| 12 October 2000 (USA)
Drainiac! Trailers

Some teenagers in an old house find that there's something evil in the water.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Rich Wright I'm a bit tired of writing reviews for movies none of you will ever see. So let's have a little vocabulary test instead, shall we?horror (noun) frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting. This film is the antithesis of that word.comedy (noun) humorous incident or series of incidents. This film, however unintentionally, is this is a nutshell.gratuitous (adjective) being without apparent reason, cause, or justification. The nude scene involving our heroine in the bath during a dream sequence, for instance.cheap (adverb) costing very little; relatively low in price. Where to start? The rubbery masks, the dreadful stop-motion animation... Basically, EVERYTHING in the big special effects 'extravaganza' finale.dub (verb) to alter (a taped soundtrack) by removing some parts and exaggerating others. The director should have done a much better job of this. Oh dear. Oh. Dear.thespian (noun) an actor or actress. None to be found here, people. Move along.extras (noun) a person hired by the day to play a minor part, as a member of a mob or crowd. These all die in a variety of gruesome ways. They're the lucky ones, getting out early...slime (noun) thin, glutinous mud. Tons of it. Green, brown... All throughout the film. Pretty disgusting. Is it scary though? Clue: NO.dialogue (noun) the lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction. Here, it'll make you laugh. It'll make you cry. But not in a good way.unbelievable (adjective) too dubious or improbable to be believed. The fact that someone bankrolled such an awful movie about a ghost stuck in some pipes who burns people's skin off with sewage. I mean... REALLY?friggin' (?) Now, this word isn't in the dictionary, but I'm lead to believe you use it as a substitute for f**k when your granny is staying. They say it a lot in this film. Start a drinking game... you'll be p*ssed before half an hour.There, I bet you've learned something today, haven't you? Made a nice change from a boring review, didn't it? See you next week, class. And do your homework, will ya... 2/10
Vomitron_G Even though this isn't a good movie (bad acting, boom mic visible, etc.), Brett Piper did gain some of my appreciation in recent years (this is the 3rd movie I've seen of him, after "Bite Me!" and "Arachnia"). The man always brings a certain flair to his Z-grade world of horror and amps up his material with imaginative & very enjoyable low-budget special effects (plus, most of his movies seem to be shot on real film, so no SOV stuff here). And it works wonders, as his efforts become more watchable than you'd expect. "Drainiac!" feels a bit like as if a drunk Frank Henenlotter would have had his own take on the material of "The Evil Dead". This time we have an abandoned house possessed by a water-demon. Some teens come to clean the place up, and the madness begins. You may also include some female nudity, so we have something most B-movie horror fans can enjoy.
willywants An abused teen-aged girl is brought to a spooky old house by her father and told to clean it up. A group of the girl's friends show up, but things go bad when they learn that the plumbing has slimy, nasty demons living in them!Brett Piper isn't a filmmaker who'll be winning any Oscars anytime soon. His films are super low-budget, cheap horror films, some of which are downright awful (Arachnia and They Bight being his worst). Here, however, he manages to pull off a reasonable impressive production on a shoestring budget.The acting isn't very good. In fact, some of it was just awful, especially the actor playing the obnoxious punk kid, Wade. The script is weak too—Piper doesn't know how to pace things and as a result there are some scenes that just go on and on and on. The real stars of the film are the special effects, which are plentiful and often imaginative. The stop-motion animation was great, the make-up effects were often very good and the creature effects were quite impressive, though there is one rather tacky-looking creature near the end that resembles a Kermit the Frog puppet. There's some nice gore here, too, the most cringe-inducing being when some poor boy gets his crotch destroyed by a squid-thing (ouch), and a cool scene where a guy is covered in green goop then dissolved to the bone.Its all cheesy, though it has something many of its type don't—a sense of humor. I've seen many a B movie that have failed from a lack of humor, and thankfully Piper seems to be aware of this. "Drainiac" may not be high art, but its fun, different and occasionally imaginative. You could do much worse with a $2 rental.5/10.
Katatonia Not everyone will like Drainiac, or even appreciate it for what it is. This was obviously a very low-budget production, but that helps it out a great deal in my opinion.Brett Piper knows how to make a great movie on a shoe-string budget. This is welcome, because most low-budget horror movies I've seen in the last few years have been average or just plain dreadful. With the advent of Digital Video (a.k.a. cheap, cheap) it seems like any Joe can try to make a lame film and get it released in a video store.I have seen only one other movie directed by Brett Piper, which was a little gem called "Psyclops". It's also a very original low-budget movie that is somewhat horror, but mostly in the sci-fi genre. I hope to see more of his films in the future, he can work wonders where there is little to work with.Check out Drainiac if you can find it, you just might like it. But make sure you like low-budget horror movies with a comedy twist....otherwise you probably won't appreciate what Drainiac set out to do.