Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas
Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas
| 01 September 2009 (USA)
Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas Trailers

The true story of serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Steineded How sad is this?
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Spikeopath Serial killer movies have become two a penny, it feels like at least a couple come out each year. This one, directed by Michael Feifer, just feels like old hat, like it is treading water to make a point that has been made a hundred times before. It doesn't help that Henry Lee Lucas has already been covered in brilliantly grainy fashion previously with John McNaughton's 1990 skin itcher Henry: Portrait OF A Serial Killer, which quite frankly is superior to this in every department. On the plus side are the performances of Antonio Sabato Jr. (Henry) and Kostas Sommer (Ottis), where the former is broody and twitchy, the latter hyper insane, but ultimately it achieves nothing. Kudos, however, is due for at least cleaving close to what facts of the case are known to be true. 4/10
JR Howard I've read some of the (few) reviews here that offer different defenses for this low-budget attempt to cash in on the story of self-proclaimed serial killer, Henry Lee Lucas.Did he kill anyone? Even the most critical of the investigation and described preferential treatment Lucas received for confessing feel confident he murdered. How many? Well according to Lucas, that would change daily.Even a low budget film can get simple facts correct - there is no cost associated with correctly identifying the law enforcement - There are no "Sheriffs" in the Rangers, nor would one refer to a Ranger as "Officer", if for no other reason than the lowest rank in the Rangers is Sergeant. There was a Sheriff involved in the Task Force, but it's not made clear that this is who they are referring to. Casting note- he would have made a better HL Lucas! And the movie theater scene. Is someone suggesting this actually happened? Free details. The sort of thing you get right when you don't have the budget to do other things. Some have suggested that this or that portrayal of this or that crime is an accurate depiction - hard to subscribe to when Lucas recanted on virtually every confession. It just depends on whose ear he was trying to hold.The filming, story, dialog, casting (did they see a picture of Lucas?!!) are all failures. Cheap doesn't have to equal bad. It just does in this movie. Nothing for the crime true-story fan, the slasher fan, the gore fan - nothing for anybody except the people paid to be in this atrocity.I saw it on Netflicks - free except for time wasted. Don't waste yours.
xenophobe-561-797069 Horrible acting, script, music,,, unrealistic,, boring. Couldn't finish watching. Everything in place for a good movie, but it FAILS. One scene, he's supposed to be strangling a lady, looks like he's giving her a neck massage from behind. Hands don't even go near her throat. Music is just ridiculous 70ish. No suspense at all. Some lines were just nonsense. Main character isn't even scary, too far from the appearance of the real Henry Lucas, who was a small man, creepy, bad teeth. Characters didn't fit the period, hair styles, beards, clothing. I saw a better movie 15 years ago, not great, but much better than this. Could've been done so much better with just some basic changes. A documentary would've been cheaper, scarier, and more enjoyable than this movie.
Rabbit-Reviews This movie is not a classical low budget blunder trying to cash in on the fact that it's about serial killer. Granted, the budget was small, but that did not made a big impact on the movie. Script is well written, and constructed. Realistically portraying the torture in his childhood years, that later on led to his twisted personality, movie is not afraid to make a bit longer scenes, just to make you a bit more uncomfortable.Henry Lee Lucas was a serial killer that, imprisoned, confessed to over 600 murders. Truth is that we really do not know how many victims he killed, due to his false confessions that were rewarded by the police by better treatment.Overall, do not expect a masterpiece, or some innovative and strange things in it, but more of familiar style of directing with the focus on the story. If you want to go further than that, you can start analyzing events in his childhood and their impact on his killing urges. Was it all his fault, or were there other culprits? Movie did manage to stick to the actual story of Henry, so it's not all dramatization and imagined events, like some of the recent movies. They slap a "based on a true events" sticker on it, and hope that it will sell better. This is not the case here.