Dish Dogs
Dish Dogs
R | 29 August 2000 (USA)
Dish Dogs Trailers

Two friends travel from town to town taking jobs as dishwashers until they both find love and must choose separate paths.

InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
queen_legolas It isn't a bad movie it's just not a great one. If you don't mind a simple film with nice likable characters then watch it. Its simple but fun when you have nothing else to do.The reason I watched it was because I was a Sean Astin fan. And if you are then it's cool simply because he's in it. Although I was surprised because there is some funny moments and some quite touching moments too which was surprising. And Matthew (Lillard) singing at the end was fantastic.It isn't a fantastic movie but give it a go it might surprise you, just don't expect anything too much.
babeulous Don't be misled by the display box or the cast listing: there is no surfing and almost no sex in this picture.The lead character fancies himself a philosopher, and pontificates continuously. But his philosophy is just surfer dude prattle, there's no thought or sense in it anywhere. And real philosophers don't babble on pretentiously about themselves. Drama works when the characters are believable. This character is utterly unbelievable, so there is no drama.The lead dude's sidekick is supposed to be intelligent and sensitive. It is not plausible that such a person would hang around with a self-absorbed, pretentious, babbling surfer dude who can't surf for even a day, much less for an endless summer. No drama here, either.I have known unambitious intellectuals who do janitorial work for the Zen of it. They're fascinating people. Had these characters shown even a hint of that depth, it might have made this picture interesting.Brian Dennehy is one of my favorite actors. He can be convincing as a guru-mentor or an evil villain, with powerful charisma. But he doesn't have anything to work with here. Kimber West and Lorissa McComas light up the screen for a few seconds each, just enough to raise hopes this picture just got better, and then they're gone. If you rent this picture to see them, you're wasting your time. (Won't someone *please* give Lorissa a decent role in a real movie?)There are great buddy pictures about likeable dudes from southern California. _Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure_ and _Fast Times at Ridgemont High_ were brilliant. Even _Wayne's World_ and _Dumb and Dumber_ have their moments. But _Dish Dogs_ isn't one of them.
frogman39 I chose this movie by the cover which was a bad move. It wasn't funny at all and the main characters were obnoxious. The girl was beautiful but the story and the acting were terrible. It had absolutely nothing to do with surfing. It had a few scenes with no waves- oh it did have the 2 main characters who obviously can't surf try to take off on a closeout. Then it showed Brian Dennehy who I liked in Cocoon but I lost all respect for him in this movie. It was obvious no one in the movie surfs, which is a good thing because they act like losers anyway. I'm amazed they wasted time and money producing this film. I'm even more amazed people bought it.
icecoldchild Seen the movie on TV yesterday. And now commenting on it. Well, that's a movie of two genres (so, if you call them genre...): Road-feel good movie. And there's philosophy also. Two friends who love dishwashing. Morgan (Sean Astin), the philosophic one, and Jason (Matthew Lillard-finally a role which made me like him!) the more sweet one, who loves the life&Molly. Well, i don't know if it will show up on video (or it did already), but well, it's kind of movie that you shouldn't buy but you can watch on TV, and enjoy. There are in the way too much chattering of Morgan sometime, but still a real thing to make you watch it: Matt Lillard sings a love song in the end! :)