R | 01 January 1997 (USA)
Driftwood Trailers

When Sarah walks alone along the desolate beach one day she find an unconscious man, who has been brought to land by the waves. When he awakens he doesn't remember anything. He has no name and no past. His dependence lies on Sarah. A role that makes her forget her loneliness and she decides to therefore lie about their situation... She says that they are situated on an island, where no one can reach them. From now, his life lies in her hands.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
ccmiller1492 When an unknown man with amnesia (Spader) is washed up on a secluded beach of Northern Ireland, he is taken in by a solitary eccentric spinster (Brochet)and it becomes immediately apparent that she has "control issues." Since he has a broken leg, he's temporarily at her mercy and tries to humor her as she becomes increasingly strange. Brochet plays "Sarah" so well that the viewer soon surmises that beneath her elfin winsomeness lies some dangerous emotional and mental instability which will eventually erupt. She succeeds in seducing the stranger and thereafter regards him as her personal possession. The arguments with her old harpy of a mother are telling. When the couple have a special candlelit dinner commemorating his sexual surrender, she appears wearing a weird lacy gown strongly suggesting the mad Miss Havisham in "Great Expectations." Viewer interest will be maintained until the inevitable tragic result of the man breaking free of the coerced relationship which bears a familiar parallel in reverse to "The Collector."
dbdumonteil Do not bother with that!Poor acting(particularly Spader),poor directing,poor cinematography with no sense of space at all.Nudity scenes do not make up for the paucity of the screenplay.The mother trick ,which Alfred HItchcock (and Robert Bloch )invented ,has been used so many times only a very naive viewer will be intrigued.Even the murder recalls "Psycho".Absolutely nothing redeems that.Stay away.
Daryl-7 We enjoyed this movie quite a lot. Anne Brochet's character, Sarah, was a spinster, a psycho, yet quite erotic. James Spader is always good, and he did a great job going from confused to falling in love to fearing for his life.There were a couple of strange problems that ruined things for us a little, though. The story was set in the islands off Ireland, yet Anne Brochet did not try to hide her strong French accent. I don't remember an explanation of her being French. Her mother appeared as a ghost, and her mother had an English accent. Huh???The sex scenes were great, Anne Brochet has a fantastic body. We didn't think they were overdone or gratuitous.Overall, it was a great movie. Intriguing and a nice look inside the mind of a strange, isolated person. Was the plot predictable? Yes. But that's okay sometimes.
Farleyed You don't really notice it at first, but Anne Brochet is deceptively cute. Intitially she seems almost plain, then you get a crush on her and think it is your own special crush. Then you realize she was Roxanne in Cyrano with Depardieau. Anyway, this is an interesting little movie about obsession and deception and Spader is interesting, even when doing mundane things.