Eat Pray Love
Eat Pray Love
PG-13 | 12 August 2010 (USA)
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Liz Gilbert had everything a modern woman is supposed to dream of having – a husband, a house and a successful career – yet like so many others, she found herself lost, confused and searching for what she really wanted in life. Newly divorced and at a crossroads, Gilbert steps out of her comfort zone, risking everything to change her life, embarking on a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery. In her travels, she discovers the true pleasure of nourishment by eating in Italy, the power of prayer in India and, finally and unexpectedly, the inner peace and balance of true love in Bali.

Tacticalin An absolute waste of money
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
ndaaunhi I've never written a review before because either my thoughts are same as some already reviews out there or i didn't think what i want to say would interest others because it's personal (wether positive/negative). But observing the controversy about this surely controversial film, i think i should give an opinion... I didn't read the book but i'm gonna right now! I will never get why some really good movies are so low rated and vice-versa, i guess we all agree depends on each single individual's point of view, opinion, experiences, thoughts etc. So i wouldn't say that you'll be convinced, just see it for yourself, no matter how you'll think of it later, it's still a worth a watch!This movie is by far one of the most soulful and meaningful movies i've ever seen, if the movie is so, the book is going to be so super fantastic (always found books better than movies)!!!I do respect other points of view, at some point earlier in life i wouldn't stand this movie i remembered one time seeing on it TV i watched for 15mins so boring so i just disreguardly switched channel. Now in a other phase of my life i could understand more and relate more let alone find a part of me in this woman and i think you might too. The same way as you'd read a book, hate it but long time later read it again, and feels like you rediscovering it and you change your mind. I'm telling you it might not the best movie in the world but one day you'll see something else, and that will be the real meaning of this movie. This movie makes you think, makes you have reflections. It's dramatic and peaceful at the same time, it's joyful and hurtful, it's fun and sad, you'll feel closed and far to the protagonist, this movie is not only a voyage of the world but a voyage within yourself. You'll question yourself, that's the whole point of it, makes you wonders about your own life. I never saw the point of watching a movie if nothing comes out of it but just pleasure. As they say, we never know what happens in someone's head: this woman is lost, is confused, is desperate, you can't see that but if you focus, you'll feel it. Sure she has everything to be happy but who said that having everything is the definition of happiness? In other words, how can you be happy when you have everything but your truth? Understand her and try to empathize as you would do in real life and you will reveal for yourself what this autobiography is really all about.
Magdalena Biela In Europe we've heard about this movie and the respective "book-diary" now, in 2016. That says a lot. Elizabeth Gilbert is such a phony that I felt nauseated while trying to read her pages. I've never read something so low (because I reject the USA trash genre "eat pray love"). Well, in a few words: Liz Gilbert preaches about silence, humbleness, searching and finding God, blah, blah, while she makes a fortune out of her lies. She saw blue lights, she met God, she lost God, she suffered, tormented, she "found her word" (OMG!). I could have given her a word to describe her (something similar to what she gave to Rome!): shite. Page by page of shite. But, Gilbert is rich and famous, men cried over her legs, women over her words, so what a hell? She is a smart American woman who knows what she wants and goes for it. God is another story, elsewhere, waiting for when time will come, simply to have a "word". In behalf of Lizabeth Gilbert, I apologies to India, to Mahabharata and Ramayana, Upanishads,to the true believers, who silently pray for the Earth, thinking: "forgive her, Lord, for she does not know what she does".
Leftbanker I really didn't like the book but I swear that I wanted to like the movie, at least a little. The movie version really went for the "Leave no cliché behind" school of storytelling. Seriously, a cold water flat in Rome? Never even heard of that in this century and I'm sure some over-privileged American woman wouldn't live there if they paid her. I half-expected the protagonist to meet an old organ grinder with a monkey.For the life of me I don't understand why people love Julia Roberts so much but then I don't get why people insist on having huge movie stars in their movies. I much prefer the new breed of TV series with no-name actors. I find this helps me to believe in the characters. I wonder how different this movie would have been with an unknown in the lead. Granted, the script is miserable from start to finish but a different lead would have made it less obnoxious, at least for me. Had they used any other actress for the role they probably would have fought the urge to plaster her face across the entire screen for two painfully long hours.The "spirituality" is pure horse manure, just like the book. An ashram in India? Is that what upper-middle class whites do when they think they're too sophisticated to be garden variety Jesus freaks but too stupid to just be atheists? All of the talk in the movie about spirituality or whatever it is made me feel icky. They make it out like just going to India and painting a dot on your forehead will cure anything that ails you.Javier Bardem is charming, as always, but by the time he comes on screen it's like someone trying to bail water out the Titanic with a tea cup. There were no survivors in this disaster.
anahita777 I saw so many bad comments that I felt obliged to write a comment. Most of the people think that you have no right to feel unhappy or not yourself when you have a husband and a house and a good job... when you fit in the norm of "successful people" ! Most of the comments I saw were : Selfish girl ! why ? If you want to love others, and it's not a stupid quote, you really should know a little yourself and love yourself as you are... Otherwise, when you are unable to know the meaning of love toward yourself, you can't share it !Many people are depressed and they even feel guilty and go to their psychologist to find out why they feel so empty while they have everything other people want to have ! and here we are, in a society that most of the people are depressed ! This is not the real life for many people. You feel empty as she said, she doesn't enjoy little things of life, she doesn't enjoy eating, she take care of what she eats to keep a nice body that fit in the "norms" of the society she lives in. So she try to find herself and once she found herself and enjoy little things, she is scared that someone come and take all this out of her !This movie is about learning to love yourself, what really moves you, what is deep inside you, forgive yourself and accept your defects and fears...I really didn't expect to see such a movie with Julia Roberts. I didn't expect that it could moves me on. I didn't even expect that it could wake me up at some point. I maybe found the eating part too long but at the end you understand why... I wouldn't say the picture was perfect, but as the movie teach you, nothing is perfect and nobody should look for it, just to feel things with your heart ! This movie, really, opened my eyes again and it was perfect at a moment that you are in a process to leave everything you have to start a new life that is really for you...