Drive Thru
Drive Thru
R | 29 May 2007 (USA)
Drive Thru Trailers

A high-school student must save townspeople from a murderous clown who works at a fast-food place.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Steve Pulaski Drive-Thru is a horror film that feels like a broken-down mess of what was originally shaping out to be a great film, until bad editing decisions and long, drawn-out scenes of phony character interest corrupted the final product. The film takes place in a sleepy, Conservative town (one of those films that annoyingly tries to slam and critique one political party over the other for no good reason), which includes a Hella Burger restaurant, a fast-food chain represented by a clown named Horny. The town becomes rocked when Horny the clown comes to life, wielding a meat cleaver and killing several twentysomethings as revenge over something that happened many years ago. Both Mackenzie and her boyfriend Fisher (Leighton Meester and Nicholas D'Agosto, who both went on to do films far more interesting than this one) decide to try and stop the vicious murderer as he savagely maims and kills his victims, cleverly avoiding detectives as well.Undoubtedly the most entertaining soul in this film, even more-so than Horny, is Detective Dwayne Crockers (Larry Joe Campbell), a husky, bumbling detective who is the butt of almost every joke he's involved with. He finds ways to make his goofy self likable in the strangest situations, and even with limited screen time, manages to impress more than the twentysomethings he is cast with simply because his character is actually given the redeeming merit of humor. The remainder of the characters are depressingly archetypal versions of their stereotypes, prompting little in the way of humor or genuine emotion outside of maddening tedium on the audience's behalf.Before I move forward, let's talk about Horny, who is such a shortchanged villain it's almost depressing. One look at the character and he sends shockwaves of fear to your soul, boasting a permanently frightening face and a voice with a shivering raspy quality, as he speaks through a drive-thru microphone. For an inherently frightening killer, editor Daniel R. Padgett effectively robs him of any sort of suspense and personality because of the way he is constantly disrespected on screen. Whenever Horny appears on screen, loud, indistinguishable heavy metal music blasts out of the speakers combined with the uneasy effect of editing sped up to distracting speeds. The editing goes through a strange boost of energy during these scenes, as if some sort of requirement was struck for how long gruesomeness can appear on screen. With this brazen style of editing, Drive-Thru's suspense feels thrown away for a cheap and bogus way of getting right to the good stuff. With that, we spend a lot of time on undeveloped - and mostly uninteresting - characters, reciting mediocre dialog that methodically tries to piece together who Horny the Clown is and why he is doing what he's doing. These scenes, interjected in the middle of strangely-edited mayhem, throws off the pace of the film and often slows it to a crawl, with lots of dead-time being encountered between the action of the film. For a film clearly wanting to adhere to cheesy slasher principles, it's as if the film was trying to make a smarter, more investing crime story but, in turn, effectively turned out more boring and lackluster than even some of the worst slasher films of the 1980's. Single out a humorous cameo by Super Size Me's Morgan Spurlock and a moderately enjoyable killer and there's little else to praise about Drive-Thru, a film that could've been at least bumped up to tolerable quality had the editing and pacing been taken into consideration.Starring: Leighton Meester, Nicholas D'Agosto, Lola Glaudini, Larry Joe Campbell, Melora Hardin, Paul Ganus, and Morgan Spurlock. Directed by: Brendan Cowles and Shane Kuhn.
Drew Paskins Well, the only reason why I ever saw this movie was because it caught my interest by the name of the clown: Horny the Clown. It had an interesting plot and the face on the DVD cover reminded me of S.I.C.K., and because of the experience I had with that movie, I was about to stay away from this film. Well I didn't. However, sadly enough, this movie was better than S.I.C.K. for all the wrong reasons. It essentially tells of the tale of a madman who is brutally killing young teenagers while dressed as Horny the Clown. The catch is: this madman may not be human and his revenge spreads farther than just the teens that he is stalking. First off, the acting was really bad in this movie, the scares were not there and they were childish, it was really funny and the plot was so predictable. The main thing that bugged me was that it had nothing to do with a drive-thru.Let's get started. The acting. There was some good acting but other than that, the acting was really bad. Even at some of the most horrible scenes, where the dialogs had an exception of being bad, the dialogs and the acting was just plain bad. Not only where some of the performances pretty bad, the dialogs seemed so scripted and unnatural. Even movies of this caliber, despite there bad plot and really cheesy scares, usually have some pretty descent acting, however, this movie was horrible. They just seemed to not care about emotions or driving forces and were there just to be there. It was very wooden.What about the scares? First off, there was no real scares, and the when there were "hauntings," they were horrible. It's not scary when somebody gets there head microwaved, or deep fried, it's really quite funny and stupid. Killing somebody in a child's play pen isn't scary, it's just plain stupid. I will give credit to the costume designer for attempting a reasonable outfit for the killer clown, because it was kind of cool and had its weird looking gadgets (i.e. the "flame" butcher knife). Some of the scares were so cliché and very predictable, like you know who was going to die and the "jump out factor" was next to nothing when it came to surprises. There was some blood and gore, but it was wasn't anything to be grossed out about. Because it was accompanied by bad scares and really awful clichés, the gore had absolutely no real effect on me and just looked like red jam slathered on the walls or floor.As for the plot, well, like I said, it really did not have anything to do with an actual drive-thru and should have better off named "Restaurant" or "Horny the Clown." The plot could have been way better and should have just stayed a psychopathic killer hunting down beautiful girls with a predictable or semi-predictable twist, rather than something stupid and supernatural. The plot has some holes in it and evolves random visitations and a completely irrelevant Ouija board that says something that could have been told in a scarier manner. Plus, I never thought that I would see another movie where it was so predictable down to the point where I knew who was going to die, based on the music and the quiet and eerie silence. It was just an altogether thing liquidly plot.Overall, this was hardly a horror movie, however, if it was labeled comedy, then I would have a completely different review. There were a lot of funny parts and most of them were very unintentional. This movie just has really bad acting, no real scares and a stale plot with predictable endings to add to it. To me, it was a half-baked idea that could have had a good chance of being something else, but they peppered it with clichés and, what looks like, a last minute casting call. I would recommend this movie to anybody who does enjoy B-movies, as well as college height movies, however, for those who enjoy a thicker palette, then you may want to avoid this movie. Though, you may want to rent if it you are looking for a good cheese filled laugh. I, on the other hand, did not enjoy it and that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
atinder I have been putting off seeing this movie as it sound a bit poor but I am clad that I decided too check IT out as I do enjoy slasher movies like this.Plot:Horror gets Super Sized when Horny The Clown, the demonic mascot of "Hella-Burger," starts slashing Orange County teenagers with his meat cleaver from Hell.I really enjoyed watching this movie very much, I really like the killer Clown mask that was really creepy and bit scary However the killer voice did sound a lot like Ghost-face from scream series.I also liked some of the gory death scenes in this movie and they did make some of the deaths scenes really funny at same time and acting is okay for a movie like this.This movie is a lot of fun to watch with friends if you are staying in on a Saturday night.I going to give this movie 6 out of 10
shadow9115 Acting is wooden and cheesy, the plot is unoriginal crap filled with gaping holes and the ending is confusing and just plain dumb. Nothing ever seems to make sense in the movie, there's just so many things wrong. The idea that some clown is the killer is dumb, his costume isn't that awesome. The soundtrack is loud and annoying and the camera and audio work is shoddy at best. I know the movie is supposed to be a joke and I really tried to like this movie, I tried to have fun and get into it, but it just doesn't work. The moment you start having fun it's all ruined because you're confused by some major plot point. They bring characters into the story and kill them just as fast. It seems like the writers just decided to throw as many things to the wall as they could and see what sticks. I just don't get it.To me this whole movie just seems like a movie that tries to be something it's not. It tries to be a comedy that mocks horrors but it isn't. It tries to be a horror movie and scare you but it isn't. It tries to be a gory slasher film but for some reason a bunch of kills are edited out, so it isn't. It's only bad, don't waste money on it.