| 31 March 2009 (USA)
Dragonquest Trailers

When an ancient warlord summons a mythological beast, a young hero must complete a series of quests to awaken the dragon that will defeat the monster.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Greywolf907 If it was possible to give 'films'of this quality negative scores this would easily be a -10.It could have been made much better by the inclusion of a thermo nuclear device being detonated about 37 seconds into the first scene, thereby killing everyone, nuking the scenery and ending this GARBAGE quickly.On the other hand, it has all the hallmarks of being an unintentional classic because it is so unforgivably Kerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrapppppppppppp.99% of e says...give this a wide berth, the remaining 1% says, give it a spin, have a laugh at it....it will give you something to bleat about at the pub.DIRE DIRE DIRE.
Simon Hughes Hilarious. I laughed through most of the first half. Things improved after that, once I changed the channel...It's a little like Hotshots meets Lord of the Rings. You have the makings of an epic fantasy film, with what felt like the world's worst scripting, but pulled off in such a bad manner, it may as well have been branded a spoof.The bad points include: The script, the special effects (check out the fight scenes!), the acting (for the most part), the choreography, the directing, several of the outfits... the list goes on.The good points include: Erm... hmm.... Well it was a bit funny anyway.
Mary Johnson That was the funniest movie I have ever seen and it wasn't even meant to be funny. I could not take Maxim(or whatever his name is) seriously. His face looked so silly, even when he was trying to be totally serious. They tried much too hard to be dramatic, especially during Maxim's death. And the movie was very random. The guy walks into a cave, a spider comes up and does a little dance thing, and then it walks away, and the whole time the boy is just standing there looking at it. I mean, wouldn't the spider at least attack him? Or wouldn't he try to get away from it? And then he just finds one of the gems in a helmet on the floor without even doing anything to obtain it. Over all it was hard to take seriously, had bad graphics, failed horribly at the green screen, had bad actors, and a terribly predictable plot. If you are planning on getting it for a fantasy or adventure movie, don't. If you are looking for a comedy, this is the one to choose.
dbborroughs A good low budget fantasy film that has good performances, good sets, special effects and a good story. Its rare that everything comes together in any fantasy films, less so in a low budget one. certainly there is a a reliance on CGI for battle scenes and monsters but its not intrusive and you with it. The plot has a young man finding his destiny by going on a quest to find a means of stopping an evil lord who has awoken a dragon that is tearing up the countryside. Honestly I put the film on as background and expecting the worst . What I found was myself sitting down and actually watching the film. Any film that gets me not to fidget and to sit down and not reach for the remote must have something. This one does. No, its not Lord of the Rings, but it is a solid little adventure film. Worth a bowl of popcorn and a soda on a couch.