| 23 February 2006 (USA)
Dorm Trailers

When 12-year-old Ton transfers to an all-boys boarding school, he's taunted by his peers and terrified by their tales about the ghosts that inhabit the school. Ton is utterly miserable until he befriends a mysterious fellow pupil.

Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Ben Larson It was 25 years ago and Adrian Cronauer had a thing for Trinh. The movie was, of course, Good Morning Vietnam. Here she is, much older. Who would have guessed they cast a Thai in the role of a Vietnamese woman. At least Chintara Sukapatana has the opportunity to be more than eye candy this time.Some may have grabbed this film expecting a horror film or, at the very least a ghost story. You will be disappointed, as it is more of a coming- of-age tale.The young cast is very good, and Chintara Sukapatana is brilliant as the teacher.
maura-wesen I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I love to watch horror movies but I always dread how they end because most horror movies end with a scary 'it's after you now!' kind of ending. Although this film was listed as horror, I would definitely not categorize it as such. I loved the plot, I just wish it wasn't claiming to be a horror movie. It started off creepy with not even the audience knowing what was going on, as horror movies do, but it came to a peaceful ending with the poor drowned boy finding his resolution as the main character, Ton Chatree, makes peace with his family and especially his father. I very much enjoyed this movie. The only thing that could raise it to a 10 out of 10 would be if the ending had resolved all of the conflicts brought up, rather than just the most important ones. The two other conflicts being that Vichien wasn't the only person who had died on the campus, the cook's pregnant daughter also died, but that wasn't addressed after the beginning. The other conflict was that it was clear Vichien didn't drown by accident, it looked like someone was pulling his right foot down into the water causing him to drown. If this movie was correctly labeled not as a horror movie, and if it wasn't set up as a horror movie in the beginning and then turning into a drama movie instead, this movie would be a lot better.
dcp11 This film has just won the 'Generation' Children's Film prize at the Berlin Film Festival where the panel of young judges were very impressed with the tension filled plot and the acting of the young leads."This film depicts with unbelievable tension how a close friendship is possible between 2 boys from different worlds. This film is very special, not least due to the convincing actors." This was the quote from the jury members who awarded the film 1st prize.The plot is set around ghostly goings on at a boarding school in Thailand. The sinister headmistress clearly has a secret. Why does she cry alone in her room after looking in a desk drawer? Who is the mysterious boy whom only Chatree (the lead character) can see? The twist ending is slightly derivative of the 'Sixth Sense' but don't let that put you off.A DVD (with English subtitles) is available from Hong Kong retailers.
emailmaggie I would've given this a 10 if the unnecessary sex scenes were cut out. Afterall, as you can see from the movie poster, this movie is about a bunch of kids in a dorm, nudity is uncalled for. I really like the hilarious parts of the movie where they integrate some mixed feelings of horror and comedy. I would say the Thai are pioneers in terms of putting funny elements in a scary movie - especially in those specific parts. The two little actors did great. They really depicted their short-lived friendship so dramatically without too much exaggeration. I especially liked the kid who starred as Vicien, he did an exceptional job portraying the solitude and benignancy yet he still managed to send chills down the spine at some parts.
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