like a lifeboat tossed on a sea of despair and desperation. An independent film with an independent spirit and a big heart.