| 07 April 2000 (USA)
East/West Trailers

June 1946: Stalin invites Russian emigres to return to the motherland. It's a trap: when a ship-load from France arrives in Odessa, only a physician and his family are spared execution or prison. He and his French wife (her passport ripped up) are sent to Kiev. She wants to return to France immediately; he knows that they are captives and must watch every step.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Micransix Crappy film
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
MartinHafer I was actually a bit surprised to see a French film that realistically depicted the Soviet Union--particularly in the later years of the Stalin regime. That is because Communism is pretty widely accepted in France. So, it was nice to see intellectual honesty by showing how repressive and brutal Russian-style communism was.Sandrine Bonnaire gives an excellent performance as a French woman who agrees to emigrate to the USSR with her Russian husband following WWII. Stalin insisted all Russian expatriates would be warmly welcomed. However, once they arrived, most were either executed or sent to gulags to be worked to death. However, this woman and her family are allowed to stay--after she is savagely beaten by the secret police for being "an imperialist spy". Well, life is amazingly tough in the USSR and she desperately wants to escape back to the West. However, doing this WITH her son isn't easy. Plus it's made worse after she helps another Russian escape. After years in a re-education camp, she is released to her family. Fortunately, she has not given up hope. Will she escape? Will she be able to take her son and husband? Tune in and see for yourself.The film is extremely interesting and important historically--well worth a look by parents or teens (it's a little too adult for younger audiences).
verywhitepanther I constantly was pinched by the exaggerated dark depiction of 50's Soviet Union and exaggerated bright referrals to western world. France and the Western block are subtly referred to as "free world", land of the freedom, etc... The subject the movie is touching is a very tough one and should be handled with care. I think the movie fails to do that and gives in into the blind anti-Soviet wave.Is "free world" France compatible with expulsion of Jews to German death-camps? Is it compatible with surrendering to Hutler w/o any resistance and support for Nazis? Is it compatible with numerous atrocities committed during colonial period?All countries should reflect on their past in a desperate attempt to prevent the past from repeating itself, but others should not be feasting on those "historical remains". The Movie could handle this better in my view.
ocenkg 'Est Ouest' is an impressive production based upon the true story of family comprising a Russian émigré husband, French wife and a little boy.In the heyday of Coldwar, Stalin invites all émigrés who left the country in the time of 1917 Civil War.The émigrés are promised a heaven once they promote to the restoration of order and rehabilitation of the war-torn economy.This demand is no surprising in view of the fact that Soviet Russia was the country hit by the war the most in terms of human and material resources. Once euphoric, the returnees find themselves disillusioned by old-fashioned, paranoid and corrupt political and economic fabric.The story is capturing sometimes thrilling. I have shared the excitement, fear and hope of heroes and heroines vividly. The music of the film pulls you vividly to understand how precious one's freedom can be.Unlike some criticism that the film misdirected reality,I would confidently maintain the belief that the story of the film is only one of the hundreds of tragedies in the Iron Curtain. Stalin's notorious reputation in employing violence and pressure is nothing but a historical truth. Eastern Europe is so beautiful..Kiev and Sofya..I shall never forget the dance scene at the hotel in Sofya. What is also worth-seeing is the entry of heroes to the Greek-Bulgarian boundary on the mountains capped with snow.This is the Balkans.. I must admit that I spent much time in trying to find this film as DVD.Swedem,Norway,Denmark,Germany,Belgium..nowhere..I did not have chance to request it online.I did not have credit cards..:)) Finally,I found it in mega store Virgin( Thanks Virgin)in Paris. I have soundtrack album of this unforgettable film too. If you haven't seen this film yet, you have missed a lot! By watching and- if possible- purchasing this film, you will have done a great contribution to movie industry which suffers from prevalence of crap movies. I am still under the influence of 'Est Ouest'.I hope u shall feel the same..
Hunky Stud At first, I thought that this is a comedy about those people coming from outside back to Russia, and experienced an entirely different cultural shock. It is actually a very serious movie, and it glued me to the screen for the entire two hours. It just feels so short when the movie ended. I have seen quite a few movies about the horror living in a socialist country. However, I think there should also be a few good movies that tell the other side of the story. This movie is very authentic describing the horror and fear that people live under constant surveillance. And they can not go back ever again. The sacrifice the husband made, you can have a good heart cry over this movie. If you have time, you should also listen to the directors' commentary. I think that the best part in this movie is about them going to the France Embassy of which the guard looked at their different shoes. The love, the tenacity, the emotions are just so real.