| 16 April 2009 (USA)
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Regina, the once popular girl has to make new friends at her new, conservative school. Problems arrive when she becomes enemies with Lívia, the school's queen bee, and falls in love with Márk, a musician. If these wouldn't be enough, she decides to organize a cheerleader team.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Micransix Crappy film
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
eltoro-13624 This movie is probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Hungarian movies are generally bad and boring, but this one tops them all. Every aspect of the movie is amateurish. The acting is horrible, the story is stupid and the whole concept of cheerleaders in Hungary is just ridiculous. The only reason to watch this garbage is to see some hot chicks, but be warned, their lack of acting will turn you off very quickly. The whole movie is an embarrassment for everybody involved. THe main character played by Lilla Labancz. She is the worst of the "actresses" and makes me wonder what it takes nowadays to get a lead role in Hungarian theatre.
Vuk Tempest 1: Hungary is portrayed really wrong. As if We were rising up enough to have Cheerleaders. Like America. I love America, but Hungary trying to copy it? Thats another story. 2: Regina (played by Labanc Lilla, who should be a porn-star) is said to be the main protagonist of this movie. A dumb, all pink blonde, who is also egotistical, and just plain whorish, with no idea of it. I saw movies this thing is based on, and there, Regina's type IN NO Circumstances is placed on the protagonist role. Never protagonist!!! Regina should be, like, the antagonist, and should Bully girls who are not as popular as herself.SPOILER ALERT!Near the end, it is "revealed" who wrote those sex adverts in her name... yea, I don't think its true. Its more like the movie wanting another way to force the belief of the "protagonist" ti be better than what she actually is. But I will believe it wasn't Regina when bear cub rain falls from the sky. Regina looks and behaves like a whore (a bad, antagonistic one at that). Its impossible of a woman like her to resist sexual temptations. Spoiler ends3: this movie makes no sense whatsoever. The continuity just... there is none. They want me to believe that Regina is going through a character development, but I see none.4: those "cupp-cupp" slangs... Geez, so disgusting, there is no way this is what American high school protagonists say, like, EVER5: Terrible Acting, if there's any... Lets keep in mind that photo-models are the vast majority of these "actors", trained to pose for magazines we men buy for our creepy self entertainment. The movie shows too much breasts and butts to to be what it wants to be... It makes it more like a porn movie.6: that writing: Special thanks for those who were against the creation of this movie. The movie literally spits in the face of those sane people, who tried to save the world from this sexist trash. Cause Thats what it is: Sexist
rpeter88 In only one word: StupidThe longer review: From the very beginning you know you're watching a bad movie. You know it, you feel it, you know you're guilty, but you can't stop watching it, because you feel it can't be worse. But it can. It can make the story shallow in every minute. The conversations are simply stupid, the "actors" are just moving through the camera and showing their asses (great asses thou) and the worst, they think they have to act like this... A must watch I have to admit. But it's not good, not even bad, it's the most awful piece of crap you can imagine. Watch this, enjoy the guilty pleasure, but please, have your right sense and admit: It should have never been made.
dopesacare Don't listen to these other comments because they don't know what true cinema is! i thought this movie was great from the start. its a attention grabber but it gets a little cheesy for 10 minutes of the movie but after that it gets so funny!!! a must watch!if you watch Paris Hiltons movies these are nothing like that. this movie is sweet and fun for the whole family. Lilla Labanc is an amazing actress. Gábor Forgács could win an Oscar if this was a drama. i will definitely watch this again. if you watched movies like Savaing Silverman, Half Baked, Clerks, and Dumb and Dumber... this movie is up there with them. seriously.