| 12 May 1978 (USA)
Don Trailers

A ruthless gangster named Don is killed during a scuffle with the police. Since only DSP D'Silva knows of this incident, he recruits Vijay, who is a spitting image of Don, to replace the original Don and infiltrate his gang. D'Silva plans to nab the entire gang, but when he dies during a raid, the secret that Vijay is not Don is also buried with him.

Executscan Expected more
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
MartinHafer "Don" is a film about a mobster called the Don (Amitabh Bachchan). He's a cold and dangerous man and specializes in blowing up his enemies. And, the guy is also very slippery and the police keep missing him. However, eventually, DSP D'Silva manages to kill the Don--but he has the guy buried in secret. Neither the police nor the criminals realize the Don is dead because D'Silva knows someone who looks exactly like the Don* and plans on substituting him. So, he creates a plausible story--that the Don was hurt so badly that his memory is temporarily impaired. However, Vijay doesn't realize that his impersonating the Don has two major problems--a woman in the mob is planning on killing the Don and what would happen if D'Silva was killed and they couldn't prove that Vijay WASN'T the Don! Tune in to see what's next.The story is interesting and worth seeing up until the end. Unfortunately, the end is terrible--and almost slapstick. Seeing the disabled guy fighting so ably was silly as was the use of slide-whistles whenever folks did flips--and they did MORE flips than you'd see in the Summer Olympics! Badly choreographed and silly--it makes the film slip from a 9 to a 7.
long-ford This much loved thriller is rated very highly by most people. I enjoyed it a great deal too, but more as a campy entertainer with fun songs. Amitabh Bachchan is very good in both his roles. The film is hurt by its modest budget but rises above it by focusing on histrionics. Pran has a great role as a circus performer. Zeenat Aman provides the glamor element. The soundtrack is still very popular and was partially copied in the Shahrukh remake. While the remake is admittedly stylish and with better production values, Amitabh's 'Don' remains more entertaining to watch.Overall 7/10
Gowri There's not much to explain about the story of "Don", which probably EVERYONE knows about by now, right? It may not be a GREAT story...but none the less the movie is just totally entertaining ~ you watch Amitabh perform from a totally COOL-evil bad guy to a goofy paan-eating guy and trust me, it's impossible not to adore the man. He's just so COOL! His stunts rock too.Though I usually can't stand Zeenat Aman, in this movie she got such awesome clothing, and an awesome hairstyle topped with a really COOL role. Pran is also the regular COOL guy, about just as COOL as Amitabh, which is why it rocks to see them together on screen as usual.Pretty much everyone else in the movie played their roles well.And I have to mention Kalyanji-Anandji who were behind all of the totally COOL music throughout the movie. The background music and songs are made to match the COOLNESS of the movie :-D. Lata, Kishore, and Asha at their ultimate COOL.So watch this COOL movie so I can stop using the word COOL so much hehe. Khaike Paan Banaras Wala!
rabani Don is a great film its different to other most indian films. Right from the start the first thing that thrills you about this film is the dynamic title music. Its so inspiring and puts you in a good mood for rest of the film. Amitabh's acting is good as allways and his acting from serious to comedy to serious is super. Zeenat Aman is a tough cat in this. I reccomend young people to watch AB movies they are entertaining just as they were when they was first released. Good supporting cast from Pran. Strong role of Iftikar and that sexy Helen doing best for what she's good at.The fight scene at the end is well performed and executed. The same music returns and blends well with the action. I give this film 7/10