Drop Dead Gorgeous
Drop Dead Gorgeous
| 21 June 2010 (USA)
Drop Dead Gorgeous Trailers

An aspiring model, Cynthia, becomes the focus of a documentary when she is chosen as the face for the world's biggest fashion designer, Claudio. Cynthia accidentally overdoses and with deadlines looming they decide to use her corpse to continue filming.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Sexylocher Masterful Movie
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
indalay422 I like the other reviews I read, and I have to agree; this movie is quite entertaining! I like "dark" comedies and this one really fills the bill. I know this movie has the same title as one made a few years ago, but I understand that there are many, many movies that fall into this category. I don't think it can be helped, there are so many movies and so many titles, but this title is perfect for the script of this movie. I have never seen the earlier version of "Drop Dead Gorgeous" but I plan to see it, if for no other reason than to compare the two. I really like this version though. I especially liked the lead actress (Ivy Levan), who gets very little fanfare; I think she did a GREAT job in this movie, I hope to see her in more and more movies in the future, she's great.
kristinkeam Sadly, the one 'professional' review of this film has been done by someone who seems more interested in showing us he knows gossip about Jeremy London. Am I expecting too much from a review site that exists primarily to tell you where you can see naked celebrity bodies? That was rhetorical. I, however, am more interested in the illustrious cast member who he has not recognised (surely more important for a reviewer?). Steven Berkoff has a long filmography and is one of the greats of the English theatre. He is wonderful in the film and is an amalgamation of every idea you have had about diva designers.This is a black comedy and the premise is marvellous. Yes it is done on a shoestring and cleverly. Yes there is some over the top humour, but there is wit and depth here too. And the director shares his inside knowledge of the inanities of the modelling game. If you love America's Next Top Model for humorous reasons (and please tell me you do!) then you will enjoy this.
Cookie Monster There was another film with a similar name? Didn't see it. This was fun and funny, a little T&A, beautiful dead model. Lots of esoteric dialogue so if you're only into action and things that go "boom," this is NOT your movie. Interestingly shot: from a mocumentary perspective, so PAY ATTENTION, people! There were too many people in the film and I got some of the people mixed up at first. Berkoff definitely livened up the film as did the dead girl (no pun intended). Hey, it's hard to play dead...and look good too. So if you call that acting, then give kudos to her. Too many "lesser" roles could have been cut and the film would have moved along just as nicely. Who the hell was the necromaniac and do we really care? All in all, good debut for this new director/writer.
philipald This is a funny but dark look at fashion photography. It can be pretty confronting at times, but you certainly get the feeling the filmmakers know this territory pretty well. It may take a while to warm to it as it's a quirky set up - but it just gets increasing outrageous and there's few sacred cows left standing at the end.The cast are excellent. Steven Berkoff is really great as the Karl Langerfeld like fashion designer. Josh Cox - who you usually see as the nice guy - makes a great weirdo. Jeremy London,a morally ambivalent agent, also gets a meatier character than usual.I notice a couple of the girls, and there's lots of gorgeous gals, have gone on with Dawn Olivieri (Heroes, True Blood) and Natasha Alan (True Blood) lading the charge.Someone should show this to the all the super models! Actually, the fashion world in general.