Easy to Love
Easy to Love
NR | 26 November 1953 (USA)
Easy to Love Trailers

Two men vie for the heart of a Cypress Gardens swimming star.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
MartinHafer I liked seeing "Easy to Love" because it showed a part of Florida history that is now gone. Cypress Gardens was a premier destination in Central Florida up until Disney opened the Magic Kingdom in 1971. Following this, it was a steady decline until a few years ago when the property was bought by Legoland. I know that things change and I probably wouldn't have even liked Cypress Gardens but it is a shame that so much of the 1950s and 60s kitsch in Florida is gone--and this film is at least a nice chance to see a bit of it.The film stars Esther Williams as the premier star of the theme park, Julie. Her boss, Ray (Van Johnson), is not an easy man to like--he's all business and seems more content to exploit this star than anything else. Yet, inexplicably, Julie secretly loves him. I frankly saw NOTHING about the man that would make anyone fall for him. Laer, tiring of this seemingly pointless love, she begins spending time with a famous singer, Barry Gordon (Tony Martin). He at least says he loves her, though he is a playboy. In addition to these guys is Hank (John Bromfield)--a nice guy who works at the park and who openly and repeatedly tells her he loves her....plus he's rich. Of the three, the choice is obvious....Hank. However, considering that John Bromfield is not exactly a star, it's obvious he hasn't a prayer in the world. So who does she pick? See for yourself. Just be forewarned--it's a HUGE step backwards for women and I would hate to see my daughters pick a guy like that! As a romance, the film was definitely lacking. But, it was fun, a bit silly (in a good way--offering the most ridiculously over the top scenes of Williams doing the water stunts), and I liked Tony Martin's singing (particularly "That's What a Rainy Day is For"). Worth seeing if you like the old fashioned Hollywood musicals of the 50s--though I do suspect that a lot of younger folks today would find them all awfully silly.By the way, at the very end, look for a cute little cameo between Martin and Cyd Charisse--Martin's real-life wife.
moonspinner55 Esther Williams plays a romantically unattached water-skiing secretary who longs to stop "walking on the water" and be some man's wife; Van Johnson and Tony Martin are her potential choices for a husband. Despite fine aquatic sequences filmed at Florida's Cypress Gardens, this romantic comedy is awfully stale. As helmed by plodding director Charles Walters, everything here is made to seem intentionally innocuous, which doesn't lend the picture much staying power. Even Esther's big moments in the water are not quite up to the mesmerizing leaps from her previous swimming vehicles, though they are preferable to the asides with the men, both of whom are colorless. Carroll Baker, in her film debut as Martin's disgruntled ex-girlfriend, is the liveliest of the bunch. Flimsy stuff, indeed. *1/2 from ****
pauld-19 Hi, I was hoping that someone might be able to assist me with information regarding this movie. My father ( since deceased ) was on the water ski team at cypress gardens and he told me years ago that he was part of the team used in the making of EASY TO LOVE. Does anyone know the names of the skiers ? They are not mentioned in the credits and I would like to know if he was part of the movie. His name was Robert Paul and his friends called him BOb or Bobby. Thanks in advance. -------- ------- --- ------- ---- ---- ---- ----- ------ -------- ---- --- ----- --- --- - ----- -- --- ----- --- --- -- - ------ -- - - ----- -- -- - ----- --- -- -- ----- --- - - ------ -- - --- - --- -- ------ --- -- ------ -- - ---- -- --- - - ------ -- -- ------ ---- - -- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- - ------ ---- -- - ----- ----- --- - --- -- -- - -- - --- -- ------- - ------
Poseidon-3 Olympic-swimming-hopeful turned MGM-screen-sensation Williams does her thing as only she could in this light musical. She plays an overworked employee of Florida's Cypress Gardens (owned in this film by Johnson) who gets a chance to hit the big time for four times the money and half the work. While on a trip to New York City, in which Johnson works her like a galley slave, she falls for suave singer Martin who introduces her to a big-time producer. However, despite his autocratic treatment of her, she loves Johnson and can't decide what road to take. Meanwhile, back in Florida, she has yet another man to contend with, her hunky swim partner Bromfield, who wants to marry her. Worked in between all the romantic shenanigans and misunderstandings are several splashy (pun intended) swimming and/or skiing productions and a large handful of silky love songs sung by Martin. The film is simple, undemanding entertainment with beautiful and creative aquatic and water-ski moments to enliven the more familiar and routine romantic plotline. Williams is absolutely gorgeous in or out of the water and her acting, while it isn't anything tremendous, is perfectly acceptable as she shows affection and not a little amount of spunk. Johnson's character is pretty obnoxious at times, but he and Williams have a good rapport together. As an actor, Martin sings beautifully, but he's smooth enough not to detract from the film. It's hard to imagine Williams even glancing anywhere else but at the tanned, buff Bromfield, who spends a great deal of his screen time in teensy black swim trunks (but is just as yummy in pastel sportswear!) Baker has one scene as Martin's suspicious girlfriend. It's always a feast for the eyes when Williams swims in one of Busby Berkeley's elaborate concepts. Here she shares a blossom-strewn love duet with Bromfield, is the centerpiece of a skiing spectacular and hams it up as a clown in a slam-bang circus number (looking like the result of an affair between Ronald McDonald and Lucille Ball.) It should be noted that she was pregnant during the filming of this movie! Like most films of this ilk, it all turns out with a happy (if unbelievable!) ending for all. Martin's denouement is particularly amusing.