Déjà Vu
Déjà Vu
PG-13 | 22 April 1998 (USA)
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L.A. shop owner Dana and Englishman Sean meet and fall in love at first sight, but Sean is married and Dana is to marry her business partner Alex.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Leszek Czupryniak Excellent movie and one largely overlooked beautiful thing about it is the music - old songs, from 30. and 40. and 50. One may wonder whether anything shown in there happened in reality as Victoria Foyt plays it quite convincingly.... It is also interesting that the director directed his wife's nude scenes... Amazing film, done largely in the manner of filming documentary drama, and that was in 1997! However, whenever I see a movie like this I think why on earth directors do not put children in such stories.... because when children are there, there is no room for good romance or finding the love of your life.... it's just that simple :-(
Amy Adler Dana is a young woman about to be married to Alex, her fiancé and business partner. On a trip to Isreal, a lady at the local cafe tells her a story about the love of her life. The older woman met him in Paris but never saw him again, despite his promises. She leaves a piece of jewelry behind. All of a sudden, Dana is in Paris, trying to track down the woman, then she hops to Dover, where she meets Sean. Sean is painting in the open air on top of, you guessed it, the white cliffs of Dover. They instantly fall in love but there are numerous complications, including the fact that Sean is married. But, given the lady in Israel's circumstances, should anything discourage Dana from following her heart and her man? This is a very strange movie. The basic plot outline is acceptable. But, the story and dialogue appear to have been made up on the spot! The whole thing zigzags worse than a bumblebee in a field of flowers and some pretty inane things come out of the characters' mouths. True love is a subject dear to everyone's heart but this movie takes an awful long time getting to the point. The actors are all fine and the settings nice. But, for most of the viewers across the globe, this will be a most boring movie. No need for a deja vu, one view, at most, will be sufficient.
rowland-6 I can understand that `Déjà vu' isn't everyone's cup of tea.Personally I bought it because of the title which intrigued me.Being sort of a film freak I like all sorts of movies, and although being a middle-aged male I have a very special feeling for romantic dramas and comedies. And I must say I like `Déjà vu' very, very much. I didn't know anything about it when I started watching it, but was immediately drawn into the story. It isn't an ordinary Hollywood movie where things have to happen quickly all the time. Here people are allowed to talk. They are allowed to be uncertain, searching, confused, not knowing what to do with or how to express their feelings. But if you haven't experienced, or don't think it is possible to do so, what it is, or may be, to suddenly be hit by love and passion, then I understand if you can't relate to this film. But all who can will probably feel a sting in their hearts. As I said, to me `Déjà vu' is a very, very good movie, and I also like the way it is filmed. I have watched it several times and will certainly watch it several times more.Rowland
moviebug28 Henry Jaglom's Deja Vu is about destiny. It's about two people, Dana (Victoria Foyt, the co-writer and wife of Jaglom) and Sean (Stephen Dillane, of Firelight and Welcome To Sarejevo), who find that, even though he is married and she has been engaged for six years ("It's become a condition of my life", they MUST be together. Something pulls these two together. For the true romantic, Deja Vu is a must-see film, written and directed as though it were happening in real life. For the non-believer, it will be a waste of two hours.