| 02 June 2012 (USA)
DisOrientation Trailers

After a string of incompatible dorm mates, Finn – an unapologetic, collegiate underachiever and extreme party boy – hopes that a new year is going to bring some better luck. But 15-year-old, nerdy, brainiac Toby isn't exactly who he had in mind. After an extremely rough start, the two overcome their differences and team up to exact revenge on campus jock, Landon, and his posse of goons, who think they rule the school.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
kosmasp It's nice when the German distribution gives you a summary line ... which they used as title for this movie! I kid you not. But let's not get ahead of ourselves (something the movie does quite a few times). I did expect it to be worse than it actually was. There even was one scene where I had to laugh out loud ("why do you have a video of your parents..." is all I'm going to say, you'll know the scene, when it comes up).Apart from that it's the usual: a guy who's too old to still be in "school", gets a roommate who acts like he's 16 (weird glasses and all) and completely naive. They are actually both fish out of water types. You know where this is heading, some immature jokes (nudity, puking and much more) ensue and we are well on our way. There is a lot of heart in this, even it's most silly moments. Doesn't make it great, but might make you chuckle once or twice, especially if you're in the mood
seanc-gavan DisOrientation is a college comedy that borrows heavily from Ryan Reynolds' turn as the titular Van Wilder but with a cocaine habit and less charm. Just like Van Wilder, our hero, Finn takes an geeky freshman under his wing who is far too awkward to be believable. A token black friend, who is literally referred to as such for a laugh, also drifts in and out but as he has nothing of importance to say or do that joke really falls flat.Typical of this genre, our heroes are tormented by a group of stereotypical alpha male bullies who rack up the majority of the profanity in the script. This also fails to amuse as the insults they hurl sound like the stuff nine year old boys would construct out of ignorance. The rest of the film is a mildly funny pastiche of seemingly endless vomit gags and less than the appropriate amount of nudity that a sub par script of this genre would normally require. The movie does end with a legitimately funny, homo- erotic prank which I caught while channel flipping. It was enough to make me set a recording for the next airing which turned out to be a waste of time.
baconmcjesus If you're into crazy comedies this is definitely worth the watch! You can't go wrong when your lead character is a drunken mess trying to teach a little kid right from wrong. This is a film where you smile the whole way through because of the lovable characters and the laugh out loud moments are steady with all the drunken shenanigans these guys get into. Plenty of hot chicks, drinking, drugs, anarchy, and a sweet sweet revenge story you won't soon forget. Yeah, if you're a bully you don't want to mess with these guys that's for sure. I saw this at a festival and can't wait to get a copy of my own because of all the lines I missed when I was laughing so hard. All in all, if you miss college or need a few pointers on drinking this is the movie for you.
sinnerofcinema A very outrageous and unrelenting film. Saw this at a midnight screening at the most awesome Dances with Films Film festival and there is no words to describe this film. It is raunchy, extreme, politically incorrect, insulting, trashy (to say a few) and other words such as "genius" fall short in describing it. You must see it to believe it and as you watch, remember to breathe cause its filled with laugher non-stop right up till the end. In an era where comedies are made a dime a dozen, Disorientation is a part of that new breed of extreme cinema. A breed that holds no punches and its all up in your face disregarding any consequence or lasting impression it may have on its audience. If you hear or see of this film playing anywhere, seek it out. Make sure you watch on an empty stomach or else your will be projectile vomiting your meal onto some poor unsuspecting cinephile sitting next to you. I give the filmmakers kudos for such an impressive work of art...it is so refreshing to see folks who understand the power of film and who are willing to take it where others are afraid to go. If Porky's was the sexy raunchy comedy of the 80's, Disorientation is the Porky's for the new millennium.