Eat the Schoolgirl: Osaka Telephone Club
Eat the Schoolgirl: Osaka Telephone Club
| 10 March 1997 (USA)
Eat the Schoolgirl: Osaka Telephone Club Trailers

"Eat the Schoolgirl" concerns two young adults who made a dirty work for a yakuza gang by making sadistic rape/snuff films. Both of them are sexually obsessed; one is addicted to telephone sex whilst the other can only function sexually, whilst seeing mutilated female corpses.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain Disturbing and sick erotic thriller. Two guys work for mobsters. Each of these guys is very horny in their own way. With one only being able to ejaculate after killing someone. To each their own. Eat the Schoolgirl is here to shock and titillate in a very sadistic way. The film is filled with rapes, violence, and violent sex. There's also an angel, and a rather nasty scene involving poo. The film never pushes itself far enough. It would have been more successful had it just been balls out horrific. If you're into your Japanese pinku movies, this is probably one of the better ones, as it never really pauses for any real acting.
ElijahCSkuggs Eat The Schoolgirl....I think one guy "ate" a schoolgirl a little bit. But if they wanted to have a more appropriate title, it would have been called Eat, Stab, Bang, Punch, Rape, Choke, Grope the Schoolgirl. I may have missed a couple other verbs, and I don't think there's a verb that means "to force an enema on someone". Maybe, expulsion? Eh, whatever.Like the others who reviewed this flick I'm also at a confused state when trying to explain the story. And that is my biggest problem with this flick, it really just had a bunch of characters doing nasty stuff to other characters. One dude has a fixation on "coming" on fatal, bloody wounds. That same dude also dresses up as a schoolgirl and kills/rapes people. Pretty busy dude. Then there's a Sex Line girl who he's grown fond of with scars where she possibly had Angel wings. There's a horny kid with a, forget this, the story sucked. The movie is only brought along by the gore, sleaze, occasional erotic moment and just the whole nasty feel. Not even close to being one my favorite Japanese flicks. At only an hour long, it almost wears out it's welcome, but thankfully it's chock full of sex, nudity and wounds filled with sperm. Overall, it's not a good film, a crappy one actually, but it has so much of the "good stuff" it turns out to be a average viewing experience. Definitely not for everyone.
EVOL666 I honestly can't tell you what Naoyuki Tomomatsu's (of STACY "fame"...) EAT THE SCHOOLGIRL (aka EATING SCHOOLGIRLS: OSAKA TELEPHONE CLUB) is about. It seems to be a strange amalgamation of surreal "art-house" film and all-out Japanese filth. There is some sort of storyline that ties it together, but it is hard to follow and threadbare. A lot of it seems as if it's supposed to be dream-sequences, but these are hard to tell apart from the true action of the film...One thing I DO know - it's pretty nasty stuff...Two guys who are sexually obsessed work for some Yakuza thugs who make hard-rape films. One of 'em dresses like a schoolgirl and goes around slicing people up, raping them, and jizzing in their open wounds. The other guy disembowels some chick. There's some sort of angel with her wings cut off that has something to do with all of it. The Yakuza guys kidnap this one girl, beat the hell out of her, rape her, then give her an enema in a pretty nasty forced-enema-doody-expulsion scene. Yup...that's about it.EAT THE SCHOOLGIRL is pretty primo sleaze for those into the newer wave of Japanese perversity films. It ranks up there in the filth department with some of the other more notable works of Japanese sickos like Daisuke Yamanouchi and Tamakichi Anaru. SCHOOLGIRL lacks any of the goofy elements that makes STACY a "fun" watch - this one is pretty much all-out depravity. The rape and sex scenes are very long and protracted, to the point of almost becoming dull (except for the car-rape-chest-stab-wound-jizz scene...that one is pretty strong...). I actually think the film would have been a little stronger had they shortened a few of the sex scenes and thrown in some more gore - but that's just me. Definitely recommended for the filth-fans out there, but clocking in at right around an hour - it felt like it was missing something. Oh yeah...and there is no schoolgirl-eating - unless by "eating" they meant clam-diving - in that case, there's plenty of that. I pray for the day that the Japanese are allowed to show full-frontal and actual penetration in these hybrid gore/sleaze films - I think they would be untouchable in the repulsive department. Worth a look to "extreme" J-gore/sleaze fans - 7/10
christopher-underwood From the director of, 'Stacy' and pre-dating that film by about 4 years, this is more bloody, less coherent and a bit shorter. It is also extremely weird, hard to follow and packed with sex and bloody death. All known bodily fluids are on show here and all exhibited within a sexually explicit context. So, a naked girl is sick down her front before her assailant cums in the stab wound he has inflicted between the merry moments of their sex and her death. I don't think I need to go into all the gory details but rest assured that all fluids do indeed make an appearance, for good or bad! The opening sequence of phone sex seems a bit strong but it is probably the easiest sequence to take (and it's erotic). From there on as we struggle to make sense of everything, really nasty things happen, like the slit open nude girl, struggling to maintain her balance in the bath as she also struggles to stuff her intestines back inside her. There is so much more and yet the film barely runs an hour. Oh yes, there is an angel too, naked all through the film - I'm not sure if she was a schoolgirl but she didn't get eaten. Actually nobody got eaten, unless we count the numerous scenes of oral sex. Enough!
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