Dracula: The Impaler
Dracula: The Impaler
NR | 31 October 2013 (USA)
Dracula: The Impaler Trailers

Seven high-school friends begin their Euro-trip at the actual castle of Vlad the Impaler where he supposedly sold his soul to the devil over 500 years earlier, but the decrepit castle's past envelopes them in a bloody ritual.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
UnderworldRocks Excellent! Just excellent!I didn't expect it to be this good.There have been so many vampire movies. There have been so many movie or TV adaptations of Bram Stoker's novel. The source material has been explored in all angles and there's nothing left to do, right? I thought so. And I was wrong.How to tell a Dracula story in a way that is fresh and interesting? This movie is the answer!Combining a vampire story with the SEVEN SINS and creepy rituals, brilliant!I would also like to mention that the climax of the movie was surprisingly intriguing. At first I thought that the ending would be a cliché, with Dominic choosing love for his girlfriend over everything else, jeopardising the ritual, and saving the day. And then, a moment later, he plunged the dagger into his girlfriend's heart. Marvellous twist!10 out of 10! Brilliant!
David cc Ridiculously terrible movie. Horrible, obnoxious acting. Not scary at all. Extremely predictable. These ratings must have been written by the director, as no man in his right mind would enjoy this. I'm 99.9% positive the director created a number of fake accounts to skew the ratings. I wouldn't be so mad if I didn't pay $7.99 on on demand for this piece of junk. I feel like I was scammed, as there are no refunds for bad on demand movies. The director is 25 years old or something... And it shows. Bad story, bad acting, bad directing, and worst of all bad business. And I wouldn't have written so much about this movie but IMDb has a requirement of there being at least ten lines in a review, so I felt it was a necessary sacrifice in order to save others eight bucks!
Jane Morgan I was pretty impressed with this new approach to the now so old Dracula story. This independent movie brings a very original undertone to the whole horror scene and the ending is quite something! I watched it at the movie theater and I must say that the twist blew my mind off! It's true, it does start with the typical scenario, where kids go somewhere in the world, for a vacation, about to experience the Dracula castle. But it is not what your regular horror film got us used to. It's a deeper story, with subtle references to rituals and sins and the acting, I thought, is pretty good. For an independent film, the execution is excellent.
iraz I watched this film based on the External Reviews. I was hesitant but the reviews were all positive and I love GOOD horror films, but there are so many lousy ones made these days.So, I gave it a shot and I now wonder if they saw the same film I did! There is hardly anything to examining the story of Vlad, just an opening scene that was pretty poor. The rest of the film is the same stuff you see in so many horror films these days - a group of college kids visiting Vlad's castle with the same cast of characters you always see. Several attractive women, make sure you have a blonde in the group! The acting is wooden and pathetic, the "horror" is laughable and it couldn't end fast enough. I am really upset that I was duped again, either the reviewers' expectations are low already from the many poor movies out there or, need I say or suggest what the other option is. I promise myself to NOT be taken again and all I can say is the old adage - "let the buyer beware"!!!!