| 03 August 2013 (USA)
Discopath Trailers

The mid-70's: A timid young New Yorker leads an uneventful life until he is fatefully exposed to the pulsating rhythms of a brand-new genre of music....disco. Unable to control his murderous impulses that stem from a traumatic childhood experience, Duane Lewis transforms into a dangerous serial killer exiled to Montreal.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Seth_Rogue_One With a movie named Discopath which is a humorous mix of the words Disco and Psychopath, cause Discomusic really turns the lead into a full-blooded psychopath. You would expect at least some kind of humor in the movie, but no, you would be wrong.Completely humor-free with the exceptions of a little humor towards the end but by then it's a little too late.Overall pretty amateurish filmmaking with not much positive to say about it.Well okay some of the songs on the soundtrack is pretty good, and was surprised they managed to get "Boogeyman" and "I Was Made For Loving You" in the movie, but that's the only surprise this movie will give you. And it doesn't help that 50% of the movie focuses on some highly uninteresting cops; one with a bad blonde wig investigating the dead bodies the Discopath leaves behind.
HumanoidOfFlesh Duane Lewis(Jérémie Earp-Lavergne)is an awkward and very shy man who works in a burger joint.But this soft-spoken and slightly weird guy has murderous dark side:when he hears pulsating disco music he turns into savage and merciless slasher of young women.His first victim roller-skating girl is murdered in New York night club during disco number.Duane catches the first flight to Montreal and begins his next killing spree there.What I especially enjoyed in "Discopathe" is an obvious influence of 70's grindhouse exploitation cinema and low-budget slasher flicks like Joseph Ellison's "Don't Go in the House"(1980).The film is pretty bloody and sleazy,so I can't complain.The direction of Renaud Gauthier is quite good and the cinematography is splendid.There are some silly scenes in "Discopathe",but if you like your slasher movies cheesy and bloody you can't go wrong with this groovy slasher indie.8 discopathic killers out of 10.Lots of fun.
Greg Music speaks to us all. But when music speaks to Duane Lewis (Jérémie Earp-Lavergne) he transforms into a serial killer whose murderous trail of blood can be found on both sides of the 49th parallel.On the surface, Duane looks like your average young man growing up in the discocentric mid-1970's. But a childhood event (seen later in flashbacks) underline why Duane has psychotic snaps in the presence of disco music leading to his murderous ways. His serial killer instincts are so violent in nature that bodies are dismembered and mutilated beyond recognition.On Duane's trail are both detectives from New York City and Montreal where Duane has taken up residence after fleeing the United States after a brutal slaying at a local Discotheque. Always one step behind, Duane seems unstoppable during his musically engaged rages. That is, until Duane reveals himself to the detectives leading to a climax that is an unpredictable as it is enjoyable.Discopath is directed by Renaud Gauthier who marked his directorial debut with this slick and fun horror film. A toe-tapping soundtrack which includes music from Kiss and KC & the Sunshine Band help lead to the authentic feel of the 70's and the violence goes from the grotesque such as the use of vinyl as a weapon to the graphically conclusion to a car chase during a funeral procession.Discopath switches languages when the action switches to Montreal which may dismay anyone who groans when having to read subtitles. But the effect only personifies the authenticity of the environment and setting that Gauthier has constructed from his own screenplay.A few dialogue lapses and questionable casting choices for a few of the side characters are the only drawbacks in an otherwise highly recommended hidden gem that we bet disco balls many of our readers have not heard of prior to this introduction.Upon a second viewing, we believe strongly that had Discopath been released theatrically in the late 1970's or early 80's it would easily have become kin to other revered Canadian horror films such as Black Christmas, Prom Night and Happy Birthday to Me.As an elder statesman in 2014 I can still confirm that Disco Sucks. But Discopath does everything but.www.killerreviews.com
Coventry It's truly a joy and relief to know that somewhere in this world (in Canada, apparently) some people are still making refreshing and creative new horror movies! "Discopathe" is a highly original, tongue-in-cheek and clumsy - although I'm sure that's intentional – low budgeted slasher flick that put a giant smile on my face from start to finish. Writer/director Renaud Gauthier (you can also spot him in a delicious cameo appearance as the protagonist's father) thought up a plot that is quite insane and simplistic but the setting, atmosphere and particularly the grotesque make-up effects form a downright terrific homage to the rancid and nasty exploitation horror flicks from the late 70's and early 80's. Duane Lewis is a handsome twenty-something New Yorker, but he has one major problem. The sound of disco music causes him to go out of his mind and turns him into a maniacal killer. Unfortunately for him, disco is something nearly impossible to avoid in the year 1976, especially when sexy Rollerblades-girls practically force him to go out clubbing. After having committed a gruesome murder, Duane flees to Montréal and inconspicuously hides himself as a caretaker in a catholic all-girl boarding school. But even here in this supposedly secure environment, Duane is again confronted with lewd disco-loving girls and his homicidal tendencies rapidly come back to the surface… bigger and nastier than ever! The violence as well as the killer's hateful facial expressions of "Discopathe" will instantly remind genre connoisseurs of all those gloriously controversial misogynic slashers from several decades ago ("Maniac", "Don't go in the House", "New York Ripper"…) but the subject matter here is light-headed and much easier to digest. I realize there might be something seriously wrong with me, but I thought it was brilliantly amusing and nostalgic to witness a crazed killer hack up and mutilate the corpse of a young girl with broken 7 inch records! Renaud Gauthier also included several obligatory but marvelously clichéd sub plots, like lesbian experimenting and perverted priests within the boarding school's walls, obsessive coppers with porno movie mustaches and the ludicrous childhood trauma. And then last but not least, of course, there is the sensational and aptly selected soundtrack. The great, exhilarating music makes the film's relatively short running time fly by even faster and several tunes are guaranteed to remain stuck in your head. "Discopathe" is a more than welcome must-see slasher for real horror freaks.